Turkey summons Iran envoy over Tehran's claims about president


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Nah, it were Seldschuks who holds Kurds in their empire as a buffer zone against Persian.
Actually it was the ottomans who used them as buffer zone against the Iranians since Iran it self was the capital of the Seljuks and both Iran and Anatolia were under their rule


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Plenty of bruised egos in Iran of late - Soleimani, Fakhrizadeh and Turkey in solidarity with Azerbaijan against Iran’s old friend Armenia. As we know, their bark is bigger than their bite.


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No wonder Iran is worried,there are as much as 20 millions ethnic Azeris living in Iran,while there's a growing support among them for separatism and/or becoming an integral part of Azerbaijan.

Turks united between eachother is the worst case scenario for Iranian regime. They are using many religious stories to keep Turks living in Iran in their hands. They are producing an unreal history to impose a policy as if all Turkish cultural elements are actually a part of Persian culture and nothing is Turkish about Azerbaijan. They know the rising natonalistic feelings among Turks will cause them big problems in future so they are so sensitive and aggressive when the subject is about Turks and our success in field. I think Turkey is establishing a big base to Azerbaijan now. They are taking all these developments as a threat to their national security because they have openly played wrong horse and this was accepted as an open hostility to Turkish identity in region. Turks living in Iran protested weapon supply of Iranian for Armenia. Brothers living different sides of the river congratulated eachother and became as happy as Turks living in Azerbaijan and Turkiye but I can’t say same for ethnic Persians. Many of them declared Turks supporting Azerbaijan as a “traitor” and jailed many of them. These are the things Iran has never predicted before. They are one of the biggest loser of Karabakh conflict and they will suffer more in following years. Israel and Turkey started to negotiate as well. Regional dynamics will change in following period. Firstly, we saw their terrorists collected all around the region against us in Idlib war. We sent them back to the place where they must stay with hundreds of body packages. Later, They supported Armenians against us and they are now moaning which is normal.


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Turks united between eachother is the worst case scenario for Iranian regime. They are using many religious stories to keep Turks living in Iran in their hands. They are producing an unreal history to impose a policy as if all Turkish cultural elements are actually a part of Persian culture and nothing is Turkish about Azerbaijan. They know the rising natonalistic feelings among Turks will cause them big problems in future so they are so sensitive and aggressive when the subject is about Turks and our success in field. I think Turkey is establishing a big base to Azerbaijan now. They are taking all these developments as a threat to their national security because they have openly played wrong horse and this was accepted as an open hostility to Turkish identity in region. Turks living in Iran protested weapon supply of Iranian for Armenia. Brothers living different sides of the river congratulated eachother and became as happy as Turks living in Azerbaijan and Turkiye but I can’t say same for ethnic Persians. Many of them declared Turks supporting Azerbaijan as a “traitor” and jailed many of them. These are the things Iran has never predicted before. They are one of the biggest loser of Karabakh conflict and they will suffer more in following years. Israel and Turkey started to negotiate as well. Regional dynamics will change in following period. Firstly, we saw their terrorists collected all around the region against us in Idlib war. We sent them back to the place where they must stay with hundreds of body packages. Later, They supported Armenians against us and they are now moaning which is normal.
Actually it’s quite the opposite the Azeris who are trying to claim Iranian history and culture as theirs including the country name


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Actually it’s quite the opposite the Azeris who are trying to claim Iranian history and culture as theirs including the country name

The Iranians have laid claim to countless Azerbaijani empires, states, traditions and people for many years now. The entire reason Iran is even Shia is because of the Safavid empire whom were Azeri Turks. They go that extra mile and even say Nader Shah is Iranian/Persian. You are active at defence.pk, you just have to look at their names and profiles pics to see all the shit they are unashamingly stealing. No doubt there is shared history between them but for the most part they have their own distinct history that are being twisted and superverted into the chauvanist agenda of your average generic Persian nationalist dumbfucks.
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The Iranians have laid claim to countless Azerbaijani empires, states, traditions and people for many years now. No doubt there is shared history between them but for the most part they have their own distinct history that are being twisted and superverted into the chauvanist agenda of your average generic Persian nationalist dumbfucks.
Yes most most the claims came from the Azeri side like claiming nizami or babak or Zoroaster and many more as for the Safavids they were of mixed origin yes the Turkish language was the dominate when they were in Tabriz but that’s was no longer the case when they moved to Isfahan

Fuzuli NL

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Iran, using its position as the leader of Shiite world, has successfully influenced and shaped the minds of people in many countries, including Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and even Syria.
Funny thing is that Azerbaijanis, despite being from the same ideological belief, are more in touch with their ethnic roots which is admirable.
We can see that clearly from their "Traxtor" matches!
I believe that if Iran were to be dragged into a situation like Syria, it'll only be a matter of time that south Azerbaijan would break up and join the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Rumour has it that Trump is planning to strike Iran as a farewell gift to Israel.


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Iran wanted Azerbaijan to fail in the karabakh war from the very beginning. Because they were knew that Turkey will help to Azerbaijan. This help would make Azerbaijan-Turkey relationship between more robust. Iran does not care for Armenia, Armenia was just a tool for Iran. Yes, if I were Iran, I would be worried about this development, because there are millions of nationalist Azerbaijanis potential within the country. More Turkish influence in the region,etc.. Turkey-Azerbaijan relationship will revise many plans.


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The move comes after Iran summoned Turkey's ambassador to the country over a poem President Recep Tayyip Erdogan read out during a ceremony in Azerbaijan. Tehran said the poem targeted Iran's territorial integrity.​

FILE PHOTO: A view of the logo and buildings of Turkey's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara, Turkey, on October 9, 2019.

Turkey has summoned the Iranian ambassador over unfounded allegations made about the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to diplomatic sources.

Ambassador Mohammad Farazmand, the ambassador in the capital Ankara, was summoned by Turkey’s Foreign Ministry to hear Ankara’s condemnation of unfounded allegations against Turkey and Erdogan as well as Iran’s summoning of Turkey’s envoy to Tehran, said the sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

During the meeting, Turkey rebuffed the allegations, stressing that if Iran has discomfort with any issue related to Turkey, it is unacceptable for Iran’s foreign minister to target Turkey via Twitter when there are other channels available to communicate.

It underlined that the manner of approach is not compatible with the close relations between Turkey and Iran, and in fact would only serve those who want to spoil these ties.

Earlier on Friday, Iran summoned Turkey's ambassador to the country over a poem Erdogan read out during a ceremony in Azerbaijan.

Turkish president recited a poem of Azerbaijani poet, Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh, about the division of Azerbaijan’s territory between Russia and Iran in the 19th century.

Tehran appeared concerned his remarks could fan separatist tendencies among Iran’s Azerbaijani minority.

Ambassador Derya Ors was summoned by Iran's deputy foreign minister to be told Tehran's "harsh condemnation," Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a written statement.

Ors was also told that Iran urgently expects an explanation, the statement added.

On Twitter, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed that the poem Erdogan read aloud targeted Iran's territorial integrity.

On Thursday, Erdogan attended a victory parade in Azerbaijan's capital Baku to mark the country's recent military success in liberating Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent regions from nearly 30 years of Armenian occupation.

Turkey has become a close ally of Azerbaijan, helping it make major territorial gains against Armenians in a war that ended with a ceasefire last month.



Unnecessary provocation tbh. When Turkey and Azerbaijan wanted visa free travel in 2009, the Iranians demanded that too with the threat to cut off road connection to Nakhchivan and thus the agreement didn't succeed. Now there is total silence on the part of Iran about the Turkish support for Azerbaijan and a highly likely visa free travel agreement with Azerbaijan will now succeed. Turkey and Azerbaijan took the risk and gained tremendously in this conflict while Iran lost. There is no need to rub it in their faces. Both Turkey and Iran need less enemies right now, not more.
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Unnecessary provocation tbh. When Turkey and Azerbaijan wanted visa free travel in 2009, the Iranians demanded that too and thus the agreement didn't succeed. Now there is total silence on the part of Iran about the Turkish support for Azerbaijan and a highly likely visa free travel agreement with Azerbaijan will now succeed. Turkey and Azerbaijan took the risk and gained tremendously in this conflict while Iran lost. There is no need to rub it in their faces. Both Turkey and Iran need less enemies right now, not more.

Iran deserves it to be honest


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Interesting that the Iranian regime conveniently claims to be Islamic in nature but has no problem in siding with an avowedly secular unpopular dictator in Syria or siding with Christian Armenians against their fellow Shia Muslim Azeris in Republic of Azerbaijan.

Also interesting that Christian Armenians defaced various mosques in occupied territories and yet, Iran continued to side with them over Azerbaijan.

The Iranian regime leadership seems to be disconnected from its youthful population under 30 years of age. Most of them have never experienced or seen the bloody and prolonged Iran-Iraq war. Most of them have no memories associated with it and most of them do not harbour negative sentiments towards the West for precisely that reason.

It was probably partially due to this disconnect that the regime was forced to sign the JCPOA. As it has been observed, the JCPOA only emboldened the regime in attacking other Muslim majority countries and creating havoc there.

When Donald Trump - openly and very publicly - admitted to ordering the assassination of Qasem Soleimani - their most prized and popular general - the response from Iran was very muted and symbolic.

It is also of interest that in all the 4 decades of 'resistance' by the regime, they have never fought an open war with the United States or the Zionist regime.

Their 'resistance' somehow was directed at the unfortunate masses of Arab countries in Iran's vicinity.

Other neighbours like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan or Turkey were not spared their assaults or devious plots. There is much to be learned about the regime's stated goals and its actual deeds. The gulf between the two exposes the regime's hypocrisy.


Unnecessary provocation tbh. When Turkey and Azerbaijan wanted visa free travel in 2009, the Iranians demanded that too with the threat to cut off road connection to Nakhchivan and thus the agreement didn't succeed. Now there is total silence on the part of Iran about the Turkish support for Azerbaijan and a highly likely visa free travel agreement with Azerbaijan will now succeed. Turkey and Azerbaijan took the risk and gained tremendously in this conflict while Iran lost. There is no need to rub it in their faces. Both Turkey and Iran need less enemies right now, not more.

Let's hope the rivalry is limited to Twitter outbursts.

It would be unwise for the Turkish leadership to act, willingly or unwillingly, as the proxies for any regional (i.e. Zionist regime/Israeli) or extra-regional (i.e. USA) players.

The end result would only be more chaos, more bloodshed, more lost lives and limbs and property all for the benefit of Zionist expansionist policy and American Machiavellian goals.

KKF 2.0

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What's this weird obsession with Turkish Kurds by some Iranian users? They really believe that a Sunni Kurd from Turkey is somehow secretly in love with them. Go to Eastern Anatolia and call them Iranian and you're gonna wake up in the hospital the next day. It's a derogatory term. I've met so many Kurds from very different parties and movements but not once I witnessed a pan-Iranian mindset.

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