Hasbara on full psy-ops with the Russians, Iranians and Americans. Either pretending these don't care or were supportive of Assad leaving Syria to the Turks. Maybe the Iranians, Israelis, Russians and Americans can have a group meeting with a big continual cry. China and India can be observers.
Netanyahu says Assad regime is not Israel’s concern
“We had no problem with the Assad regime,” Netanyahu told reporters at a briefing before returning to Israel from Russia. “For 40 years, not a single bullet was fired in the Golan Heights.”
Israel gave weapons to the rebels to keep division in Syria.
Israel Reportedly Providing Direct Aid, Funding to Syrian Rebels
It's been known that Israeli hospitals have treated wounded Syrian fighters, but Wall Street Journal report uncovers direct support in cash, without which fighters say they 'wouldn't have survived'
The goal of the Israelis, Americans and yes the Russians that could have taken out the SDF, was to keep Syria balkanized.
US to balkanize Syria under Kurdish pretext
As early as 2013, Western powers have been rooting for the balkanization of Syria as the best possible outcome of the war tearing apart the country since 2011.
As early as 2013, Western powers have been rooting for the balkanization of Syria as the best possible outcome of the war tearing apart the country since 2011.
Turkey has a chance at unity in Syria, which is the worst nightmare of Israelis, Americans and Russians. Russians lost Syria. Turkey has much work to do.
The more land Israelis steal, the more Americans threaten sanctions, the more desperate deals are tried, the more signs of total collapse of Russians, Americans, and Israelis in realizing the magnitude of this. Syria must be a unified nation. And the UNSC members + Israel are internally against that Turkish mission.