Everything happens as America wants finally, no country is allowed to raise their concern, or for the greater good of another country, region or the world peace, it seems blinken came and prevailed, turkey's security, or Syria's unity transition are not important, if a terrorist entity has to be protected so that American can steal oil and and benefit it's done, the people of that area protesting and getting killed by terrorists thats ok. On the other hand Isreal is given a open license to bomb another country with impunity for fun, invade and occupy at a helpless, period, no respect for that countries sovereignity, may be they want to exhaust their stock of bombs so the company involved in producing could get new orders, so US could allocate funds form the profit they earn from the stolen oil, so the innocent people suffering losing their lives, living a miserable life, does not matter, keeping the Americans prosperous is important, we are living and experiencing a perio of no justice, no peace, hegemony and anarchy, under Americas brutal superpower status. Western supremacy, cruelty, how long it's going to prevail, when this injustice and crimes against humanity would end, a question that every helpless person ask themselves.