ottomans didint brought them in it was more like shah ismail kick them out !
after aleppo i told everyone that turkey need's to make a deal with syrian government and stop at hama to let the government force to have direct like to turkey via homs and syrian coasts in exchange for government to leave the west coast of euphrate river to turkish forces ! also south of syria the golan heights should be patrolled jointly with russians and turkish troops . i even upload all of admiral cihat yayci's video about PKK's corridor but some turks from germany high on their ummah 31ing fantasy called me traitor who is working against the interest of the people ! its clear ! kurdistan project is for israel's long term security as 28th şubat generals did express that and they said we should be very carefull on geopolitical front and keep outside powers away from region islamist with their neo ottomanism and ummah 31ing fantasies screw up bitli's doctrain and get invoved in syrian war they armed train YPG to overthrow assad and throw al the 28th şubat generals who were fighting PKK for 25 years into jail some die in prison and behold the result. t
rump and putin did make a deal putin gave syria to trump and now trump is giving ukraine to putin both are geopolitical disaster to turkey ! @Huelague do you think i am traitor who is moving against interest of the people cuz i raise different voice when you were high with your ummah fantasies ?? are we in better situation now ??