Russian F35 would be a sight to behold. Russia - US alliance against china, we are living in video game chaos world at this point. Is this the end of civilization I wonder?
In fact, the US and Russia have never fought each other. They were allies in two world wars. They have never had territorial claims against each other. However, the same cannot be said about Russia and China. When the US and almost all Western European countries attacked China in the 19th century, Russia took the opportunity to send troops from the north and occupy 1.5 million square kilometers of Chinese territory. The Chinese have not forgotten this.
Russian anti-American propaganda has long confused me. They can easily become strategic allies, which means redefining the borders of many states and even destroying some of them. I do not see any serious obstacles to these two states getting closer.
At least it is not as “unnatural” as an alliance between Russia and China.
Another thing is that even these two powerful states, in my opinion, will not be able to prevent China from becoming stronger.
Perhaps this is the historical process that cannot be stopped.