China at its 'darkest' for human rights since 1989: HRW


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Repression in China has "deepened severely" in recent years, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Wednesday, calling it "the darkest period for human rights" since the 1989 massacre that ended the anti-government protests in Tiananmen Square.

It deepened with the detention of more than 1 million Uighur and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang "to pressure them to abandon Islam and their culture," as well as "the crushing of Hong Kong’s freedoms, ongoing repression in Tibet and Inner Mongolia, and the crackdown on independent voices throughout the country," according to the group’s annual report.

"Yet governments have long been reluctant to criticize Beijing for fear of retaliation," it added.

Although the US organized the first joint statement of governments willing to criticize China on human rights in 2016, it only received 11 signatures.

The report noted when the US withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council in 2018 under outgoing President Donald Trump’s administration, "many assumed that criticism of the Chinese government’s repression would end. In fact, it strengthened."

In the past two years, however, governments have "grown more confident" to criticize Beijing’s repression "by finding safety in numbers, reflecting Beijing’s inability to retaliate against the entire world," it said.

"The number of [the Organization of Islamic Cooperation] states supporting China’s repression in Xinjiang dropped from 25 in 2019 to 19 in 2020, with the remaining 37 OIC members refusing to join," said the 386-page report. "Albania and Turkey went further and added their voices to the joint condemnation of China’s abuses in Xinjiang."

It suggested that the numbers show "the tables may be turning, as more Muslim-majority countries are rightfully outraged by the Chinese government’s horrendous treatment of Muslims in Xinjiang."

This growing international willingness to condemn China pushed Beijing to release the number for the Uighur and other Turkic Muslims directly affected by its conduct in Xinjiang for the first time --1.3 million.

However, Beijing continued to claim they were in not detention but "vocational training centers" and many "graduated."

"Although this allusion to release must be tempered by the inability to verify independently the number remaining in detention and by the growing evidence that many who were released from custody were coerced into forced labor," according to the report.

It emphasized that this is a lesson for other governments that show they can make "a big difference even without Washington."

Referring to the incoming Joe Biden administration, it said: "Even under a more rights-friendly US administration, this broader collective defense of rights should be maintained."

"Even if Biden manages to overcome the swings and double standards that often plague US policy, the defense of human rights will be stronger if a wide range of governments continues to lead," it said.



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Its pure evil what's happened and continues to happen there. When you consider how the Chinese still cry about what the Japanese or Europeans did them, it turns out they are far worse.


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Chinese also said they are sterilising Uygur women on twitter.



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The europeans really humiliated the chinese, brought her down to her knees. Then the Japanese invaded and slaughtered the chinese where 'ever they found them. Still to this day the Chinese will cry about these crimes they suffered, but they will do everything to lie and silence the world on the treatment of their muslims. Literally concentration camps in the 21st century.

In china too you see the reality of all this "ummah" nonsense. Only erdogan spoke out in the past, the rest of the world celebrates chinese crimes against muslims. I still remember that checklist of nearly every so called muslim nation supporting chinese actions. Disgraceful and Muslims wonder why Allah reduced them globally to nothing.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
I know thet ordinary Turks share the plight of Uyghur people but what state can do, is there any massive demands towards authorities to help amd verify thos acusations beside western propaganda. Is there possibility for articulated approach towards china in order to help your brotherly nation.
I like Erdogan lot and respect his achievments in past but if he keeps his mouth shut i wish that he loose elections and his whole party as well, he was very loud on crimes of much lees magnitude. At least there could be some constant diplomatic pressure amd demands for monitoring situation, carefully addressed with respect to the China state


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I know thet ordinary Turks share the plight of Uyghur people but what state can do, is there any massive demands towards authorities to help amd verify thos acusations beside western propaganda. Is there possibility for articulated approach towards china in order to help your brotherly nation.
I like Erdogan lot and respect his achievments in past but if he keeps his mouth shut i wish that he loose elections and his whole party as well, he was very loud on crimes of much lees magnitude. At least there could be some constant diplomatic pressure amd demands for monitoring situation, carefully addressed with respect to the China state

Erdogan played Turkey into a corner by making open enemies with so many actors. He dragged Turkey into the Syrian quagmire without any clear strategy to bring victory to Turkey.

Once dragged into syria with no clear plan he put Turkey into direct conflict with every outside and regional actor from the USA, Russia, EU, Iran, the gulf states and their lackeys as well as Israel.

At this point he is not only in no position to say anything but he even has to rely on China for easy finance that will have long term costs to the republic.


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India & buthan are neutral ? 🤭

While india is hostile towards china, both india and china have a mutual interest in destroying their muslim minorities . Neither will question the other on it since both apply the same agenda.


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The darkest time for the west in centuries, posing to lose global domination to a non western country.


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Xinjiang is the most developed region in central and south Asia with first world facilities, people in Xinjiang enjoy 15 years free education, uinversal healthcare, poor families enjoy free government housing and monthly financial aid. I don't believe Muslims in Xinjiang like to live a life like neighboring Afghanistan and Kashmir.


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United Kingdom
The darkest time for the west in centuries, posing to lose global domination to a non western country.

the west built and maintains china. All your industry developed by the west, all your ideas copied from the west including marxism. The west made communist china the most favoured nation in the UN.

The west turned a 3rd world nation that kept getting defeated and occupied by regional powers into what she is today. Don't be so sure that the west who developed all your industry and allowed you steal and copy intellectual property with no consequence will allow it forever.

We are already seeing moves to take industry away from china.


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The other problem is it seems that even the indians seem to get the better of the border skirmishes. If you can't defeat indians when the americans, russians or japanese come you are going to be in big trouble.

this cannot become a global power.



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The other problem is it seems that even the indians seem to get the better of the border skirmishes. If you can't defeat indians when the americans, russians or japanese come you are going to be in big trouble.

this cannot become a global power.

Being debunked so many times, they were saying goodbye to their families, China doesn't send new recruits to the front line, western media is lacking common sense. by the way, the same media also claimed Taiwan downed Chinese jets over Taiwan strait a couple of months ago.


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the west built and maintains china. All your industry developed by the west, all your ideas copied from the west including marxism. The west made communist china the most favoured nation in the UN.

The west turned a 3rd world nation that kept getting defeated and occupied by regional powers into what she is today. Don't be so sure that the west who developed all your industry and allowed you steal and copy intellectual property with no consequence will allow it forever.

We are already seeing moves to take industry away from china.
I hope you stay on topic and the west didn't build China, Chinese did, the west came to China to make money and was after their own interest and gains, they got handsome returns. the west never loved China to the point that they want to build up China, they also go to other countries for business and money opportunities.

As for the west is leaving China, good luck with them.


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Now Chinese money keeps US economy afloat and people fed, it doesn't mean China loves US, it means investments.


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United Kingdom
I hope you stay on topic. This thread was about the genocide of the Muslim by the communist Chinese party. Don't come in here with "global domination" will be ended. Don't come in with everything is sunshine in china.

Today your soldiers are getting spanked by indians who lets be honest are terrible fighters and you have the cheek to claim global domination. tomorrow when a japanese or russian army rolls in you will return to your crying state and play the victim. Just as you played the victim over a century of humiliation or when the Japs annexed much of china.

Truth be told you have america to thank that you are not a japanese colony today. You previously have the Japanese to thank for kicking most of your europeans masters out when they moved in.

Meanwhile "muh global domination"

Win a serious war first before claiming global domination. You cannot even deal with India who is a 3rd world nation but you think you will dominate the globe. Madness.


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Today your soldiers are getting spanked by indians who lets be honest are terrible fighters and you have the cheek to claim global domination. tomorrow when a japanese or russian army rolls in you will return to your crying state and play the victim. Just as you played the victim over a century of humiliation or when the Japs annexed much of china.
Lol, ok. if your fantacy world makes you happy, keep living in it. Don't have to be this angry, if you beat us every time I fail to see why we still make you angry, ha

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