Erdogan launches welding of 3rd Milgem warship being constructed for Pakistan Navy


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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends the launching ceremony of the welding of the third ship to be constructed for Pakistan Navy under MILGEM project. — Photo courtesy: Radio Pak

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday launched the welding of the third ship to be constructed for Pakistan Navy under the Milgem project.

Ambassador of Pakistan in Turkey Mohammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi also accompanied Erdogan at the groundbreaking of the third out of a total of four Milgem Ada-class corvette for Pakistan Navy in Istanbul.

Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Mustafa Sentop, Minister of National Defence of Turkey Hulusi Akar, Chief of Turkish General Staff General Yasar Guler, Commander of Turkish Naval Forces Admiral Adnan Ozbal, and other dignitaries attended the ceremony that also marked the launching of I-class Turkish Navy 'Istanbul' frigate.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Erdogan said Pakistan is "our brotherly country with whom Turkey enjoys excellent relations".

He underscored that the defence collaboration for the construction of Milgem class warships was another milestone in Turkey-Pakistan defence ties.

Read: Pakistan Navy begins constructing modern warships in coordination with Turkey

President Erdogan said both Pakistan and Turkey were living in difficult geographical regions and both countries were facing similar challenges. He affirmed that Turkey would continue to support friendly and allied countries in the defence field.

Referring to his visit to Pakistan last year, President Erdogan said the two countries signed a Strategic Economic Framework that would provide the necessary institutional framework to further enhance bilateral ties.

All Turkish dignitaries who spoke at the ceremony hailed the Pakistan-Turkish brotherly relations and reiterated Turkey's support to Pakistan on core issues of its national interest.

The contract for four Milgem class corvettes for Pakistan Navy with concurrent Transfer of Technology (ToT) was signed with ASFAT Inc, a Turkish state-owned Defence contractor firm in 2018.

According to the plan, two corvettes will be built in Turkey and the other two will be built in Pakistan, at the Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) — Pakistan Navy's specialised shipbuilding division — that also involves technology transfer.

Milgem vessels are 99 metres long with a displacement capacity of 2,400 tonnes and can move at a speed of 29 nautical miles.

These anti-submarine combat frigates, which can be hidden from the radar, will further enhance the defence capability of the Pakistan Navy.


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Mini submarine project (STM)
Agosta submarine upgrade program
Fleet replenishment tankers
Milgem corvette tech transfer and construction
Intention of joining in Turkish Milden submarine program

The volume of Turkish-Pakistan naval programs are in impressive level and this cooperations will be increased with more agressive programs in future. I think Tf2000 will attract attention of Pakistani officials when she is launched on sea.


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Mini submarine project (STM)
Agosta submarine upgrade program
Fleet replenishment tankers
Milgem corvette tech transfer and construction
Intention of joining in Turkish Milden submarine program

The volume of Turkish-Pakistan naval programs are in impressive level and this cooperations will be increased with more agressive programs in future. I think Tf2000 will attract attention of Pakistani officials when she is launched on sea.
Amd it is bascially only scratch of full potential around for other army forces branches but really glad that things started to move with more speed at last.
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Amd it is bascially only scratch of full potential arond for other army forces branches but really glad that things started to move with more speed at last.
Yes, I agree. The thing about Pakistan is one thing is more or less certain. The rivalry with India is not about to go away any faster then the angst between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Only differance it has a nuclear angle to it. Given India has a population avantage of nearly 7:1 against Pakistan the importance of having a strong military is matter of national survival. So expect the capability of Pak Armed forces to keep increasing as we forward. The most respect and trusted institution in Pakistan is the military. Only yesterday I was watching the re-opening celebration of the Malam, Jabba Ski resort in Swat which only few years ago was ran over by the TTP terrorists.

Since 2001 Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya have gone through eye of the storm. As one of visitors at th ski resort said who would believe in 2010 when the world was talking of "failed Pakistan" that the resort would be re-opened. While all the other countries in the eye of the strorm have fallen apart Pakistan has come out stronger and standing taller. All this has been possible only because of having a strong military.

I did a research project in 2017 financed by UK funding agency on the history of Pakistan Army with particular referance to the British Empire. Almost all the elite and senior fighting regiments of Pak Army and also the airforce/navy date back to the British era. Most of the regiments date from 1860s-1870s and have nearly one and half centuries of fighting heritage.

One unit that I covered because of it's connection to Britain is the Baloch Regiment dating back to 1860s when it was established taking in Baloch/Pakhtun recruits. Of the many battles it fought acroos the world in 1914 it faced the Germans in Belgium where Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first native to win the Victoria Cross. Other regiments also had amazing histories. One regiment saw Sepoy Mir Dast being awarded Victoria Cross for fighting Germans at the same time his brother Mir Mast crossed over to the German lines hoping to join the Ottoman Army. He ended up being awarded the German Iron Cross. Now that is a story worth making a film over.

I am not trying in any way honour the British Empire but this is how it ws and say that as result of that, a very militaristic culture took root in certain parts of what is now Pakistan. The result was in 1947 all those regiments went into forming the Pakistan Army and with others providing the nucleaus for the Pak Navy and airforce. The result of this history is that despite all other problems Pakistan has always had a strong military with a tradition going back a long way.

Mir Mast - Iron Cross in service of Germany and Ottoman Empire


Brother Mir Dast Victoria Cross in service of Britain



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Was I right then that the third milgem of Ada is being built in Turkey ? The one next to Istanbul class frigate ? Which would mean Pakistan already has received 2 Ada class corvette ?


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Was I right then that the third milgem of Ada is being built in Turkey ? The one next to Istanbul class frigate ? Which would mean Pakistan already has received 2 Ada class corvette ?

We did induct two corvette this year. It wasn't s bad year for Pakistani navy.



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Yes, I agree. The thing about Pakistan is one thing is more or less certain. The rivalry with India is not about to go away any faster then the angst between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Only differance it has a nuclear angle to it. Given India has a population avantage of nearly 7:1 against Pakistan the importance of having a strong military is matter of national survival. So expect the capability of Pak Armed forces to keep increasing as we forward. The most respect and trusted institution in Pakistan is the military. Only yesterday I was watching the re-opening celebration of the Malam, Jabba Ski resort in Swat which only few years ago was ran over by the TTP terrorists.

Since 2001 Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya have gone through eye of the storm. As one of visitors at th ski resort said who would believe in 2010 when the world was talking of "failed Pakistan" that the resort would be re-opened. While all the other countries in the eye of the strorm have fallen apart Pakistan has come out stronger and standing taller. All this has been possible only because of having a strong military.

I did a research project in 2017 financed by UK funding agency on the history of Pakistan Army with particular referance to the British Empire. Almost all the elite and senior fighting regiments of Pak Army and also the airforce/navy date back to the British era. Most of the regiments date from 1860s-1870s and have nearly one and half centuries of fighting heritage.

One unit that I covered because of it's connection to Britain is the Baloch Regiment dating back to 1860s when it was established taking in Baloch/Pakhtun recruits. Of the many battles it fought acroos the world in 1914 it faced the Germans in Belgium where Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first native to win the Victoria Cross. Other regiments also had amazing histories. One regiment saw Sepoy Mir Dast being awarded Victoria Cross for fighting Germans at the same time his brother Mir Mast crossed over to the German lines hoping to join the Ottoman Army. He ended up being awarded the German Iron Cross. Now that is a story worth making a film over.

I am not trying in any way honour the British Empire but this is how it ws and say that as result of that, a very militaristic culture took root in certain parts of what is now Pakistan. The result was in 1947 all those regiments went into forming the Pakistan Army and with others providing the nucleaus for the Pak Navy and airforce. The result of this history is that despite all other problems Pakistan has always had a strong military with a tradition going back a long way.

Mir Mast - Iron Cross in service of Germany and Ottoman Empire

View attachment 12755

Brother Mir Dast Victoria Cross in service of Britain

View attachment 12756
Beleive me or not it is miracle itself that Pakistan is at least functional state if you take in consideration all historical circumtences and starting point from modern history perspective but you know that better then me.
As you mentioned strong army will be always focus of Pakistan and by my opinion what you can benefit most from Turkey is digitalisaion of your comabt systems and in some longer term AA defence network. All could be achieved with local sources probably with some ToT.


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Beleive me or not it is miracle itself that Pakistan is at least functional state if you take in consideration all historical circumtences and starting point from modern history perspective but you know that better then me.
As you mentioned strong army will be always focus of Pakistan and by my opinion what you can benefit most from Turkey is digitalisaion of your comabt systems and in some longer term AA defence network. All could be achieved with local sources probably with some ToT.
Precisely. Fact is Pakistan will always need a massive military. And that is even looking beyond the threat of india. As a large state in a very contested region of the world. So given that there is enormous potential for future JV projects with Turkey in all spheres of defence sectors.


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Yes, I agree. The thing about Pakistan is one thing is more or less certain. The rivalry with India is not about to go away any faster then the angst between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Only differance it has a nuclear angle to it. Given India has a population avantage of nearly 7:1 against Pakistan the importance of having a strong military is matter of national survival. So expect the capability of Pak Armed forces to keep increasing as we forward. The most respect and trusted institution in Pakistan is the military. Only yesterday I was watching the re-opening celebration of the Malam, Jabba Ski resort in Swat which only few years ago was ran over by the TTP terrorists.

Since 2001 Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya have gone through eye of the storm. As one of visitors at th ski resort said who would believe in 2010 when the world was talking of "failed Pakistan" that the resort would be re-opened. While all the other countries in the eye of the strorm have fallen apart Pakistan has come out stronger and standing taller. All this has been possible only because of having a strong military.

I did a research project in 2017 financed by UK funding agency on the history of Pakistan Army with particular referance to the British Empire. Almost all the elite and senior fighting regiments of Pak Army and also the airforce/navy date back to the British era. Most of the regiments date from 1860s-1870s and have nearly one and half centuries of fighting heritage.

One unit that I covered because of it's connection to Britain is the Baloch Regiment dating back to 1860s when it was established taking in Baloch/Pakhtun recruits. Of the many battles it fought acroos the world in 1914 it faced the Germans in Belgium where Sepoy Khudadad Khan became the first native to win the Victoria Cross. Other regiments also had amazing histories. One regiment saw Sepoy Mir Dast being awarded Victoria Cross for fighting Germans at the same time his brother Mir Mast crossed over to the German lines hoping to join the Ottoman Army. He ended up being awarded the German Iron Cross. Now that is a story worth making a film over.

I am not trying in any way honour the British Empire but this is how it ws and say that as result of that, a very militaristic culture took root in certain parts of what is now Pakistan. The result was in 1947 all those regiments went into forming the Pakistan Army and with others providing the nucleaus for the Pak Navy and airforce. The result of this history is that despite all other problems Pakistan has always had a strong military with a tradition going back a long way.

Mir Mast - Iron Cross in service of Germany and Ottoman Empire

View attachment 12755

Brother Mir Dast Victoria Cross in service of Britain

View attachment 12756

The military history of Pakistan dates even back. Infact I would say the military reformations of Akbar and a profound impact in the regions that would go on to become Pakistan with many of them creating, what we can call, military families. The British and the Sikh empire added to these reforms and at one point the British greatly relied on these regions for their military strength. While the warrior tradition dates back hundreds, if not thousands of years, organized military efforts from various families and tribes could be said to be from Akbar's era. At least the ground work which was built later on, most impactful of it being the British empire itself.

Indeed so and counterinsurgency, like all wars, also had a profound impact in the military doctrine of Pakistani army and it was a real trial by fire but in the end we prevailed. Less swat more FATA, when we talk about cases where the militants held massive sway yet now we are talking about building courts over there, internet services and university. An administrative setup is being implemented in a region where nobody and j mean nobody could maintain their control. Lawyers have formed groups and are leading the legal charge for the region and we have civil services and staff being appointed. Neirher Alexander nor the Ummayad nor the sultanate nor mughal nor the British, nobody for thousands of years has ever succeeded in the task we have undertaken and that is assimilating the region of FATA.


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Precisely. Fact is Pakistan will always need a massive military. And that is even looking beyond the threat of india. As a large state in a very contested region of the world. So given that there is enormous potential for future JV projects with Turkey in all spheres of defence sectors.

Pakistan would happily live a non-military life the day the million army nations in our East and North, drop their armies. I would say our defensive doctrine and requirement would always see us in the 500-600k range and frankly a well equipped army of such a size with technological advancement would be a nightmare to fight against.


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Precisely. Fact is Pakistan will always need a massive military. And that is even looking beyond the threat of india. As a large state in a very contested region of the world. So given that there is enormous potential for future JV projects with Turkey in all spheres of defence sectors.
Sure, india is not your only concern, i would say if you sometime in future solve Kashmir occupation issue trough diplomatic or some other means (less likely) you will still have needs for strong military, then even if you exlude iran and afganistan from securty eguation, new one will emerge if you sucsess to emerge economically. In my vision i see pakistan as global player, i know it is silly to think like that given current conditions, but once you overcome this childish society diseases, there is no reason to assume anything else then skyrocketing of your economy and consequently all other things within Pakistan.


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The military history of Pakistan dates even back.
Indeed. But my frame of referance was modern, disciplined, uniformed and professional armies the template of which emerged in Europe and was brought to South Asia by British. The Pakistan Army hails from this tradition which was laid by British.

new one will emerge if you sucsess to emerge economically. In my vision i see pakistan as global player, i know it is silly to think like that given current conditions, but once you overcome this childish society diseases, there is no reason to assume anything else then skyrocketing of your economy and consequently all other things within Pakistan.
Thank you for hoping and holding a positive future for Pakistan. Pakistan is huge nation of diversity, cultures, peoples with enormous potential. Let us hope the country comes out of the growing pains and takes it's place as a important nation in the global order.


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Less swat more FATA, when we talk about cases where the militants held massive sway yet now we are talking about building courts over there, internet services and university. An administrative setup is being implemented in a region where nobody and j mean nobody could maintain their control. Lawyers have formed groups and are leading the legal charge for the region and we have civil services and staff being appointed. Neirher Alexander nor the Ummayad nor the sultanate nor mughal nor the British, nobody for thousands of years has ever succeeded in the task we have undertaken and that is assimilating the region of FATA.
You know I have high hopes on PTI improving literacy, health and most important of all integrating and placing ex FATA on path to development. Even if it succeeds in one of these it will be great leap forward. And early signs are very positive for ex-FATA. Lot of tribes in the region have talent waiting and will contribute to Pakistan. Mir Dast, Mir Mast both came from the Afridi tribe. Shahid Afridi, the CEO of Haier Pakistan, Peshawar Zalmi are from the same stock. Think of the talent waiting to be unleashed with education.

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