Ghost soldier
According to the site africa intelligence naval group will sell the scorpene SSK submarine to moroccan navy as part of a contract to provide an undisclosed number of submarines
By winning a contract for the construction of an Avante 1800 patrol vessel, the Spanish Navantia aspires to become a regular supplier to the Royal Moroccan Navy. The French Naval Group is concentrating its efforts on submarines.
By winning a contract for the construction of an Avante 1800 patrol vessel, the Spanish Navantia aspires to become a regular supplier to the Royal Moroccan Navy. The French Naval Group is concentrating its efforts on submarines.
MAROC : Marine royale : Navantia rêve déjà de nouveaux contrats de patrouilleurs, Naval Group mise tout sur les sous-marins - 04/03/2021 - Africa Intelligence
En raflant un marché pour la construction d'un patrouilleur Avante 1800, l'espagnol Navantia aspire à devenir un fournisseur régulier de la Marine royale marocaine. Le français Naval Group concentre - 3/4/2021