Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan conflict


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Persians need a good slap.

Persians and all the Iranians are backing each other. I hope the Turkic peoples put aside their differences and back our Kyrgz brothers.

I have a feeling Turkey is going to do the usual muh ummah bs not intervene while Russia and Iran back the Tajiks. Russia is going to play both sides.
always the same - will never change -
turkey is and will stay alone in almost any future conflict - facts ... AZ not capable enough to deal with major powers (crap like ARM, etc not worth counting) - and that's it... since our former "govs" used to c0ckl0ve the west, instead of build up serious alliances with nations - turkey will be alone ... that is the sad truth... I'm hoping that turkey won't face any serious enemy in the near future - all the pride beside - we aren't able to fight a multifront war with a pack of hyenas surrounding us for decades... thanks to our former govs and wrongdoings or "wrong decisions" made... turkey should only supply Kyrgyz - that's all; and mark my words - that will be enough for more embargos incoming <3 .... suddenly every c0ckbl0ck "nation" on earth would be interested in Tajik security and h00man rights of Tajiks - but anyhow - it's not for the Tajiks - if TR would join or aid the Tajik side, everyone would cry for humanity in the name of the Kyrgyz :) got my point... ?


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I think Krygyzstan may need help. Iran is supporting Tajiks and Turkey may enter the game to change the balance. We should watch this conflict closely.

Tajikistan has a bigger air force, already sending in their attack helicopters.

Turkey should send drones as well as close range air defence systems in my opinion. Kyrgyzstan will need both.

Edit: It seems that both sides have miniscule air capabilities. Tajikistan has 6 attack helicopters vs Kyrgyzstan's 2. No fighter or attack jets whatsoever. A small shipment of drones will completely shift the conflict in Kyrgyzstan's favor.
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Tajikistan has a bigger air force, already sending in their attack helicopters.

Turkey should send drones as well as close range air defence systems in my opinion. Kyrgyzstan will need both.

Seriously why dont we have a Turkish shadow army or a wagner like group that fight these wars with deniable ops while training and helping our Turkic brothers.

Seriously man this passiveness bs pisses me off.

I could careless if people tell me Tajiks are Sunni Persians so its Muslims vs Muslims so I should ashamed for picking a bone. Seriously I dont care to be honest. Because I put religion and geopolitics separate.

This whole conflict is not just land and water its also racial. Tajiks also claim Bukhara and Samarkand belongs to them.


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I hope they resolve this issue. We really don't want more wars in this region. Location of conflict.



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Russians tookover Tajikistan from Turkic rule and handed over control to the Tajiks.

As usual Russians doing their part in destroying the Turkic world bit by bit.

I hope they resolve this issue. We really don't want more wars in this region. Location of conflict.

View attachment 19376

India has a military base in Tajikistan. Pakistan should back Kyrgstan if not try to build a base there to contain Indian ambitions. Which is a logical choice.


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Russians tookover Tajikistan from Turkic rule and handed over control to the Tajiks.

As usual Russians doing their part in destroying the Turkic world bit by bit.

India has a military base in Tajikistan. Pakistan should back Kyrgstan if not try to build a base there to contain Indian ambitions. Which is a logical choice.
Yes, I agree. This region is literally Pakistan's backyard and only 150 miles north of Islamabad. Pakistan supported the Pakhtun Taliban in Afghanistan who are bitter foes of Panjshiri Tajiks led by the dead basket Ahmad Shah Masood but he left behind Abdulla Abdulla who is Pakistan's sworn enemy and is a Afghan Tajik. This group who America helped to power in Kabul after 2001 is supported by India and Tajikistan. I have always said Pakistan needs a aggressive approach in this region as it has direct effect on Pakistan. So supporting Kirghiztan would make sense.


According to krygztan source:

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agreed to cease fire and withdraw military forces to the places of their former deployment.

As a result of negotiations between the ministers of foreign affairs of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, agreements were reached on a complete ceasefire from 20.00 and the withdrawal of military forces to the places of their former deployment.

Edit : The news has also been verified by France24


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Yes, I agree. This region is literally Pakistan's backyard and only 150 miles north of Islamabad. Pakistan supported the Pakhtun Taliban in Afghanistan who are bitter foes of Panjshiri Tajiks led by the dead basket Ahmad Shah Masood but he left behind Abdulla Abdulla who is Pakistan's sworn enemy and is a Afghan Tajik. This group who America helped to power in Kabul after 2001 is supported by India and Tajikistan. I have always said Pakistan needs a aggressive approach in this region as it has direct effect on Pakistan. So supporting Kirghiztan would make sense.

Pakistan had ambitions but wasted by dumbass politicians and the mullah crowd.


Early today Localresidents have gathered on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border in Batken and are throwing stones at each other. Residents of Kok-Tash village told news agency.

According to them, about 30-40 people gathered from each side.

“Today Tajikistan tried to install a video surveillance camera on an electric pole next to the Golovnaya water distributor. People gathered at the border. Now they are throwing stones at each other. We have one victim, ”said the villagers at the epicenter of the incident.

Video of event



The reason of conflict:

Tajikistan reacted to the next statement of the head of the State Committee for National Security Kamchybek Tashiev

Kyrgyzstan plans to build a reservoir at the source of the Kozu-Baglan River, which is called Khojabokirgon in Tajikistan. This topic has been discussed for a long time, but if Kyrgyzstan wants to bring border conflicts to water, then Tajikistan has a worthy answer, ”the commentary of the Tajik side says.

“This is not the first time the Kyrgyz side wants to build a reservoir at the source of the Khojabokirgon River. But negotiations continue: either we are building together, or it is not known how these negotiations will end. The construction of a reservoir in the border areas should be resolved at the level of an interstate agreement. In accordance with the agreements, when Kyrgyzstan wants to build a reservoir, it must coordinate with us and take into account our interests, ”said the deputy director of the department, Halim Khodjiev.
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dumbass politicians and the mullah crowd.
100% right. The politicians who could not think beyond their noses and mullahs who can only look at their beards. Really sad though. So much opportunity missed. When Soviet Union collapsed and the Russian pulled out of the region there was so much hope. I don't think you guys know how inexorably north-west region of Pakistan was historically linked with Samarkand, Tashkent, Bhukara. Caravan of traders whose houses still stand in Peshawar would go along the trade routes. Then the original iron curtain descended on the region dividing it between the Russian Czarist sphere and a British sphere. Many architecture features of buildings we have in Pakistan carry clear Central Asian features you see in Khiva etc.

But all possibilities were wasted giving chance for Russia to get back there again. Below: Mosque in Thatta.



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The reason of conflict:

Tajikistan reacted to the next statement of the head of the State Committee for National Security Kamchybek Tashiev

Kyrgyzstan plans to build a reservoir at the source of the Kozu-Baglan River, which is called Khojabokirgon in Tajikistan. This topic has been discussed for a long time, but if Kyrgyzstan wants to bring border conflicts to water, then Tajikistan has a worthy answer, ”the commentary of the Tajik side says.

“This is not the first time the Kyrgyz side wants to build a reservoir at the source of the Khojabokirgon River. But negotiations continue: either we are building together, or it is not known how these negotiations will end. The construction of a reservoir in the border areas should be resolved at the level of an interstate agreement. In accordance with the agreements, when Kyrgyzstan wants to build a reservoir, it must coordinate with us and take into account our interests, ”said the deputy director of the department, Halim Khodjiev.

Tajikistan does not want Kyrgzstan controlling their water supply?


Seriously why dont we have a Turkish shadow army or a wagner like group that fight these wars with deniable ops while training and helping our Turkic brothers.

Turkey have SADAT International Defense Consultancy which is labeled by white knights as Turkish wagner. There was some whining that they played significant role in the demise of Haftar dream.



Pakistan had ambitions but wasted by dumbass politicians and the mullah crowd.

This video lack some facts, The ambitions weren't crushed by "mullah crowd". Bearded mullahs did the dying for kicking mighty USSR out of Afghanistan.
After the withdraw of USSR Benazir Bhutto (Prime Minister of Pakistan at the time) pulled the plug on the ISI - Inter Services Intelligence and dismissed some 700 competent people who were tasked to secure alliance for the pipeline project.
All was done to please the earthly Gods.


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Both countries are extremely close to Russia and have Russian military assets on their territory. Now after the ceasefire and the proposed meeting between the PMs of the two countries some sources also point at Peacekeeping force consisted of 3rd countries to be established in order to patrol the Kyrgyz-Tajik border and if you keep tracking what I am talking about you probably already know who will be the "Peacekeeper".

Philip the Arab

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Persians need a good slap.

Persians and all the Iranians are backing each other. I hope the Turkic peoples put aside their differences and back our Kyrgz brothers.

I have a feeling Turkey is going to do the usual muh ummah bs not intervene while Russia and Iran back the Tajiks. Russia is going to play both sides.
The conflict won't last, it will end in a few days but I could be wrong.


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Since India has been brought in (on what seems to be some border skirmish/tensions totally unrelated to our relations with both countries involved), time to set the record straight.

India has a military base in Tajikistan. Pakistan should back Kyrgstan if not try to build a base there to contain Indian ambitions. Which is a logical choice.

We share good relations with both countries. Kyrgyzstan recently sent their special forces to train in India alongside ours as just one example:


If the topic of "Northern Alliance" and "ANA" etc are being brought up w.r.t "Tajik" by other participants.

It is interesting they do not mention where the Uzbeks (and Uzbekistan) and Turkmen (and Turkmenistan) aligned with.

Are they suddenly not Turkics? :unsure: ...or just inconvenient to mention to try single out Tajik?

Where did Turkey itself support (incl. paying with 15 martyrs ) when push came to shove in that conflict?

If we are to dismiss "sunni" Tajikistan as being "Persian" by way of their language-culture basis solely....

What is the logic to be applied on similar Iranic-language speaking Pashto "Sunni" (extremely regressive and barbaric) Taliban?

This whole border area of central asian republics (that were glued together for a generation or two by soviets) is a total mess to begin with.... seething with all kind of potential for flare ups among the trijunction of tajik,kyrgyz,uzbek in area, just look at it:


So I don't think much more than that need to be made of this.....unless you first see the uzbeks and turkmens and kazakhs ally with kyrgyz on turkic basis over Tajik......and say leave their support to afghan national govt on that basis a first common minimum so it actually takes on that hue for Turkey to contemplate intervening.

But Uzbeks and Turkmen have strong vested interest in supporting the Afghan national Govt....alongside Tajik.

It is very likely this stays contained to the immediate area and this flare up is worked out by usual mechanisms.

In any case, the big litmus test on this kind of thing involves the uighurs given what is happening to them in a basic existential way (forget border scuffles).

What has been the response of fellow turkic nations on it so far (and likely to continue as is)?
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