All options to be used for repatriation of Nawaz: Governor


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LAHORE - Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has said that all options as per the constitution of Pakistan will be used for repatriation of Nawaz Sharif.

We are not afraid of the opposition’s protests. We have already faced Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman’s protest March.

Through Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority we will provide clean drinking water to the people living in cities as well as villages of Punjab province.

He was talking to the media on the occasion of inauguration of water filtration plant in Sheikhupura District Kachehri.

MPA Jalil Ahmad Sharakpuri and Chaudhry Ishfaq Ahmad Virk were also present on this occasion.

Responding to questions of journalists, Governor Punjab Chaudhry Sarwar said that Islamabad High Court (IHC) has already given a verdict regarding the repatriation of Nawaz Sharif. Our government will resolve this issue as per the constitution. We have always been following courts’ orders and we will continue to do so in future as well.



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LAHORE - Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has said that all options as per the constitution of Pakistan will be used for repatriation of Nawaz Sharif.

But first please answer this simple question: Why were "all options as per the Constitution" not used to keep him here - while he was within the country - to complete the judicial process?!


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LAHORE - Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has said that all options as per the constitution of Pakistan will be used for repatriation of Nawaz Sharif.

We are not afraid of the opposition’s protests. We have already faced Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman’s protest March.

Through Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority we will provide clean drinking water to the people living in cities as well as villages of Punjab province.

He was talking to the media on the occasion of inauguration of water filtration plant in Sheikhupura District Kachehri.

MPA Jalil Ahmad Sharakpuri and Chaudhry Ishfaq Ahmad Virk were also present on this occasion.

Responding to questions of journalists, Governor Punjab Chaudhry Sarwar said that Islamabad High Court (IHC) has already given a verdict regarding the repatriation of Nawaz Sharif. Our government will resolve this issue as per the constitution. We have always been following courts’ orders and we will continue to do so in future as well.

I saw that SOB on TV. He looks more healthy than Imran Khan. These people know to act. Before he left Pakistan we were told he is about to die. Now look at him.

Anbd you know what annoys me? When he calls PMIK "selected". This is Nawaz the illigitmate spawn of Gen. Zia.


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But first please answer this simple question: Why were "all options as per the Constitution" not used to keep him here - while he was within the country - to complete the judicial process?!

The fact that the excuse that he cant be treated here was used repeatedly annoyed me. Are we lesser beings that do not deserve proper health care? The government came under pressure severe pressure from the opposition and Social media and doctor reports and everything just added on it. The government was the authority that could hold them but the pressure got to them and frankly they also made a hash of it as well. They tried to create bonds on him when it wasnt their domain to do so. They could only allow or disallow. not make it conditional
Anbd you know what annoys me? When he calls PMIK "selected". This is Nawaz the illigitmate spawn of Gen. Zia.

Annoyed me more when he cried about Baluchistan government being taken from him when he played an important role in empowering sardars over there. His Baluchistan chapter and alliance with NP was entirely Sardar central and the end result was that the sardar influence in the province is at its height. He basically created the conditions for BAP to be created.

What else annoyed me was that there were bilawal and Maryam sons and daughters of a dynasty. I criticize Imran alot but i will not support a party based on such Dynasty.

Another thing that annoyed me was that this cry for corruption, incompetence and vote ko izzat do had zardari there when Shahbaz had promised retribution on him for his rule of 2008-2013. What rubbish!


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The fact that the excuse that he cant be treated here was used repeatedly annoyed me. Are we lesser beings that do not deserve proper health care? The government came under pressure severe pressure from the opposition and Social media and doctor reports and everything just added on it. The government was the authority that could hold them but the pressure got to them and frankly they also made a hash of it as well. They tried to create bonds on him when it wasnt their domain to do so. They could only allow or disallow. not make it conditional

The confusion was created on purpose. What to say of NS's condition, these are the same people who approve treatment of ingrown toenails to be done abroad on taxpayer's expense due to lack of proper facilities in Pakistan, but only when it suits them.


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The confusion was created on purpose. What to say of NS's condition, these are the same people who approve treatment of ingrown toenails to be done abroad on taxpayer's expense due to lack of proper facilities in Pakistan, but only when it suits them.
Hahaha well said.

You made a valid point about why was Nawaz allowed to go abroad. I suspect lot of this has to do with Prime Minister Imran Khan unfortunately having a very weak mandate. His government sits atop a confused, conlicted and divided polity. It is a weak coalition government. Faced with Nawaz Sharif and the inertia of 30 years of incumbancy advantage. Think of how many officials right now serving in the state were appointed/promoted by NS. All this makes for a challange in particular a government with weak, wobbly knees on account of weak mandate. Then factor in Nawaz has friends with oil sheikhs. The first year Imran Khan;s government faced imminent financial meltdown and oil money was neededto bail out Pakistan. This mean't the sheikhs had leverage.

So I suspect the pressure from abroad, confused medical reports and pressure from inside. If anything happened to NS all hell would have been leashed. Given this I suppose it was better to let the rat go. Second time he escaped ...


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Hahaha well said.

You made a valid point about why was Nawaz allowed to go abroad. I suspect lot of this has to do with Prime Minister Imran Khan unfortunately having a very weak mandate. His government sits atop a confused, conlicted and divided polity. It is a weak coalition government. Faced with Nawaz Sharif and the inertia of 30 years of incumbancy advantage. Think of how many officials right now serving in the state were appointed/promoted by NS. All this makes for a challange in particular a government with weak, wobbly knees on account of weak mandate. Then factor in Nawaz has friends with oil sheikhs. The first year Imran Khan;s government faced imminent financial meltdown and oil money was neededto bail out Pakistan. This mean't the sheikhs had leverage.

So I suspect the pressure from abroad, confused medical reports and pressure from inside. If anything happened to NS all hell would have been leashed. Given this I suppose it was better to let the rat go. Second time he escaped ...

If any of those justifications are valid, those who made the decision to let him go must bear the responsibility for it. Why add insult to injury by trying to blow smoke up the proverbial orifice of the nation to pretend that all of a sudden all means will be used to bring him back?


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If any of those justifications are valid, those who made the decision to let him go must bear the responsibility for it. Why add insult to injury by trying to blow smoke up the proverbial orifice of the nation to pretend that all of a sudden all means will be used to bring him back?
Good old politics. Same in USA. Same in UK. Now what I would love to see is Pakistan going all "Israeli" on this and send a ISI hit team to kidnap, drug and bring the basket back inside a basket loaded onto a regular flight.

Instead, the Mossad carried out a “honey trap” operation and sent a female agent to lure Mr Vanunu from London to Rome, from where he was kidnapped and taken back to Israel. He was convicted of treason and espionage in 1988.



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This today is face of a guy who was supposed to have days left to live last year.



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Good old politics. Same in USA. Same in UK. Now what I would love to see is Pakistan going all "Israeli" on this and send a ISI hit team to kidnap, drug and bring the basket back inside a basket loaded onto a regular flight.

Instead, the Mossad carried out a “honey trap” operation and sent a female agent to lure Mr Vanunu from London to Rome, from where he was kidnapped and taken back to Israel. He was convicted of treason and espionage in 1988.

Like with Israel its a whistleblower that didnt achieve any political power...thats pretty different scale to this stuff. In other cases with Israel it was complete enemies too like Eichmann or the PLO etc.

Thus, in all honestly its off the charts in Pakistan's case. This is a former (3 time) PM we are talking about. A PM that has seen his share of classified and top secret documents related to national security for example.

It would be like Peres or Netanyahu doing this in Israel case....never happened, things simply never got to that level because they have a robust credible system of power set up...just like most countries do, or work towards over time.

Pakistan must be only country in world that has PMs engage in political dissident drama on foreign shores....KSA and UK being the main choices.

That is because the real cabal of power doesnt really include "the PM" to begin with....that is simply not going to change in foreseeable future....status quo is simply too comfy for those occupying the roost.


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That is because the real cabal of power doesnt really include "the PM" to begin with
How do you conclude this? Could it possibly be weak voter accountability. If such shenanigans caused loss of voter support this habit would cease to exist. As the PM would know it would political suicide to do such a thing. However in Pakistan voters keep voting them in power. Would a Indian voter entertain a leader who took flight abroad?

I wish Pakistan had a secret state [cabal of power as you call it] because it would at least offer stability of policies and direction. And a long term vision. The truth is other than foreign policy/defence [which has significant military input] everything else goes topsy turvy every time government changes leading to massive losses. Projects that have longer gestation period or beyond the lifetime of the government are left floundering while new projects of the new dispensation take over. Even officials begin being shafted sideways to make place for the new leaders favourites.


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I give you example of how much political power leaders actually bring to bear on the system. If 260 workers were burnt alive could the political leadership muff and protect the culprits? This is test of how much power politicians weild in Pakistan. Well only 8 years ago this happened in Karachi amd MQM managed to bring such political pressure that the investigation was dropped. This shows far from the political leaders being just puppets enjoy vast power other than defence matters.

It took concentrated operations by Rangers [paramilitary police] to bring the culprits to court few days ago and this only because MQM has been castrated over the last 2 years. By the way army officers have been kidnapped anmd murdered by MQM in Karachi in the past but because of political dirty dealing culprits got away with it. If there indeed was such a cabal like in Chile, Germany 1940s, Iran, Saddams Iraq, Myanmar all such problems would be erased by the powers that be. A puppet could easily be left as fig leaf to earn the "democarcy" credentials.


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How do you conclude this? Could it possibly be weak voter accountability. If such shenanigans caused loss of voter support this habit would cease to exist. As the PM would know it would political suicide to do such a thing. However in Pakistan voters keep voting them in power. Would a Indian voter entertain a leader who took flight abroad?

I wish Pakistan had a secret state [cabal of power as you call it] because it would at least offer stability of policies and direction. And a long term vision. The truth is other than foreign policy/defence [which has significant military input] everything else goes topsy turvy every time government changes leading to massive losses. Projects that have longer gestation period or beyond the lifetime of the government are left floundering while new projects of the new dispensation take over. Even officials begin being shafted sideways to make place for the new leaders favourites.

Its my impression just from what I have gathered on Pakistan that has come my way... and how it has conducted its affairs in its modern existence.

Its not a conclusion, I dont have enough to really conclude it.

If Pakistan has several peaceable transfers of civilian power for rest of my life and cultivates robust institutions of scale (past the military which seemingly is the only one and the decision makers/power wielders there being the cabal I speak of intermixed with some business interests and loyal patronages maybe)...then it will impress different on me slowly (given weight of backdrop still in clear downstream significance and action today).

I dont think I could conclude anything ever though, I simply am not a Pakistani to know enough first-hand details and lived experience on it etc. Obviously the country itself exists before my lifetime and exists after it impression in interests of my finite existence will have to do.

As for a cabal existing, and a cabal being smart/actioned well...thats two different things entirely...there will be some intersection but that just depends on the cabals interest alignment with the country's interest alignment (country being far larger and thus always a bigger debate to begin with on what its interests are and ought to be).


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This today is face of a guy who was supposed to have days left to live last year.

View attachment 1848

It was in his era that the military got the foreign policy. Where was vote ko izzat do then? The COAS was Raheel sharif and he had 2/3rd majority and he could have made this principled stand if he himself was so principled. Could have stood and said that hell on earth, i will not let military interfere in politics but no. He thought only of saving his mandate. Nawaz is not the solution. He is part of the problem. The Problem of weak and incompetent leadership that focused on two things. Protecting the mandate and the next 5 year term. nothing more and nothing less.


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As for a cabal existing, and a cabal being smart/actioned well...thats two different things entirely

The cabal consists of the senior military leadership. They are the only ones who matter, and the only ones with the real power, the present farcical setup included. That is the truth, bluntly put. like it or not, or try deny it as much as one likes.


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Good old politics. Same in USA. Same in UK. Now what I would love to see is Pakistan going all "Israeli" on this and send a ISI hit team to kidnap, drug and bring the basket back inside a basket loaded onto a regular flight.

Instead, the Mossad carried out a “honey trap” operation and sent a female agent to lure Mr Vanunu from London to Rome, from where he was kidnapped and taken back to Israel. He was convicted of treason and espionage in 1988.

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