I think there is a bit of miscommunications on my part what I meant was the American "Afghan" nation building project was a failure as someone who was child in the mid to late 2000s I remember seeing First Lady Laura Bush harp on "improving women rights" in Afghanistan and that Afghanistan was on its way to better future blah blah all the MSM was harping on that to further propagandize the war was in the US interest, Afghans chose their values they have rich history no doubt but they have to evolve as a society if the Soviets could not make the "Marxists" the Americans could not make them "Democratic" hell even if the Pakistanis would try to invade "Afghanistan" and try to spread their version of "Pan-Islamism" they would fail as the Afghan warrior spirit would then dragged them down as usual however whoever comes into power be it the Taliban or some national reconcialliation govt there has to be steps to end the near 4 decades of violence firstI disagree with you. There is nothing inheritantly wrong with Afghans and no worse or better then Pakistani's. Indeed as a people they have created empires and fought superpowers. They are a strong, virile race.
This is where I go the point that often gets me into bother with the Pakistani 'mainstream'. The only advantage Pakistan has over Afghanistan is it was gifted with modern institutions of state like military, civil service etc by the British. This actually also applies to the Indians. Sans that South Asia would be much like Afghanistan but without the warrior tradition.
Can somebody please post a map of the current situation in Afghanistan? How's the power balance on the ground? How much of Afghanistan is under Taliban control?
Mullah Omar is a fool and illiterate warlord, al-Baghdadi says - Khaama Press
The largest online news service for Afghanistanwww.khaama.com
It seems they really hate each other.
I wonder if its legit then again the terrorists are all fighting among themselves
Let them go at each other.
I do believe Afghanistan is better off with a monarchy. Im no monarchist thats for sure but better than commie rule or taliban rule or the corrupt crap of democratic afghanistan.
Is there a time horizon on this agreement?Interestingly most of US logistics and including combat missions by US Navy F-18 Hornets operating from carriers in Arabia Sea use the narrow air strip over Pakistan called the "boulevard". This right of way as it will be retained by Pentagon as it has been agreed by US and Pakistan.
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