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You can see Akıncı's legs flexing when landing with all that payload.
Still it has the 450hp engine on it which actually gives 300hp at cruise.
There seems to be no word of the elusive 750hp engine yet.


Think Tank Analyst
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Official Brochure.

- Seen Payload = at least 1250KG
- Air to Air missiles Option
- 450HP or 750HP options.
- 250 knots Max. Speed = 463 kph (Website states 195Knots = 361 kph)


Think Tank Analyst
5 4,540
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United Kingdom
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View attachment 25884 View attachment 25885

Official Brochure.

- Seen Payload = at least 1250KG
- Air to Air missiles Option
- 450HP or 750HP options.
- 250 knots Max. Speed = 463 kph (Website states 195Knots = 361 kph)

Additionally to that BAYKAR Technologies jumped around 40% in terms of headcount in the Month according to LinkedIN.


- around 200 Employers have been added in a Day or so, for some reason.


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Marine Bayraktar TB2: what was actually handed over to the Navy - we tell everything that is allowedThe Ukrainian Navy received the Bayraktar TB2​

The Ukrainian Navy received the Bayraktar TB2​

The first Bayraktar TB2 complex, which consists of several drones and control stations, as reported by Defense Express , was transferred on July 15 to the 10th Naval Aviation Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy.
And now we can tell in as much detail, of course, as allowed, which "sea" Bayraktar TB2 received Ukrainian naval pilots, how they differ from drones for the Air Force and how to change the balance of power in the Black and Azov Seas.

First of all, it should be noted that the number of drones in the "sea version" is greater than in its version for the Air Force of Ukraine, which were received in 2019. Given the number of control stations and the Bayraktar TB2 itself, it could be said that the Navy received complexes - in the plural.
Bayraktar TB2 VMSU
Part of the UAV complex Bayraktar TB2 VSMU
But given the specifics of the tasks, all components are combined into one complex, which can provide continuous monitoring of the Black and Azov Seas during not just a day, but 24/7. That is, while one UAV is still completing the flight, the other is already entering a certain area to replace it, and so on in a circle.

Bayraktar TB2

This is associated with a larger number of stations, which are made not only in the mobile version, but in the stationary and even for installation on the ship. That is, a detachment of ships of the Navy can independently, as they say "from the captain's bridge", manage Bayraktar TB2.
Bayraktar TB2
Bayraktar TB2 can take off under the control of one station, go under the control of another, and then - to the ship
What's more, the Navy received an "advanced" version of the Bayraktar TB2 with a range of 300 km. And given the possibility of transferring control from one station to another, it opens the possibility to keep under control all the necessary water area.
Bayraktar TB2
Part of the control stations of the Bayraktar TB2 complex of the Ukrainian Navy
And it's not just about detecting enemy ships, but also their recognition and determination of exact coordinates with the transmission of this information online to headquarters and means of destruction. Or, if necessary, even self-destruction of ships with high-precision MAM-L ammunition.
Even with the light weight of the MAM-L, its warhead is enough to disable a ship or rocket boat
The fact is that most Russian ships in the Black Sea - corvettes and missile boats are armed with a fairly weak air defense. More about this "Achilles' heel" - in a separate article .
The complex also includes mobile portable terminals designed for marines. And although they do not allow you to control drones, but allow you to receive video from them online.
Bayraktar TB2 VMSU
Bayraktar TB2 VMSU bears the image of a sea bird of prey
However, the main task of the "sea" Bayraktar TB2 will be patrolling and transmitting the coordinates of targets. Therefore, according to Deputy Defense Minister Oleksandr Myronyuk, this complex "will be implemented in all modern models of weapons and military equipment to enhance reconnaissance, targeting and strikes on surface targets."
Neptune RK-360MC
RK-360MTs "Neptune" is one of the main guarantees of safety of the Ukrainian coasts
In view of everything, it is a question of guidance of the coastal missile complex "Neptune" which before start has to receive data on coordinates of the purpose and its type.
There is also a very real possibility of destroying enemy ships with the help of "Alder". At least such an unusual scenario for the use of MLRS has already been worked out in China .
Alder launch
"This Bayraktar TB2 is an updated version of the complex, developed by the Turkish company Baykar Makina. This is the version that has been used in combat in Nagorno-Karabakh. To date, Ukrainian naval pilots have been trained, all scheduled flights performed perfectly. this complex will be in operation in the near future and will start performing tasks, "Oleksandr Myronyuk emphasized.
Bayraktar TB2 VMSU
Sea pilots have already been trained and can use the Bayraktar TB2
Defense Express also spoke with the commander of the 10th Naval Aviation Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy Ilya Oliynyk.
"Previously, the task of detecting the surface situation was entrusted to helicopters and naval aircraft. To understand, the aircraft could operate at a distance of 200 km in about 1-2 hours. Now we have Bayraktar TB2, which can monitor around the clock and then change to another UAV and so one, two, three days ільки as much - as needed.
Bayraktar TB2 VMSU

He is inconspicuous, or rather the enemy does not see him at all. And it is able to detect targets at a distance of up to 70 km, which significantly raises the capabilities of our intelligence. The experience of using Bayraktar TB2 shows that its use is almost unaffected by the means that are now in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the capabilities of this complex will allow constantly monitoring the Black Sea and Azov operational zones, "said Ilya Oliynyk.



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I think this is TB3.... :cool:

ooooo it is mius.....

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