Recent content by byzero

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    TR Figes is developing indigenous Thorium reactors

    Thoratom, a subsidiary of Figes, has made great progress in the molten salt reactor. A prototype will be ready by 2030. The project involves TUBITAK, MAM, TENMAK and some universities. It will produce only 1 kWh of electricity for 2 cents and a reactor the size of a generator can meet the...
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    Kale is working on turbofan engines for both missiles and UAVs. I hope they can do something with Bayraktar. At least we will have an alternative source.
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    If Turkey wanted and was forced to do so, it could produce an engine very similar to the F110 engine domestically within 4-5 years, so it is not right to compare Iran and Turkey. I think we are on the wrong track regarding the engine. Korea is producing domestic engines for the KF-21 aircraft...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Mossad has infiltrated the most important institutions of the Iranian state. Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad established a counter-intelligence department to combat Mossad. We later understood that even the head of this organization was working as a Mossad agent.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    The Greeks committed massacres in many places such as Crete and Thessaloniki, killing tens of thousands of people just because they were Muslims and Turks. They tried to do the same in Cyprus, but we intervened.
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    TR Economy & Updates

    Unfortunately, high speed train projects are progressing very slowly and there are serious mistakes in the projects. The Ankara Izmir line and Ankara Bursa line have turned into an endless story and major mistakes were made on the Ankara Sivas line.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    NNuclear weapons are not a magic wand that solves every problem. Unfortunately, Israel also has nuclear weapons, but it lives in a state of war and is restless.
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    We are interpreting the issue technically, but if Turkey has the chance to produce advanced US-made engines under license for domestic attack helicopters, the decision to buy old-tech turboshaft engines from Ukraine is not a technical choice, but a political one. The SSB and other authorities...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    There are several companies in Turkey working on entry-level cheap electric cars suitable for urban traffic, such as Reeder, Amperino, Very, Joyce. They are in close contact with local companies such as Aspilsan and Pomega for batteries. Cheap cars ranging from 200 thousand TL to 800 thousand TL...
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    Ukraine has a 2500 HP turboshaft engine. I think it is not difficult to produce it in Turkey with a license agreement. In fact, with the technological capabilities it has, it can increase the power of this engine by 30.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    A possible nuclear weapons program by Turkey would have very serious consequences, and embargoes would probably be imposed that would completely collapse the Turkish economy.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Iran's nuclear program is rapidly approaching its end. Iran has two options: either it will come to an agreement with the West and end its nuclear program, or it will try to become a nuclear power. The reason for everything Israel has been doing lately is to make a possible nuclear deal...
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    General Electric is working on a very efficient 3000 HP turboshaft engine that uses ceramic maxris composite and eutectic materials. Tei is working on these materials but still does not have the knowledge to use them in an engine, so it will not be very efficient for Tei to produce a 3000 HP engine.
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    TR Industry, Science and Technology

    AB Micronano, a company founded by ASELSAN in partnership with Bilkent University, mass-produces gallium nitride chips, which are used in radars. The chip factory, currently under construction, will first produce 90-nanometer silicon chips for defense systems and will later be able to produce...
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    TR Industry, Science and Technology

    There is a supply shortage of lithography devices in the market, China even collects second-hand devices. I think it is very difficult to set up a chip factory without a domestic lithography device. ASELSAN will prepare a duv lithography device that can produce 90 nanometer chips for the...

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