Capabilities that everyone knows. The plane has so many users that there will be no unknown capability left. This makes it easy to take precautions against it.
Kaan is important for this reason alone. Its capabilities may be less or more than the F-35, but the enemy will never be sure of this...
Video Saati: 18:30
"Çevirmen: Otele gideceksiniz
Ekip lideri: Hemen işe başlamak istiyoruz. Derhal çalışma alanına ulaşmak istiyoruz"
Gurur duydum.
Moderator Edit: Translation added
At 18:30 in the video
Translator- You are going to the hotel.
This type of work does not depend on the economy. It depends on how much resources you allocate.
If economics were an indisputable binding rule, North Korea and Iran would not be able to take a step forward in Ballistic and Nuclear missiles.
Question: As soon as the TB-3 puts a wheel on the carrier, can it create a force in the opposite direction by causing the pitch control and motor to reverse? If possible, how much does this contribute to his stopping at a short distance?