Recent content by Yasar_TR

  1. Yasar_TR

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Guys watch the language you use. Any more personal attacks, there will be bans. Please keep discussions civil and within forum rules. No derogatory remarks about race, creed and leaders of countries.
  2. Yasar_TR

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    re: Typhoon Correct line of thought. Logical to train pilots on cheap T1 especially if we can get twin seats. re: F16V70 We have already paid the initial down payment. No one would pay that unless there is a signed contract. It is up to the US to go back on their words. From our point of view...
  3. Yasar_TR

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    That price is probably an educated guess by the writer of the article. But as you rightfully stated it must be for the planes only. Meteor missiles are around 2 million dollars each. These jets carry at least 4 of them. With spares you are looking at a cost of 700+ million Euros only for the...
  4. Yasar_TR

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion The offer from the UK for the supply of 40 Typhoon jets for TurAF has been received by Ankara. Estimated to be at least 5 billion Euros, the offer details are not yet known. But the planes are to be the latest T4...
  5. Yasar_TR

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Bro, to have VLS means, new, different and much more expensive subs. Current MILDEN design doesn’t have VLS either. So it is more feasible to use capsules. Besides, if we are ever to see the infamous “Gezgin” cruise missiles being launched from Reis and MILDEN subs, then we have to use longer...
  6. Yasar_TR

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    IDAS is a fibre optic guided missile. Therefore it has limited range of 40 km. It is only good against helicopters, close by surface platforms and nearby land targets. It is a 0.65 Mach subsonic solid fuelled missile derived from IRIS-T. Beauty of the submarine version is that they can be...
  7. Yasar_TR

    TR Navy Navy|News & Discussions

    If noticed, the capsule has a form of thrust as it leaves the submarine. As per previously mentioned, this is probably because the capsule is supposed to travel some distance -around 1000m- then surface and atmaca will fire the booster engine. This will hide the exact position of the sub. This...
  8. Yasar_TR

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    All off topic posts have been moved to
  9. Yasar_TR

    Israel apartheid consequences for the colonial state and geopolitics

    I would love to be surprised. But there is also the reality. Irrespective of how much republican constituents hate the Jews, elected presidents and their colleagues in position of power have debts to pay back to the Jewish lobbies and/or have strong signs that their strings are pulled by them...
  10. Yasar_TR

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Since Trump’s decision to stop intelligence sharing with Ukraine all Ukranian f16 jets have lost their radar jamming capabilities. Apparently, the Russian radars have been rotating their frequencies continuously to overcome f16’s jamming capabilities. US had been sending continuous updates to...
  11. Yasar_TR

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Neither Ukraine nor Russia will trust any other country. Turkey is the only country that has good relations with both at such a high level. But, unless a very solid truce and peace is in place, to be part of any peace mission in Ukraine is a non starter. At the same time if we have the power...
  12. Yasar_TR

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Yes and no! We should carry a policy of duality. Just like we have been doing with Russia and Ukraine. Stay independent. But at the same time give them limited hope that we are supportive of their cause. Use them without committing too deeply to rock the boat, as in Ukraine situation. Ukraine...
  13. Yasar_TR

    Israel apartheid consequences for the colonial state and geopolitics

    When there are nearly 7-8 million Jews in the US and are actively supporting Israel via their control over US politics, US media and US economy, there is no chance of any US administration to give them the cold shoulder and still stay in power. Israel means US. US administrations rather lose...
  14. Yasar_TR

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    According to the Canadian sites it is only possible to disable the sensor suites and some avionics, turning a marvel of a plane to a pumpkin of a plane. But even that can be open to arguments. Canadians have on order 88 of these planes. So rightfully they are questioning the logic of buying them...
  15. Yasar_TR

    TR Defence Exports & Updates “Possible sale“ may be turning in to definite. According to above news, the cooperation document between ASFAT and Thai government has already been signed. Thailand’s state-owned defence company United Defense...

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