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Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War



My personal humble 50 cent: If Putin had wanted to invade Ukraine , he wouldn't have sent Tanks to Ukranian borders in daylight with cameras. It was just flexing muscles as i always said.

Now we shouldn't expect escalation in Don-Bass ending soon. Because after withdrawal of his Army, Putin needs to seem tough guy.


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My personal humble 50 cent: If Putin had wanted to invade Ukraine , he wouldn't have sent Tanks to Ukranian borders in daylight with cameras. It was just flexing muscles as i always said.

Now we shouldn't expect escalation in Don-Bass ending soon. Because after withdrawal of his Army, Putin needs to seem tough guy.

Or I am being a bit complot theorist. Maybe USA and Russia have a deal in the background. Who knows you should never see these super powers like black and white. They can have deals if it suits them. I don't trust them one bit.


Or I am being a bit complot theorist. Maybe USA and Russia have a deal in the background. Who knows you should never see these super powers like black and white. They can have deals if it suits them. I don't trust them one bit.
All interests of USA are discussed on open institutions. USA are not such a country where decisions are made behind the locked doors. The ideas publicly and loudly are being announced before legalized. We can even hear all US institutions from eastern europe. So that i don't believe in that USA have secret agenda like Putin.


Withdrawal of Russian troops: Kiev awaits NATO confirmation

Kuleba calls on international partners not to lose their vigilance and continue to monitor the situation with the Russian troops.

Ukraine is awaiting confirmation of information about the withdrawal of Russian troops from its border from Ukrainian intelligence and NATO. This is stated in a statement by Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba on Friday, April 23.

"The very statement of Minister Shoigu is a positive event. If Russia really withdraws from the border with Ukraine the huge military forces that it has pulled there, this will ease tensions. However, we must remember that this step itself does not stop either the escalation or the conflict as a whole," - said the minister.

Ukraine would like to see consistent constructive actions confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence and NATO intelligence.

“Secondly, these troops didn’t just reach our border and now have to go back. They conducted dangerous training and created a real danger for Ukraine. Russia still has to generally explain to Ukraine, the OSCE and the international community why it really needs it is necessary to pull together such a number of troops with offensive weapons on the border with Ukraine from such an excessive number of troops, "Kuleba said.

He also thanked the international partners for the decisive and timely response to the aggravation of the situation by Russia. According to him, this helped induce Russia to make a decision to wind down the unprecedentedly dangerous exercises.

"Ukraine calls on its partners not to lose their vigilance yet, to continue to closely monitor the situation and to take effective measures to contain Russia," Kuleba said.


Ukrainian side of Joint Control and Coordination Center:
The occupiers are trying to escalate the conflict


The accusations are a provocation aimed at disrupting the agreements: the Ukrainian side of the JCCC

The invaders unlawfully and provocatively accused the Armed Forces of Ukraine of "shelling" a settlement near Gorlovka.

The Ukrainian side of the JCCC made an official statement regarding the situation in Donbass in the area of the demarcation line. The occupation power of ORDLO continues to escalate the conflict, according to the website of the Ministry of Defense.

“Over the past weeks, the number of armed provocations on the outskirts of Donetsk and Horlivka has increased sharply. Moreover, the caliber of weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements, which the invaders use in almost every shelling, is increasing proportionally. are trying in any way to achieve an escalation of the conflict, "the statement says.

So, the invaders accused the Armed Forces of Ukraine of "shelling" with the use of 152 mm artillery in the settlement of Shakhty 6.7 near Gorlovka.

"The accusations are an unprecedented example of the loss of common sense by the aggressor country and its mercenaries, an open and cynical provocation aimed at disrupting previously reached agreements," the Ukrainian side of the JCCC noted.

In the statement, the charges are categorically denied. It is noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine strictly observe the "silence" regime and adhere to the requirements of the Minsk agreements.

The Ukrainian side of the JCCC sent a note of protest to the Chairman of the SMM.


Air defense exercises are taking place near Crimea

Combat calculations of anti-aircraft missile systems during tactical special exercises operate in conditions as close as possible to combat.

In the Kherson region, exercises of air defense units that are on combat duty at the administrative border with the temporarily annexed Crimea are continuing at one of the test sites. This was reported on Facebook by the press service of the APU OS command.

The units marched to the designated area and deployed complexes, searched for and conditionally destroyed air targets.

The exercises are aimed at improving the training of crews and calculations, as well as increasing the skill of mastering tactics of air combat.

Combat calculations of anti-aircraft missile systems and calculations of anti-aircraft systems during tactical special exercises operate in conditions as close as possible to combat.



Zelensky will never go to Putin to Moscow - Kravchuk
Negotiations between the presidents can take place only in a neutral country, Leonid Kravchuk( The first president of Ukraine) stressed.
The head of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG Leonid Kravchuk ruled out the visit of President Vladimir Zelensky to Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said this in an interview with Channel 4 on Friday, April 23.

"The president of Ukraine will never go to Moscow to negotiate a war in Donbass. If Putin has an idea of negotiations on a global scale between Ukraine and Russia, it can only be a neutral country. Let's say Finland. Let's say Switzerland. But by no means it cannot be Russia, the aggressor, the occupier of Ukraine, "Kravchuk said.

Kravchuk also noted that he himself would not go to Moscow for talks with Russian representative Boris Gryzlov.


Russia returned ships to bases after exercises in Crimea

Russia has completed large-scale exercises in Crimea
Russia has begun returning troops to the places of permanent deployment previously transferred to the Crimea.
The ships of the Black Sea Fleet returned to their permanent locations after the exercises in the Black Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday, April 23.

"More than 20 warships of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) have returned to their permanent locations after participating in an interspecies exercise of troops (forces) of the Southern Military District and Airborne Forces, which ended the day before at the Opuk test site in Crimea," the statement said.

It is noted that at the loading station in Simferopol, servicemen of the landing units of the Novorossiysk unit loaded equipment and weapons and marched to the point of permanent deployment.

"In total, about 40 military echelons will be involved in the redeployment of Airborne Forces units to permanent deployment points, and more than 30 flights of Military Transport aircraft will be made.


In the JFO zone, 20 attacks per day, no losses

Ukrainian Armed Forces control the situation in Donbass

The shelling of the settlements Yuzhnoye and Severny was conducted by the enemy directly from the residential areas of Gorlovka.

Over the past, separatist units have carried out 20 attacks on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbas, including one remote mining. The Ukrainian military was not injured, the Joint Forces operation headquarters said in a morning report on Saturday, April 24.

So, near the settlements of Novoselovka, Novgorodskoe and Shuma, the enemy opened fire from mortars of caliber 120 and 82 caliber, and at Vodyanoye - also from grenade launchers of various systems and small arms.

In the suburbs of Avdiivka, Peski and Marinka, the separatists fired from grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms.

In the area of the settlement Yuzhnoye, the enemy fired from 120-caliber mortars and from an anti-tank missile system.

Near Lebedinsky, Krasnogorovka, Luganskoye and Svetlodarsk, the enemy opened fire from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms.

Also near the village of Novgorodskoye, illegal armed groups carried out remote mining from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers with POM-2 mines.

At the same time, the Ukrainian side of the JCCC reported that the evening shelling of the settlements Yuzhnoye and Severny was conducted by the enemy directly from the residential areas of Gorlovka. The headquarters believe that this was done to provoke the Armed Forces of Ukraine to return fire, followed by accusations of the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the death of civilians.

"Such a scenario will help rekindle confrontation and implement Moscow's plans in relation to Ukraine," the report says.

Since the beginning of this day, the separatists have violated the ceasefire once. In the area of the settlement of Troitskoye, fire was opened from heavy anti-tank grenade launchers. There are no combat losses among the Ukrainian defenders.


The Pentagon reacted to the withdrawal of Russian troops


Pentagon spokesman John Kirby
The US Department of Defense believes that it is not yet time to assess Moscow's actions near the border with Ukraine.
The US defense department has been informed about the beginning of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the border with Ukraine, but it is too early to judge such a step by the Russian Federation. This was stated by the head of the Pentagon press service John Kirby at a briefing on Friday, April 23.

"We have seen comments from the Russian side about the completion of the exercises, that they are going to withdraw the troops. It is too early to speak with any specifics about how we assess this," he said.

Kirby also stressed that the position of the department is unchanged - Russia must stop provocations against Ukraine and respect its territorial integrity.


Sweden calls the withdrawal of Russian troops a smoke screen


Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultkvist questioned the withdrawal of Russian troops

Moscow leaves weapons at the border and can quickly transfer personnel there, the Swedish defense minister said.

The announced withdrawal of Russian troops from the border of Ukraine and the return to the points of permanent deployment is a smokescreen, Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultkvist said on the air of the SVT TV channel.

Russia leaves weapons at the borders and can quickly transfer personnel there, the minister emphasized.

"I'm talking about a smoke screen: leaving the equipment and materiel in place creates an opportunity for a quick build-up of their actions," the minister said.

He added that the Russian authorities can "raise and lower the level of tension" in the region, depending on their interests.

Hultqvist also accused Moscow of escalating the conflict in eastern Ukraine and creating "an extremely tense situation."


Britain calls Russia "a weakening country"


UK MI6 intelligence chief Richard Moore( Ex UK consule in Turkey
London and Washington have warned Russian leader Vladimir Putin about the consequences of the invasion of Ukraine, the head of MI6 said.
Russia is an "objectively weakening" country, said MI6 intelligence chief Richard Moore in an interview with the Sunday Times published on April 25.

"Russia is an objectively weakening country in economic and demographic terms. This is a very difficult period," Moore said.

Commenting on the pulling of Russian forces to the Ukrainian border, the head of British intelligence noted that London and Washington had warned Russian leader Vladimir Putin about the consequences of the invasion of Ukraine.

Moore expressed confidence that Moscow does not doubt the positions of both countries on this issue, since "[communication] channels are open."

Russia is not in for an easy walk. The press appreciated the APU

Speaking about the accusations of the Czech Republic against the Russian special services, which there are believed to be involved in the explosions of ammunition in Vrbetica in 2014, Moore said about the parallels with Ukraine.

“When you see this pattern of reckless behavior, then, of course, then you look at what is happening around Ukraine and of course we are worried about it. That is why we are coordinating so closely with our allies - to make sure that we are sending clear signals to Putin ", - said the head of MI6.


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Britain calls Russia "a weakening country"

View attachment 19123

UK MI6 intelligence chief Richard Moore( Ex UK consule in Turkey
London and Washington have warned Russian leader Vladimir Putin about the consequences of the invasion of Ukraine, the head of MI6 said.
Russia is an "objectively weakening" country, said MI6 intelligence chief Richard Moore in an interview with the Sunday Times published on April 25.

"Russia is an objectively weakening country in economic and demographic terms. This is a very difficult period," Moore said.

Commenting on the pulling of Russian forces to the Ukrainian border, the head of British intelligence noted that London and Washington had warned Russian leader Vladimir Putin about the consequences of the invasion of Ukraine.

Moore expressed confidence that Moscow does not doubt the positions of both countries on this issue, since "[communication] channels are open."

Russia is not in for an easy walk. The press appreciated the APU

Speaking about the accusations of the Czech Republic against the Russian special services, which there are believed to be involved in the explosions of ammunition in Vrbetica in 2014, Moore said about the parallels with Ukraine.

“When you see this pattern of reckless behavior, then, of course, then you look at what is happening around Ukraine and of course we are worried about it. That is why we are coordinating so closely with our allies - to make sure that we are sending clear signals to Putin ", - said the head of MI6.

Yes, but the same can be said collectively for europe.


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I wouldnt say Europe is economically weakening.
Nonetheless european demography doesn't change the fact that he told.

Depends, there is a direct competition between europe and asia commercially, not a partnership and a lot of industries in europe might very well not win that competition.


Day in Donbass: Three shelling, no losses

Shelling in Donbas continues

Near the village of Yuzhnoye, the enemy opened fire from 82-caliber mortars and grenade launchers of various systems prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

During the day on April 25, 3 violations of the ceasefire were recorded in the Donbas, there were no casualties among the Ukrainian military, according to the press center of the Joint Forces Operation (JF) on Facebook.

Near the village of Yuzhnoye, the enemy opened fire from 82-caliber mortars and grenade launchers of various systems prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

Not far from the village of Peski, the enemy fired twice from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers and small arms.

At the same time, the Ukrainian side of the JCCC informs that in the information space in the temporarily occupied territories there are rumors about shelling of settlements, which are allegedly carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the use of prohibited weapons, namely artillery systems.

"This information is nothing more than a gross provocation by Russian propagandists aimed at misinforming the local population and fomenting the conflict. At the same time, the occupiers resort to gross violations of international humanitarian law, conducting provocative shelling from urban areas," the JFO said.


NATO conducted aerial reconnaissance near Crimea and Donbass

US drone conducted reconnaissance near the borders of Crimea and Donbass
Two US drones and one British plane flew near Crimea, and the UAV then headed towards Donbass.
Two reconnaissance drones RQ-4 Global Hawk of the US Air Force and an RC-135W reconnaissance aircraft of the British Air Force conducted reconnaissance near the Crimea and flew to Donbass. This is evidenced by data from Flightradar24 on Monday, April 26.

As of 14:40, the British Air Force aircraft took off towards the departure point - Great Britain, and the RQ-4s were moving deeper into Ukraine. An RQ-4, numbered GINGR68, is believed to have flown from Israeli territory, while another US Air Force drone numbered FORTE10 is likely to have flown from a NATO airbase in Sigonella, Italy.

Later, American UAVs flew towards Donetsk and Luhansk regions, one
Later, American UAVs flew towards Donetsk and Luhansk regions, one of them disappeared from the radars for a while, being in the Kherson region, but then it appeared in the Starobelsk region of the Luhansk region.

Both RQ-4 Global Hawks of the US Air Force are flying in the opposite direction from the east of Ukraine as of 16:00.



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NATO conducted aerial reconnaissance near Crimea and Donbass
View attachment 19180

US drone conducted reconnaissance near the borders of Crimea and Donbass
Two US drones and one British plane flew near Crimea, and the UAV then headed towards Donbass.
Two reconnaissance drones RQ-4 Global Hawk of the US Air Force and an RC-135W reconnaissance aircraft of the British Air Force conducted reconnaissance near the Crimea and flew to Donbass. This is evidenced by data from Flightradar24 on Monday, April 26.

As of 14:40, the British Air Force aircraft took off towards the departure point - Great Britain, and the RQ-4s were moving deeper into Ukraine. An RQ-4, numbered GINGR68, is believed to have flown from Israeli territory, while another US Air Force drone numbered FORTE10 is likely to have flown from a NATO airbase in Sigonella, Italy.

Later, American UAVs flew towards Donetsk and Luhansk regions, one
Later, American UAVs flew towards Donetsk and Luhansk regions, one of them disappeared from the radars for a while, being in the Kherson region, but then it appeared in the Starobelsk region of the Luhansk region.

Both RQ-4 Global Hawks of the US Air Force are flying in the opposite direction from the east of Ukraine as of 16:00.

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View attachment 19182
View attachment 19183
12345678 was also there it seems 😂 😂 😂
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