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  1. T

    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    What is sharia is the question, if you're talking about people who join Daesh I don't know anyone or anyone who knows anyone who shares their idea of what sharia is or believes that their version of society is in any way desirable whatsoever. Im afraid you would be in the minority, if that is...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    My understanding of Islam is quite different from theirs to say the least. You are right, I can wholeheartedly say that I would prefer to live in a sophisticated and tolerant society, but if I was an afghani dont for one second think I would betray my country for a foreign occupation which...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    Listen friend. They have laws against abuse of women as well, but a different set of laws on a different basis. In fact in many cases there is probably overlap. (rape, harassment etc.) I'm not saying they are paragons of virtue, but just because one does not operate according to the liberal...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    I present to you the new leader of the Taliban. Because when you knock a woman down, she never gets up.
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    Dude are you writing poetry, why cant you people just speak straightforwardly for once. It's a blatant fact that what's pervasive amongst indians today is hatred for Islam, not just "Islamism". Perhaps you genuinely separate the two, but these days the average indian isn't a passionate...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    Their genetics are significantly turkic so one might say that is already true.
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    Nothing will match the level of brutality and terror which the special forces, drones, and various explosive munitions of the coalition forces reigned down upon the people of that country. I wouldn't know where to begin explaining to you what has been reported, let alone what is covered up.
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    India India - Pakistan Relations

    It seems you removed the Karachi part, but I'd recommend to you in future not to feed into division within the country. Indians are going down this path to our advantage today with their Hindu nationalism, we should do the opposite and accommodate everyone under the umbrella of the nation.
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    Is there a time horizon on this agreement?
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    System is key to China's rapid development: Iraqi communist party leader

    Agreed. One thing that is often overlooked is that the initial 5 year plans in the soviet union were very successful and the development of heavy industry was rapid.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    You know one thing the Taliban have taught us, if anything, is never to discount the potential of guerilla warfare.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    This video is a quite interesting in the context of what you talking about. I've found that tradionalist thinkers like Rene Guenon, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Abdal Hakim Murad (Timothy Winter) are useful in understanding the relationship between modernity and the muslim world.

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