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  1. T

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    I suppose it is the Canadian in me, but should you not have freedom of relgion/conciousness? When you speak of being secular, and having secular laws there are different models of that, the Laicist approach is but one and is borne out of a very specific cultural context: that of the Catholic...
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    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Ameen Brother
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    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    The first point you mention, I would have to admit that I am in agreement with. The age of accountability begins at 7, at which we are accountable for our actions before Allah (Exalted is he). In practical terms, I have heard of children here in Canada (growing up here myself) sexually active as...
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    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Certainly worrying for you, but Islam seems to worry you all by default. In your heart of hearts the truth calls out, and if you reject it this will only be a source of anxiety for you.
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    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Rest in Peace Shaykh Mahmud Effendi (May Allah be pleased with him). Salam to you all. Tariq ibn Shihab reported: Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, left on a journey to Syria and with him was Abu Ubaida. They came upon a creek, so Umar dismounted from his camel, took off...
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    Is Taiwan Next?

    Just like between Russians and Ukrainians the only people who will really be able to understand the situation are the people who understand Chinese culture and internal politics. Pakistanis, Indonesians, Indians, Turks, we're all on the outside looking in. From what I have read though, the...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    Hey man, I was reading some of your posts on this thread the other day and I thought you would be interested in this video I was listening to today. Its a talk by Bill Janeway, the former vice-chairman of Warburg Pincus (a big-time VC firm), and a now economist. Here's an 'elevator pitch' by...
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    I mean within your own intellectual milieu Islamism is not the only sovereigntist/eastern-centric viewpoint, there is also the Eurasianists (Cem Gurdeniz et al). So it doesn't have to be reduced to just Islamism, though that is a significant contributor. I wont claim to know better than you but...
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    I was not saying the relations are cyclical myself, i was referring to the point made the person I was responding to. (Crypto I believe) Sure Turkey will be able to have an excellent relationship with the western bloc so long as it does not become too powerful, so long as it relinquishes mavi...
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    Russia is the historical rival yes, but the western bloc is more of a threat to Turkey today. America is currently literally pursuing a containment strategy against Turkey with the kurds. They are also aligned with the Greeks in the Mediterranean. Turkey will get the F35 once newer technologies...
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    Why doesn't Turkey buy chinese fighter jets? Those are not under CAATSA correct? China has been desperate to sell some export jets.
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    TR Politics

    At the end of the day, you turks deserve the respect of all muslims because you restored and maintained the integrity of the muslim lands by throwing out the crusaders and mongols. Before the mamluks and seljuks, the place was in chaos, and after you guys left it returned to chaos.
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    TR Politics What are your guys thoughts on this?
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    I don't know anything about what they will be like, so I abstain from making a judgement on what the future holds. At least from listening to their spokesperson they are *saying* things will be different from what they were like before, whether or not that holds true remains to be seen. As for...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    The implication that not providing the specific conception of rights referred to 'human rights' means not providing any rights at all is incorrect, if that is what you mean. While a Chinese person, for example, may not have rights meeting the qualifications of 'human rights' that does not mean...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    Human Rights when we need an imperial philosophy to use as a whacking stick against the rest of the world. Brutality when we need to figure out a way to get our hands on that Lithium.
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    its important to recognize that every country which has tried to implement laicite is a weak democracy today. Laicite is democracy in the form of chains, as a person is not able to express their conciousness in the public forum.
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    When I say liberal I refer to the philosophy of liberalism (that which emphasizes individual freedom), not the political leaning as per the american use of the word. I was under the impression that in switzerland the understanding of the word was as the philosophy. It's strange that you use the...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    I see what you mean, and I can see why people would be more motivated to do that in europe given its rapid decline into intolerance. Here in Canada though people are all set, and quite satisfied by the system for the most part. In terms of retirement I have not heard of that, but if one had to...
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    Live Conflict War in Afghanistan

    My point was more to propose that the liberal conception of human rights is not necessarily the sole barometer of which society is moral and which is not. As for what the coming Taliban system will be like, none of us really know exactly. The previous system was definitely not tolerant, nor...

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