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  1. OverTheHorizon

    India Army Indian Army General Archive

    You cannot expect a very disciplined armed forces in an indisciplined country. Indian politics of the 90s was abhorrent with PMs being changed almost every two years. Combine the bankruptcy in 1991, the extreme poverty and the really bad politicking in the 90s, any enemy, one as weak as even...
  2. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    What I find alarming in all this is there is no debate on whether Russian security concerns are genuine or not. Demonizing Russia seems to be the only thing here. I don’t support any war but there is an urgent need to ceasefire and analyze whether Ukraine/NATO brought it upon themselves. Of...
  3. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Over simplification. There is no basis to your logic. We don’t know which way Russian speaking population is actually leaning. People say something on TV and do something else in reality. Further we cannot rely on the views of a dozen Russian speaking people interviewed by pro western TVs to...
  4. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    So you are saying ordinary Russians dont have balls like Ukrainians to fight against injustice, even though both people have very similar ancestry and subject to very similar warfare and destruction in the past? There is something in your argument which dismisses Russians as weak people...
  5. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Every indication says a whole lot of disinformation is coming in from the Ukrainian war theaters. I mean if Putin was losing so many soldiers, wouldn’t ordinary Russians be incensed and angered as they lose their fathers, sons, and husbands by the thousands? There are right wing Russian...
  6. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Remember, China and India both have trading arrangements with Russia outside of SWIFT through currency swaps and barter mechanisms. Meanwhile, half of Europe is going to go dark as Russia denies energy supplies. What is the hit to Europe's GDP, which was already hit by the pandemic? What happens...
  7. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Russians are NOT stupid. They have diversified away from the USD in the currency reserve mix. They hold a lot of reserves in Euro, Yuan and Gold now. In fact, Russia's Gold to its total forex reserves is the highest in the world. Almost 20% of their reserves is Gold. Further, Russia holds only...
  8. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    I am no lawyer. Lol. Couldnt be one even if I wanted to. While there are people who love the Modi administration and others who hate it, there are some, like me, who dispassionately look at what the administration has done and ,for that matter, NOT done. Given India's stage of economic...
  9. OverTheHorizon

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Looks like at best Russians will be able to control the border regions. And then take Kyiv and Kharkiv for leverage to oust the Ukrainian government and install a puppet regime a la Belarus. But if this goes wrong for Putin (in which case Putin is gone) , I wonder if a WW3/nuclear war is upon...
  10. OverTheHorizon

    India Quad Archive

    I see some likelihoods: 1. Most likely the calling off of Predators narrative was planted in the press by Indian intelligence agencies for whatever reason. 2. Some internal lobby like DRDO wanted to sabotage the deal and deliberately released the story, potentially at the urging of Russians...
  11. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    Yes. I agree. The water insecurities are of a recent take. What the Modi government has successfully managed to do is increase Pakistani establishment’s fear of the unknown by several folds, by simply employing a low cost strategy - refuse to have any sort of interactions. Pretty clever...
  12. OverTheHorizon

    India Quad Archive

    I think the US realizes that the dynamics of India-Russia and India-US are very complicated and has a lot of historical baggage. The reality is the world is such that none of these three countries can corner the other one anymore. Throw China into the mix and things get even more complicated...
  13. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    Remember, cornered animals lash out. It is not out of courage but out of fear. Pakistanis are in eternal fear of what India can do to them. The reality is Pakistan is a thin sliver of land populated alongside the Indus and its tributaries in the Punjab. And even that sliver is witnessing...
  14. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    The question you need to ask yourself is whether your assertions would pass the highest rigors of inquiry and deduction toward a reasonable conclusion. Just for kicks, there are people who believe that scientific rigor is all BS and a conspiracy by the "elite" to keep themselves employed in the...
  15. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    Here's an article on how modern computing techniques were used to understand the Indus Valley script. You can note the article summarizes the difficulties associated with deciphering the fate of the IVC. It...
  16. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    Clearly, people underestimate the ability of cultures to mix and move about. There are countless stories that have claimed that a certain civilization lacked movement only to find later that, astonishingly even, these civilizations were mighty seafarers. I am of the opinion that the steppes...
  17. OverTheHorizon

    Historical Indus Valley Civilization Research papers and Theories.

    Generally civilizations settle between two rivers such as Tigris and Euphrates, when such river systems are available. Saraswathi river has proven to be in existence using ground mapping radars and there is a claim that an underground Saraswathi still flows. All map locations and river courses...

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