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  1. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    What about Kizilwlma internal bays ?? I read so much about kizilelma but no infro about its internal weapons , range ??
  2. BalkanTurk90

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    We need urgent 40-50 of those eurofighter to replace F4 terminators which in 2025 all of them will retire . Aslo the replace is 2 engine aircraft for 2 engine , perfect but we should work harder to bring them faster in our soil .
  3. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    With modern tech , SAMs can make BM useless but what Turkiye should do is equip BM at least modern ones like CENK & tayfun with chafs like fighter aircrafts or just like Russia did and increase success to bypass enemy SAMs . But until now no news about Turkiye BM anti SAMs capability
  4. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    U cant export 300+ km missiles because Turkiye is part of (MTCR) regime
  5. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    democracy means the will of majority of people inside 1 country ,Thats mean Islamic republic of Iran is democratic because majority of its people create their own country like they want , Same for Faşist Italy or Nazizm Germany and All of them were/are better than zionist controlled coutries by...
  6. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    Yeah yeah u convinced me and everybody, erdogan is so big dictator that ban himself to be re elected after 2 terms 5 + 5 years 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 1- In the United States, the president can use the veto power to prevent a bill passed by the Congress from becoming law 🤦‍♂️ 2- Has the power to convene...
  7. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    After Turkiye change to Presidecial system ,Turkiye its just like USA . If USA is dictatorship than aslo Turkiye is the same 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  8. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    What do u mean neither 'republi" neither secular? Most countries are republic like Islamic republic or secular republic . Islamic republic of pakistan vs french republic they are both republics.U can say what is ideology of Turkiye republic based ? On Religion one or in secular atheist one ??
  9. BalkanTurk90

    TR Attack & Utility Helicopter Programs

    Aslo T 70 blackhawk but most probably is for Gökbey
  10. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Thats some questions born , first why Baykar dont want tf 6000 for kizilema? Second , how powerful will be their own engine? Third , does baykar see tai/tei as competitor , and want all its product money for themself ?
  11. BalkanTurk90

    Turkish Pentagon is Being Built - Ay Yıldız Projesi

    Same for two years ! Does they stop building it ? Perhaps finacial reasons or they they are working under ground first , Anti nuclear bunker 😍
  12. BalkanTurk90

    TR Navy Turkish Navy|News & Discussions

    I hope Turkish navy order more bigger frigates from dearsan
  13. BalkanTurk90

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    time of war - 5000 time of peace -2-3 (for shows ) 😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  14. BalkanTurk90

    TR Efes 2024 combined arms amphibious assualt exercise (sea-land-air)

    Nice seeing Attak t129 shooting at night , but what the number of them in active duty ? does it reach 100+ , Before they were intoduced every month nowdays no anymore ?! Does the army stop producing them for theirself but just exporting ?😭
  15. BalkanTurk90

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Looks good , so many Turkish systems but maalesef almost all of them are for shows off in panairs 😡😡
  16. BalkanTurk90

    Breaking News Helicopter carrying Iranian President has reportedly crashed

    Sorry about Irani president Reisi , RIP . But from this accident and others people should take lessons . They made mutiple errors and i dont think israel or others are involved in this since the most powerful in Iran is Ayotollah not its president , Aslo he will be just replaced with same anti...
  17. BalkanTurk90

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    No bro , the president type car must be design from strach and be so heavily armored that can withstand many types of weapobs and explozives and i dont think it can be with batteries . This one, togg t10x perhaps some low bussnessmens can buy and use even not high level ones like koç and others...
  18. BalkanTurk90

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    -- I was talking about Turkish type of presidencial armored car , produced from TOGG or other companies . I know t10x is weak and work only on battery while presidencial one should be hybrud or gaseline and will weigh many tons . Perhaps Otokar or BMC should have produced some few years ago...
  19. BalkanTurk90

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    Any idea if they are working for heavily armored ones for ministers , high level state headers and big bussnessmens ? Aslo the one for President use like US beast type ??
  20. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Roketsan General Manager Murat İkin: “As Roketsan, we have 40 projects in addition to those we have launched to the public.” - ROKETSAN / - KESKİN / - PUSU - -Roketsan patented the names KESKİN and PUSU to use in its new projects.

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