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  1. BalkanTurk90

    TR Navy Turkish Navy|News & Discussions

    Will land forced do the parade ? or only navy ?
  2. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Its says 40 billion but real one is around 30 billion , they put aslo police budget inside defence one , i dont know how it works for other countries like france and USA . So - 10 billion police budget
  3. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Tb3 for ground bombing on terrorist with weak SAMs and Steath Kizilelma for air to air fight with other countries airforces will be big step for our Anadolu replacment for f35.
  4. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Turkey should buy at least - 250 tb3 - 100 Akinci - 50 Tb3 - 70 kizilelma - 100 anka - 50 aksungur - 150 Anka 3 -TOTAL 770 ( + herons , karayel ) 800 Drones 🇹🇷
  5. BalkanTurk90

    TR Navy ULAQ ¦ SANCAR ¦ MIR ¦ SALVO | Unmanned Surface Vehicles, News and Updates

    Can it hold bigger missiles like Cakir?
  6. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    yes most sources dont tell numbers for each but we know the price 130 million and price that other countries buy it -bahrain- 73 units - 74 million -UaE - 700 units - 661 million So i support that 112 number for 130 million .
  7. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Yes really cheap knowing that German Puma cost 17 million Problemaric Bradley cost 3 million Stryker cost 5 million Polish borsuk 6.6 million But I think Turkiye sold them as Apc without Remote Controlled Weapon System or other heavy 30mm weapon . If u see at estonian ceremony there is no...
  8. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Source: Estonian Centre for Defence Investments
  9. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    (copy-paste from estonian website) Nurol Makina will supply 112 NSM 4x4 light armored vehicles (above) to the Estonian army at a cost of €90 million, while another Turkish company, Otokar, will supply 112 ARMA 6x6 armored personnel carriers at a cost of €130 million. Together, the two contracts...
  10. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    As an Balkaner i am very surprised why some of you put balkan as powderkeg ?! I know the past history but alot of changes happened . Today in balkans never can happen big war because here its not the same as in past . -Fisrt we dont have weapons to fight for a week . In 1990 Albania had 1000...
  11. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    u sucks in math 🤣 40 billion are above 2% If Turk gdp for 2024 is 1.2 trillion than 40 billion is 3.2% closse to Usa budget for its gdp that is around 3.5 I belive this increase of Turkish defence comes aslo because alot of weapons will be mass produced which needs alot of money until now no...
  12. BalkanTurk90

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Even if dont exist doest mean we cant make it , with nowdays tech Turkiye can make such selicone steath underwater drone smart weapon that warships can drop it and ir can stay inactive and activate it if is neccesary .
  13. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

  14. BalkanTurk90

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Where will that airpower come from? AC will be demaged by Wattoz like smart mine around 2000 km away and other weapons . Airbases around europe and Middle east will be targeted with all kind of weapons from small one to Big MRBM Aslo Turkiye will have advance SAMs that can take out most...
  15. BalkanTurk90

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Unmached really? We are not living in 1980 anymore Today with modern tech and that US big aircraft carrier will blow up beyond repair . Its very easy for at least top 10 countries in tech to build sea drones undetected that cam stay for days to wait enemy ships and blow them up . Just like...
  16. BalkanTurk90

    TR Economy & Updates

    New economy information by IMF updated on 10 octember Turkiye passed Netherland and S arabia 🇹🇷 now economy GDP 1.15 trillion . The next countries to pass because of low their population and smaller % of economy increase will be 1- Spain 2-Austalia 3- Canada 4- Italy 5- S Korea . Next 10 years...
  17. BalkanTurk90

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    -What terrorist ? Do you learn palestian history ? Do you know that even israeli females are for military compulsory trained and they are target for armed action . They israelis come and steal palestian lands .
  18. BalkanTurk90

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations
  19. BalkanTurk90

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    They did 2 times in past ,they can do again , Egyptins , jordans, palestinians are almost 1 nation its they duty to join in massive new war to create palestine . Israelis are killing and stealing palestine lands everyday the only solution is . 1- Egypt army 1-3 million soldiers enter palestine...
  20. BalkanTurk90

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    The only nation that can fix this mess is egypt , Its population and army is massive 105+ million people , Egypt can enter the palestine to protect arabs and can take under control gaza , south 'israel' and connect it with west bank . Other nations will aslo help like muslims , china russia etc...

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