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  1. B

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Hamas need to take what deal is offered to them & end this conflict. Once the IDF starts rescuing more hostages they (as in Hamas) will lose all levereage for a permanant ceasefire. Then you will get a permanant IDF occupation of Gaza & Palestine that will make the last 20 years look like a...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    To murder family members & those who had surrended would have be an un-Islamic act. Good thing the Muslims of yesteryear were nothing like that.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Lol It's actually very different You can't compare Armenia-Azerbaijan to Israel-Palestine. 1) Armenia was hated by all of it's neighbours except Iran & Russia who supplied Armenia with Armaments & personel. Israel has good relations with Egypt, Jordan & even Saudi. You might say it's only with...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Dugin like his master Putin want Russian Jews to control Israel Many of those Russian Jews are more fanatical with their hatred of Arabs than the Ashkenazai cohort from Germany-Poland or the Yemeni Jews.
  5. B

    Breaking News Iran strikes Pakistani territory; Pakistan Counter Strikes; Operation Marg Bar Sarmachar

    Guys never trust the Iranian Shia leadership They never once attacked Israel. In fact they co-operated with Israel in the 80s during the Iran-Iraq war They would have attacked Azerbaijan as well but their master Putin told them not to & they fear Turkey. Once a Rafida always a Rafida
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Yall must be on drugs if you think Russia-America & their Arab proxies are going to let Israel be wiped off the map. You might as well add Ex Russia & Ex Yemeni to your post as well. As the IDF is full of Yemenis & Non- Jewish Russians (up to 1 million) since 1990s "Aiyah" There is a reason...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    The Houthis are god awfully stupid & Brainless If there is one thing you DON'T mess with it's international shipping. Even the most war wary Westerner is going to support their Goverments putting massive Hurt on the Houthis over this. Don't mess with an American consumers Amazon order. That...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Not true Israel has won most war's & battles it has fought in. However Israel has little to no experience in taking a very large urban populace like Gaza. Which begs the question? What will be the limit, end goal & scope of their operation?
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Lol I have checked your post History & it's been nothing but following Russian propaganda since 2022. The same goes for the Bengali member. So Ukraine losing your "support" means nothing. Ukraine at least were nuetral in the Recent UN vote. Its funny how you guys Support Russia (which is...
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    Balkan Tensions

    They only have 1 battery out of four delivered. They stand no chance even with the full four.
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    Balkan Tensions

    Lol Serbs literally F'd around & found out And a Big LOL @ Vucic crying like a baby in the press conference. What a clown!
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    If Turkey & Azerbaijan want to create a corridor then rest assured that US, France, Russia & Iran will all join forces against Turkey. The only way I can see Zangezur corridor being taken by Azerbaijan is if Putin agree's to it but I am skeptical. This current situation is good for Putin...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    So what? Is his disinfo gonna kill me? I dont know maybe he could say something so outlandish that I may accidently laugh myself to death..
  14. B

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Lol Thanks for letting me know you are just a Russian bot reading from a script Calling Ukraine pro Nazi is the same Russian goverment shill disinfo bs like calling Turkey "a supporter of Isis" back in 2015 Russians are literally the last people on earth to call others Nazis. Parts of Moscow...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Pro Nazi? GCC supporting Syrian Rebels? Lol dude what are you smoking? I get Russia has it's interests in Invading Ukraine but blatant lying & propaganda like your post should be laughed at like 'WMD's in Iraq' & censored because its not in good faith & a blatant falsehood.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    There is a reason why there is not full scale firing from Armenians in Karabakh anymore. And thats because what was left of the Armenian Army retreated back into Armenia proper after their defeat in 2020.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Actually the Armenian policy of Creating 'Arstakh"was an exact copy of Serbian extremist policy of multiple states in the 90s Serbia created two unrecognized states of Repulika Srpska & Republika of Srpska Krajina to mask the fact that there forces were involved in occupied Bosnia & Croatia...
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    Balkan Tensions

    Yes it very much is a hypocrisy However this does not change the fact that Putins invasion of Ukraine is an unjustified & evil act. I largely support the Ukranians because the Ijmaa of Crimean Tatar Muslims is that they are much better off in Ulraine & because Putin hates real Muslims (Ahlul...
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    Balkan Tensions

    No suprises here considering that Rafidaa Iran has always been the enemy of Muslim states. Just look at Iranian animosity towards Turkey, Azerbaijan & Pakistan. And no before anybody says "But Iran helped Bosnia in the 90s". It's not true. The vast Majority of Iranian Arms went to the Croats &...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    No Suprises here The West does not want Ukraine to win because the West are still allied with Russia globably. Many policy makers in the West want Russia to be on their side against China & more importantly against Islamic countries. After all Russia & US are effectivley allies in Syria for...

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