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  1. R

    Breaking News Iran-Israel Tensions

    I wonder whats faster, these drones or their animators producing an animated video depicting their "successful retaliation"
  2. R

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Poland did the same last week
  3. R

    TR Politics

    AKP voters wont vote for CHP because the CHP simply doesnt manage to attract said voter base. So what does the CHP do? Support the enemies of the state and nominate someone like KK to challenge Erdogan. They managed to loose the election in a situation where: The economy has been run to the...
  4. R

    TR Politics

    He can, especially after his statements suggesting that a trustee will be appointed sooner or alter. He can simply paint the whole situation as "I gave in to their demands out of good will, yet it turned out I was right all along whilst the CHP spoke out in their support"
  5. R

    TR Politics

    The fact that he profits off keeping a party such a dem/hdp around. Thus giving himself the ability to easily play the "chpkk" card, guaranteeing that his voters wont switch sides whilst also causing rifts in the voter base of CHP allies such as IYIP.
  6. R

    TR Politics

    Then why does the CHP continue legitimize DEM and fall into Erdogans trap? Why is it that hard to go out and criticize both the decision of nominating a known terrorist support as well as the stunt the AKP pulled to get their man in power. CHP may fear that if they become the "middle-man" in...
  7. R

    TR Politics

    is dem/pkk any different? They cried about "democracy" just yesterday and now they are back in the streets screaming "biji apo". Did the people truly vote for CHP or just against the AKP? Looking at the numbers a lot of AKP voters simply switched to YRP or simply not vote at all. They...
  8. R

    TR Politics

    There shouldnt be any incentive for wanting the votes of those who have a problem with the very existence of the Turkish state. This sucking up wont end once the CHP is in power, it will only continue and more concessions will be made. Finally some time in the future the whole thing will blow up...
  9. R

    TR Politics

    doesnt change the fact that the CHP leadership is indeed sucking off hdp/pkk terrorists for votes. No different from the AKP just a few years ago. All of this is an actual clownshow
  10. R

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    what about those who supplied pkk terrorists with such systems in the first place? Will the Government continue to rely on Israel or the US pulverizing iranian proxies in our backyard, whilst they continue to threaten and now possibly even directly arm our enemies?
  11. R

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Ive seen the vids and at least one Anka drone 100% got shot down by some kind of AD weapon/system. Even if one takes into account the height of the mountains, it seems to be flying way too low.
  12. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    basically: >greek lobbyist tells the people that pay him "everything is fine", whilst all that Biden really cared about was getting the F-16 - Sweden swap done. >"will continue to warn", "voice strong objections", meaning all we will see are twitter posts like we are already used to. The US...
  13. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Because we not only need to produce an entirely new and untested platform but also maintain it. Even the US decided to prolong the use of their F-16s, because its simply a much more cost-efficient workhorse than the F-35. Furthermore, they are also planning on buying new F-15s.
  14. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    The TFX project was originally intended to be the replacement for the F-16. Replacing all F-16s with KAAN doesnt seem plausible from an economic standpoint, thats why the Özgür project is a thing and hopefully we will see an armed version of Hürjet as well. The Loyal Wingman for KAAN will most...
  15. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Neither Russia nor the US will ever Nuke Turkey. Russia doesnt even dare to use low yield tactical nukes in Ukraine and the US is currently sitting neck deep in the mess they themselves created having to deal with both an antagonistic rival growing across the pacific and their supposed "greatest...
  16. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    unlike the S400, the F35 can be integrated into existing NATO systems. If they are both our historical enemies, then why not find out more about the weapons they might use against us? The F35 is an indefinitely greater threat than Russias S400. Russians cant even intercept Ukrainian missiles...
  17. R

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    We have no use for the S400s either way. Give the S400s to Azerbaijan and get the planes we already paid for and are currently still sitting around.
  18. R

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    Their whole point is that according to them, it is their "right" to extend their EEZ up to 12nm, regardless of what Turkey says.
  19. R

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    Their goal is to unilaterally extend their EEZ to 12nm, whilst trying to guarantee US and EU protection/intervention, once they instigate the conflict.
  20. R

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    another case:

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