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  1. R

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    The very same company that admitted to funding ISIS and was charged with being complicit in crimes against humanity, continues its activities on Syria soil, despite indirectly financing ISIS terror attacks on french citizens. But hey, since they now support pkk/ypg terrorists they get a pass...
  2. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    maybe if Erdogan didnt openly support Hamas. They can overlook SA human rights abuses but not any hostility towards Israel or criticism of their actions.
  3. R

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Partaking in a terrorist organization should be punished via death penalty, not jail time. Furthermore western propaganda isnt affected by if pkk terrorists end up behind bars or with a 7.62 in their skulls. They are backing them out of geopolitical necessities, not "morality". The US literally...
  4. R

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Meanwhile Turkish taxpayer money continues to go into the pockets of terrorists and their sympathizers. As long as the enemies at home arent neutralized, the enemies abroad will continue to linger. Instead all that we are going to get is a few statements from AKP officials until they shift the...
  5. R

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Now the same japanese politician got community noted
  6. R

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Pretty sure thats the leftist politician who has been friendly with PKK linked groups and organizations operating in Japan, far before Erdogans Hamas statements. Edit: Here the same person can be seen together with this guy. Image dates back to 2022.
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    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Well according to the same list Japan delisted Hamas, the Taliban and various ISIS offshots as well. Doesnt really seem likely.
  8. R

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Because Sweden still is a safe haven for PKK terrorists, their sympathizers, and most important of all for pkk subgroups gathering funds on Swedish soil. Germany would block an Eurofighter sale to Turkey, even if there wasnt any Swedish NATO membership application. After all Turkey was already...
  9. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    There is absolutely nothing to gain from getting involved into this conflict, except for Erdogan to use it as fuel for his political image. Playing mediator also wont yield any results this time, because Israels objectives are pretty clear and they dont involve any negotiating
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    the end goal of both is exactly the same. So if the EU had any actual moral standing, something which they constantly tell and pride themselves on, they should criticize both.
  11. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Yet YPG/PKK terrorists are more than welcome by European Governments and the US. Not to mention the straight up funding they get.
  12. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Yeah, you can also see the video cut between 0:02 and 0:03.
  13. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Turkey should support neither side. Both sides support our enemies in one way or another and the best thing to do is sit by while they are busy killing each other. The Arabs had their chance multiple times to destroy Israel but failed. Its also good to have Iran focusing most of their resources...
  14. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    There is fighting back and there is being plain stupid. What short and long term effects did this attack have? A sense of terror and danger for the Israelis? Showing them that the Palestinians can fight back and inflict heavy damage? Israel still has a far more superior military might and will...
  15. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    pretty sure those are the number of dead civilians found at where the desert music festival took place
  16. R

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    From a reputation standpoint this seems far more destructive. I still dont get how Israeli intelligence was unable to even catch the slightest hint for such an unprecedented attack. Even if Israeli strikes back and kills 10x more Palestinians, at the end of the day it still was Israel that was...
  17. R

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Except this time Armenia cant just easily send supplies and equipment into Karabakh to reinforce their separatist proxy forces there like they did in 2020. The only option for them would be to forcefully open the Lachin corridor, which would mean Armenia going out of their way to officially...
  18. R

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Is there any official statement from the Turkish or Swedish side? Stoltenberg is just a simple NATO mouthpiece after all.

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