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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    During the 44 day war, TB-2 UCAVs achieved 3000 operational hours
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Selcuk Bayraktar in Azerbaijan, expecting establishment of joint production in Azerbaijan
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    4 Armenian BMP-2s head towards the frontline, shortly after they are all destroyed by Azerbaijan
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    I remember when the footage of that convoy came out, Armenians were wondering how Azerbaijan managed to capture entire convoy of equipment without any bullet holes in the vehicles or Armenian bodies, turns out they all ran away lmao
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Spike LR/ER taking out Armenian T-72 tanks
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Large Scale Exercise
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Something big might be coming as Armenians continue to refuse to open corridor to Nakhchivan
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Depends, SOF units of Azerbaijan are the best equipped and trained in the region, even conscripts which might look like have cheaper gear have lvl 3 protection with plates, which is pretty rare for any military with conscription, I would say overall personal equipment could be better but still...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Ballistic missiles still have value in taking out air fields, military bases and etc. , Armenians just chose to launch 2 missiles towards one of the most protected cities in the world, covered with Barak-8, S-300PMU-2 and etc. along with long range radars such as Green Pine 2.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Just garbage, Azerbaijan just has to wait out peacekeepers now, Aliyev already said they will be limited to 5 years and Azerbaijani forces will take over the entire area after that.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Special Forces after clearing Shusha of Armenian forces
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    Air-Force First Photo of Iran KAMAN-22 UAV

    Let me get this right, each branch has its own defense industry and don't want to share with each other? Lol what a joke
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    These Acquisitions And Upgrades Could Give Greece’s Air Force A Formidable Edge Over Turkey

    Turkey definitely messed up by picking S-400 over 100+ F-35s, which with upgraded F-16s + TFX, would of made it the most capable Air Force in NATO after US, and most capable Air Force in the region after Russia. However, with Turkish development in long range cruise missiles and ballistic...
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    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    Don't all the sensors and sights block a big portion of Akkors engagement area ? creating pretty big blind zones
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    95% of users on that subreddit live in Glendale and preach how great Armenia is, its pretty funny to watch
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    I actually had a few discussions with that user regarding the prospects of future war just about a year ago, told him multiple times, Azerbaijani military is much more advanced and not what it was in the 90s, but he didn't believe me, and continually believed Armenians are immortal and cannot be...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Special Forces from Nakhchivan returning home after the war.

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