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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Border Guards Special Operation Forces literally picking up Armenian soldiers and tossing them off to Armenian side
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    China warns US it will be defeated if the two superpowers go to war

    Russia is not a superpower, its economy is weak and reliant on natural resources, its military is also pretty ancient and they don't have the money to conduct a proper modernization, Russia is just a declining regional power.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Massive number of Armenian POWs during 2nd Karabakh War
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Border Patrol at new positions inside Armenia
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    New and Old Footage of Strikes Performed by Air Force
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Why would we need to hide shipments? these unmanned de-mining vehicles are not exactly cheap, they are probably more expensive than TB-2s
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Actually it is pretty crucial, we are trying to clean up a massive area filled with thousands of mines, gotta make it safe for civilians to visit.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Azerbaijan already increased its budget to nearly 3 bil after the war
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    4 Turkish Air Force A-400Ms and 1 Azerbaijani Air Force Il-76 delivering weapons to Azerbaijan from Turkey in just 1 day
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenian Army bringing T-55 tanks out of retirement as they have barely any tanks left after the war 😆
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Navy Special Forces using captured Armenian ATGM against Armenian targets.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Its pretty funny when Armenians are asking for war, meanwhile when Azerbaijani soldiers reached the Armenian border, all we saw was Russian soldiers and Russian flags. Where is the mighty Armenian military?
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    As soon as I said that, their local news source released additional 71 names which are apparently being hidden by their MoD, nearly 300 names added just in 1 day, 5 months after the war, crazy.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    More than 5 months since the war ended, but Armenians continue to add up names of dead soldiers, this time they added 194. Due to high number of deaths, Armenia stopped publishing the total number of dead soldiers, should be 5000+ now, with hundreds still missing and captured by Azerbaijan...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    That's why Azerbaijan is one of the biggest users of MLRS in the world, with 300+ systems.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenian Convoy Ambushed by Azerbaijani Soldiers
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Kasirga, IMI Extra and Smerch in action

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