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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Lmao, if Iran could actually form any militias in Azerbaijan it would of done so 30 years ago, Azerbaijan is not Iraq, Syria or Yemen. In fact Azerbaijan and Turkey are the only neighbors Iran simply can't do anything against, but its pretty funny to watch the country on brink of bankruptcy try...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Lmao ppl think Iran can do anything to Azerbaijan? No one in Azerbaijan is even worried about Iran trying to flex its muscles with its ancient civilization military, which in itself is pretty poorly trained. We have literally 15 to 20 million Azerbaijanis already ready to pretty much revolt, and...
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    Defence Q&A Which is superior? Russian tanks or NATO tanks?

    Not true, latest Russian tanks such as T-90S, T-90M and Armata have better protection than NATO tanks, T-90M and Armata also have third generation optics same as Western tanks
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Lol Armenian jets? their air bases are located 70kms away from Azerbaijan, in case of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenian Air Force will be wiped out in matter of hours.
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    More and bigger drones are already coming, as for AA systems, Azerbaijan already has the most advanced and capable AD network in the region.
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Coast Guard Exercise Joint Special Forces Exercise
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Joint Exercise Between Azerbaijani, Turkish and Pakistan Special Forces
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    Analysis PLA Taiwan Scenario questions

    if you listen to beijingwalker, he makes it sound like China can capture Taiwan in matter of minutes, the reality is it will cause massive regional war, if not nuclear. With massive losses on both sides.
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Azerbaijani Marines and Turkish Commandos Exercise
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Joint Exercise Between Azerbaijani Marines and Turkish Commandos
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    TurAz 2021 Joint Exercise Between Turkish and Azerbaijani Navy Special Operation Forces
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    China’s ‘Carrier-Killer’ Missiles, J-20 Jets Gives Beijing A Decisive Edge Over The US In Indo-Pacific: US Experts

    declining economy? US economy is not declining Lol, in fact its one of the fastest growing in the developed world, and its military budget continues to rise. US navy can't win a battle in South China Sea? 2 B-1Bs equipped with 36 LRASMs each can pretty much sink half of your navy, not even...
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    China’s ‘Carrier-Killer’ Missiles, J-20 Jets Gives Beijing A Decisive Edge Over The US In Indo-Pacific: US Experts

    China definitely has highest ship building capability in the world, but regardless United States Navy is so far ahead of everyone with nearly 100+ 10,000 ton combat warships, 11 Aircraft Carriers, another 11 LHDs that alone can carry 20 F-35Bs, biggest and most advanced fleet of nuclear...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    round 3? their military is completely gone, they got barely any equipment left and have no financial means to replace the losses, meanwhile Azerbaijan is increasing its budget, already making new weapon purchases from Turkey and Israel.
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    Defence Fair IDEF 2021 News & Discussion Updates

    64 VLS is plenty for a frigate, it will be the most capable frigate in the world, only ships with more armament are destroyers in USN and PLN
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    Defence Fair IDEF 2021 News & Discussion Updates

    very impressed by the amount of projects, the new OPV project is just crazy amount of armament for OPV, only very few countries have so many projects. Amazing progress.
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    Defence Fair IDEF 2021 News & Discussion Updates

    its not for detection, its more for target tracking, giving more accurate information than just camera.
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    Defence Fair IDEF 2021 News & Discussion Updates

    Pretty impressive how fast MKE was able to develop its own naval gun and CIWS

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