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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Lol if Ukrainian losses were 5x higher than Russian, the war would not be a stalemate right now.
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    the 100K casualty rate is for both sides, does VDV even exist anymore ? and what push? your forces might of started an offensive, but they are not pushing anything
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    despite throwing everything at Bakhmut, Russia has been unable to make any progress at that front, except a capture of a small town after months of fighting, but yes its looking bad for Ukraine, and this is all despite having thousands of Wagner mercs, mobilized military and factories running at...
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    Egypt's Currency Crisis!

    and Egypt continues to heavily borrow to finance its large military purchases and its new capital project
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    TR Economy & Updates

    might as well bump that number to 100 trillion and make it 10 trillion a year if we are going with fictional numbers
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    Taiwan To Plan $7 Billion Missile Boost

    China would need thousands of different crafts and hundreds of thousands of troops at staging areas, an invasion force of that size would be noticeable months in advance. It took coalitions months to prepare for desert storm, launching an amphibious invasion on Taiwan would be the most difficult...
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    Air-Force Breaking: B-21 Raider unveiled

    wasn't a diss, it was a reality check, Russia has a lot of projects but can't afford any of them in large numbers, examples are Armata and Su-57 Russian defense industry is also pretty crippled right now due to lack of exports, so it will only get worse.
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    Air-Force Breaking: B-21 Raider unveiled

    I like how you are trying to flex your drone, meanwhile in reality Russia uses Iranian UCAVs LOL
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    if it was a truck bomb you would see a massive crater in the road section and not just intact roads collapsed. its impossible to say the scale of damage under the bridge without proper photos, rather than relying on couple 1 min videos that show glimpses of it. But clearly the structural element...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    couple weeks ago Russians discovered unmanned boat on Crimean coast, most likely the same vessel or possibly a bigger one was used as a suicide vehicle Crimean bridge has security scanners that scan every commercial truck that passes through and the logistics of pulling that off, unmanned vessel...
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    According to Oryx, Russians have been visually confirmed to have lost nearly 100 tanks in the last week alone, those 30 tanks are enough for just 2 to 3 days at such rate of losses.
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    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    Here is a quote by General David Berger “What we have to do now is transition to a lighter footprint, more expeditionary, more in support of a littoral environment,” Weight is literally...
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    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    And that orientation is supposed to turn Marines into a more mobile and flexible force, which is why they have removed a heavy near 70 ton tank from service, weight was the main issue. Marines are expecting to conduct island hopping operations in SCS, you think supporting a 70 ton tank in such...
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    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    Altay is way too heavy for marines, FNSS Kaplan is much more useful for TN, same reason US Marines stopped using Abrams and are going for light tanks.
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    Russia's Iran-Made Drones 'Failing' and Not Meeting Expectations: Pentagon

    Lol the drones are literally launched from a civilian dump truck, with the launch platform looking like it was constructed in someone's garage, what kind of quality would they expect?
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    China China’s Navy Is The Largest On Earth (Yes, Bigger Than The U.S. Navy)

    You think USN is gonna be blocking shipment of iphones? they are gonna be blocking your energy imports, vast majority of your energy imports come through the few choke points within SCS This video explains it pretty well
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    China China’s Navy Is The Largest On Earth (Yes, Bigger Than The U.S. Navy)

    China has direct copies of Soviet carrier based Su-33s, just because they were built somewhat recently doesn't somehow make them any better than the Soviet version, those fighters cannot provide any form of protection against USN air power, also China is just developing its 5th gen aircraft for...
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    China China’s Navy Is The Largest On Earth (Yes, Bigger Than The U.S. Navy)

    US Naval Power is not even just in its ships, which the entire world can't even match, its in the air power, we are talking about more than a thousand latest 4th gen and 5th gen combat aircraft between both Marines and Navy. China is pumping out ships like no other, but they are lagging way...
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    Russia flexes muscle near Japan in show of two-front capability

    Lol two fronts? Russia can't even handle a 1 front war.
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    As sanctions start, Russia's trade flow shifting towards China

    probably cuz no one wants ruble or yen

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