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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Unknown number of Cobra 2 APCs have been delivered to Azerbaijani National Guard
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    Ukraine Crisis, Whose position is more justified? Russia or Nato?

    Whose position is justified? The whole reason NATO continues to expand is due to Russia, just few weeks ago Russia began threatening Sweden and Finland and now those countries are seriously considering joining NATO, if Russia was a peaceful neighbor NATO would serve no purpose, it is entirely on...
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    Strikingly Similar! US Navy’s Next-Gen Warship A ‘Blatant Copy’ Of China’s Type-005 Destroyer – Netizens

    Lol how does it even look similar? Meanwhile Chinese destroyers look like copies of Burke but yes US has to turn to you to copy lol
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Which platform in Bangladesh Air Force can utilize Turkish bombs?
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    Italy DDX, the new destroyer of the Italian Navy

    Needs more VLS for a 11,000 ton destroyer
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    Kazakhstan|News & Discussions

    This will most likely lead to a civil war in Kazakhstan, the people have already captured a lot of equipment and definitely not gonna stop to Russian troops. Russian troops might even anger the population even more and turn even more people towards the revolution.
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    Russian Geopolitics and Economy Discussions

    Lmao entire NATO force? NATO is superior than Russian military in every single aspect, from industrial output to training, and your logic about Afghanistan is so ironic since Soviets themselves lost in Afghanistan, and in a way worse fashion, Soviets sustained massive casualties while USA...
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    Russian Geopolitics and Economy Discussions

    Russia can steamroll through Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and etc. but once they reach that Polish border their advance would be halted. Poland has a pretty big military and is only going to be expanding, to 300,000 active personnel. Poland + Ukraine + Baltic states alone have nearly 400,000...
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Tbilisi factory hasn't manufactured any platform from scratch since the collapse of the Soviet Union, just look at the state of factory, all it does it maintenance and upgrades nowadays. Plus Turkey has no need for aircraft such as Su-25 with UCAVs such as Akinci coming into service.
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    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    you are right, UK was included by Ragip by mistake
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    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Holy shit what a joke, Erdogan picking fights when Turkey cannot afford to pick fights, specially with literally its biggest economic partners, even countries such as UK which was working towards greater economic and military relations with Turkey since Brexit, but Erdogan is gonna throw it all...
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    NASA: China and Russia leading the race to Mars,both China and US set the goal year 2033

    Lol SpaceX will be the first one to put people on Mars
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    Flying car is coming, Chinese EV maker Xpeng’s flying car company raises over $500 million as it aims to roll out in 2024

    These flying car concepts are a joke, no government will allow these flying blenders inside city limits for safety reasons alone, from them possibly crashing into buildings, crashing into busy streets and etc.
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    Nope, Brazil spent 5 billion for just 36 Gripen Es + local assembly, 6 billion for 40 F-16 Block 70s + 80 upgrade kits is actually a good deal.
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    Defence Q&A Is the Iranian army really strong enough to invade Azerbaijan? Will Turkey allow this?

    People that compare pure military numbers have no real understanding of strategic realities, for example even though Iran has a bigger military than Azerbaijan its military is spread out across many different fronts, it has to defend against threats in the Middle East, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan...
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Joint Exercise in Nakhchivan
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    Turkish pilots were already flying in F-35s that were going to Turkey, people overestimate these lobbies, they don't have complete control over US foreign policy The entire reason is CAATSA
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    There was also no real reason to stick it to Americans, Turkey claims US didn't want to provide ToT for PAC-3 but its not like Turkey got ToT for S-400s, as someone from a country that has dealt with Russia for a long time, Russia is 1000 times worse than US.
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    Integration of AESA radar alone can take years, if Ozgur project was anywhere close to completion there is no way Air Force would request so many aircraft to be upgraded to Block 70 variant.
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    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    Ozgur project is nowhere near ready, Block 70 upgrades can start right now + additional aircraft to push number of F-16s to near 300, wish Turkey didn't buy the S-400s in the first place and had 100+ F-35As and F-35Bs

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