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    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Can anyone highlight the main differences from this pictures with the previous prototype?
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    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Where did you see it?
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    TR Air Defence Programs

    So Haluk Gorgun wants more serial production instead of spending more time in prototyping which sounds good for me.
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    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Is this the real or the miniature one?
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    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I hope you are right my friend. But to be completely honest with you it won't be the case. We will be deceived once again. I am sorry to say that but I agree with some of the members about leaders having courage...
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    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    This time Russia won't be able to save them if it gets serious. We are no longer in the same position as in back 2020.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I don't know man, this guy very persistent. It seems like he's glued to the chair.
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    TR Development Road (Dry Canal) Initiative: Turkish-Arab logistics and economic development vision

    Biggest obstacle to this is PKK and other terror organizations such as Iran backed ones. So this initiative tells me Iraq is aligned with Turkiye on eradicating these groups from Northern Iraq.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Erdogan will run for another 5 years but he'll definitely be in passive politics afterwards. Until then I am sure he is already looking for a replacement that will lead his party and as a potential new leader. I hope we have a young and determined leader after his leave.
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    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    If that's the case I wonder what will be the range of Cenk🤔
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I was also thinking about this today. I am not so sure whether he did it on purpose but today Imamoglu didn't comment that much on the election results. I have a feeling that he is either freaked out about the results and doesn't want risk too much for the next municipal elections or he saw an...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    For this reason he won't risk it by supporting KK. This guy is definitely not stupid.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Hakan bayrakci predicts Erdogan will get most of the votes of Sinan Ogan even if he supports KK.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I would rather see someone like Ince in CHP's leadership. At least this guy has some morals and seems to care about his country, unlike KK who gives so many promises and positions to anyone if he thinks it benefits him like some ppl already mentioned before(see those useless 4 opposition parties...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Wow, those who were chanting for KK are now searching for some sort of loophole now that they are unsure KK will be able to win. I am expecting a very big competition for the CHP leadership soon. Imamoglu will definitely jump in. It will be very interesting to see what future holds for us.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Btw, there are news circulating that George Soros has died of heart attack. If true very interesting 🤔
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Where did you get this figures?
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I am curious about this as well.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    It is too late for that 😉

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