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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    If he does that he will definitely get a lot less.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Ye Yeah but I am sure he will have even more votes in the second round since Ogan's voter base is mostly AKP and MHP voters.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Yep, exactly. It was a stupid deal.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Don't waste your breathe here brother. People don't care about any of this. They are delusional and are blinded by hatred. They will feel it in couple of years after they finally wake up but I am afraid it is going to be too late. When that day comes true defenders of this country will rise up...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I think this election will be head to head. And like mentioned before nationalists will determine the end result.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    This guy will be the kingmaker.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    What rumour? They are openly saying this. During the second Karabagh war there was an advisor in CHP who claimed Turkiye brought Syrian Free Army and Jihadists into the war. Yesterday KK has shown a project bypassing Azerbaijan. Did you hear any support from KK during this war to Azerbaijan? Let...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I don't know man. This seems very suspicious to me. I watched KK today on tv on this subject. He looked very nervous to me. Something is definitely not right. Where there is fire, there is a smoke...
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    TR Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

    My money is on "mangir" merdan.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    We are going to put this to the test "The one that comes with a tape leaves with a tape". Let's see how this will play out.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Yeah right 🤣
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Sonar has released their poll results from 42 different provinces. Interesting results. I wonder where KK came up with 60%. Lately I am seeing similar results. One thing is certain, this election will be very close.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Same feeling here. I was also very against AKP in the past. Especially when they were allied with Feto. I even warned ppl about this alliance. But today I am seeing the same alliance coming forward from the opposition. Actually, opposition was initially strong however they made a lot of stupid...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Whoever tries or even mentions it is a traitor and should be punished by death.
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    It doesn't really matter who is the candidate. Opposition doesn't care about it. Anyone could be the candidate. Only thing they concern about is their enmity towards RTE. KK will get the same amount of votes as any other possible candidate like Ekrem or Yavas.
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    TR Politics

    And what if they are afraid of something. What if it is true and they are trying to hide it behind these AI allegations...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I think this country deserves a better opposition. We'll see what will happen soon...
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    TR Politics

    I think they don't want him to leave the country for some reason.
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    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    I calling MIT to pay a visit to this trash called Cevheri...
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    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Keep in mind that this is not including servicemen and ppl abroad. I am expecting a huge support from abroad for the People alliance based on my observations.

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