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  1. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    Aselsan expects a test campaign for 2 years but it really depends on whether Aselsan encounters any serious issues. Aselflir-500 tests went really smoothly and tests finished sooner than expected. This is also thanks to Baykar providing a lot of sorties. Aselsan wants to deliver the first radar...
  2. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    MURAD was supposed to conduct its first flight on the F-16 in late Q2 (June 2024) so it is slightly ahead of the schedule but flying even before Akıncı is a surprise. BTW this is a real radar you can scan track targets etc. There were flights with dummy radars for mechanical integration tests.
  3. TheInsider

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Old video.
  4. TheInsider

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Sub-Atmaca will have a smart capsule that has propulsion. The smart capsule is like an empty torpedo that can carry a missile to a pre-programmed destination. This way the submarine can stay under the thermocline layer and the missile surfaces a safe distance away from the submarine. Those two...
  5. TheInsider

    TR Propulsion Systems

    I expect both turbojet and turbofan versions of the Arat engine to be developed. The advanced prototype of the turbojet version will probably appear next year. We might see a mock-up or design picture this year.
  6. TheInsider

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    If Turkiye doesn't intervene SNA has no chance.
  7. TheInsider

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Gezgin is compatible with a 533mm torpedo tube.
  8. TheInsider

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Turkish operation is expected to begin in April, after the elections on the 31st of March.
  9. TheInsider

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Well i have another source but for now for the sake of giving a source i think this should work.
  10. TheInsider

    TR Propulsion Systems

    I take this as the engine of Gezgin. Yes, it is in development. Prototype production activity is going on. KTJ-3700 nearing the end of bench tests. It is being integrated into Kara Atmaca and will be test-fired in the second quarter of this year. The first batch of serial production KTJ-3700...
  11. TheInsider

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Aselsan will deliver the first Hurjet AESA prototype to the TUSAŞ this year(probably at the end of this year). The target date for the delivery of the armed version aka Hurjet light fighter is 2027.
  12. TheInsider

    TR Propulsion Systems

    KALE delivered the "third batch" of serial production cruise missile engines a few days ago. Every batch includes "dozens" of engines.
  13. TheInsider

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Most of the time max speed and mean speed are miss quoted. Mean speed is found when you divide the flight distance by flight time. It includes non-propelled flight after the rocket motor burnout. the max speed, as the name suggests, is the highest speed achieved at any moment during the flight...
  14. TheInsider

    TR Air Defence Programs

    This is what we call distributed architecture. Siper elements can even be deployed 100km away from each other without a problem. LONG RANGE AIR DEFENSE of strategic facilities against enemy attacks • Distributed Architecture • Close and...
  15. TheInsider

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    How many mid-sections did Germany deliver since Germany replaced Turkiye for the F-35 project?
  16. TheInsider

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    We should return to the industrial part of the F-35 program, we should also negotiate for expanded industrial participation.
  17. TheInsider

    TR Politics

    It is there are 3 candidates with a vote around %30. AKP candidate is slightly ahead of the other 2(CHP and IYI candidates) the situation is so close that either one can win.
  18. TheInsider

    TR Politics

    Read the memoirs of Fahrettin Altay if it is not enough there are also Ottoman and Turkish Republic Chief of Staff archives. Sorry, but I'm not here to delve deep into this huge topic.
  19. TheInsider

    TR Politics

    Yes, it is false.
  20. TheInsider

    TR Politics

    It could have been worse. The opposition's performance is miserable. AKP could have experienced a devastating loss. It seems AKP will still manage to get some wins but ultimately this picture is undeniably a solid loss for AKP.

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