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  1. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Death toll has surpassed 500
  2. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    531 buildings collapsed only in Gazientep. I'm afraid the death toll will exceed 5000. Earthquake proof buildings need to become mandatory.
  3. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Same reason why we have allowed 13 million refugees in, same reason why we have made a lot of dumb choices over the past 20 years. Political Islam.
  4. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    How do you know my knowledge of Islam is very narrow? I have read the Quran. I'd suggest that you stop making baseless assumptions about others.
  5. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    I know you're coming from an innocent standpoint. Look I've been exposed to Islam and I have done a lot of research about it. And it didn't appeal to me. I could list many reasons why I don't like it. Same with Christianity and other religions. But my problem with Islam is that it has been...
  6. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Right. Muslim preachers literally say that anyone who leaves Islam should be beheaded. But you're saying that we are misunderstanding it or that it's western nonsense. I feel sorry for all you guys who have been brainwashed since childhood to defend this religion so vehemently. You will attack...
  7. Tonyukuk

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    The current political climate also impacts this. Not only the political divisions, but also the fact that the military has been somewhat cut off from having influence of their own. Military staff are refraining from being proactive in many ways including giving feedback to the defence industry...
  8. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Guys I think I will convert to Islam. No but seriously, why do all Islamic preachers talk this way? They have their own accent.
  9. Tonyukuk

    YPG and Turkey-based Marxıst-Lenınıst organızatıons: Allıance under the USA umbrella

    Türkiye needs to both crush them militarily and also destroy their image. TRT World and other news outlets should highlight the paedophilia, rape and female genital mutilation acts by the YPG/PKK . Some will say "who cares about their image". If it wasn't for their image, they wouldn't have...
  10. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Dystopia? Yeah we've seen how many people are running away from the Islamic utopias of Afghanistan and Pakistan to secular Turkey.
  11. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Ah yes, the usual captive of Russian Imperialsm argument... I'm not saying anyone should completely ignore their Islamic history. But Turks have their own identity and religion which predates Islam. The end goal of these Islamists is to make Arabic an official language, destroy Atatürk's...
  12. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    You gotta be naive if you don't believe that Saudi Arabia spreads radicalism to aid American interests. Türkiye is the next major target. Think a little. Who supported FETÖ? What makes you think that all the Islamist groups that insult Turkish identity and Atatürk aren't FETÖ 2.0?You're not even...
  13. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    I've never had a problem with students coming. Come, eat nice kebabs, pet street cats, have fun.
  14. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Before anyone starts attacking me because I'm Kazakh Turk, I want you to know something. Ever since Central Asian Turkic nations became independent we have been doing some soul searching. Pakistan immediately lept in after the collapse of the Soviet Union and tried to Islamise Central Asia...
  15. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    🤩🤩 yes that's absolutely right! On a serious note, the Saudis did indeed pump money in to boost Islamists and gain influence. And they've succeeded. Türkiye's economy might be in shambles, but at least there's 80000 mosques now, and 13 million Muslim brothers and sisters from Syria...
  16. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    True. We still don't fully understand conciousness for example. People who take DMT all seem to see the same "beings". There is more than what meets the eye. This works the other way around too. You cannot disapprove physical evidence of evolution just because an old book says that God created...
  17. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    I should add that Saudi Arabia, under US instructions, has spent billions since the 70s to Islamise Türkiye. Ask yourself why.
  18. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Bored women believe in horoscopes. You can believe in God or deities, that's a very natural thing that humans have believe since the dawn of mankind. The issue isn't with believing in God or gods. The issue is that major religions such as Christianity and especially Islam, do more harm than good.
  19. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Okay then if people actually believe in it then how him breaking one any less disrespectful than burning the Quran? Dude is literally recommending people to break them and posted a video breaking one himself. Barely anyone actually believes...

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