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    Serco Canada’s Atlas 120 Frigate Receives Approval in Principle

    Hi Nigiri. I'll have to admit, I didn't realize a Canadian shipbuilding company was even into building naval vessels here. Probably a subsiduary of a British company (Babcock), correct? In any event they are probably looking to sell these "frigates" to over seas nations. As far as I know the...
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    Deadline 2036

    Itend to agree with you Nilgiri however my preference would be Option 2 and Option 1 second.
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    Deadline 2036

    Here is an interesting article assessing the requirements and options for Canada's "future" submarine force written for the MacDonald Institute by Jeffery Collins. There is a very good Forward written by retired Vice-Admiral Mark Norman. This should create some interesting discussions with forum...
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    Canada’s Failed Defence Procurement Policy – Time To Decide……Now!!

    This is an opinion piece by the author for Forum member discussion only and not to be disseminated to any other media. Since the recent Federal Election, it is useful to look back at the two major political parties to review their defence procurement policies. The Conservative Party platform...
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    Should Canada ban Huawei from 5G?

    We should know very soon what Ottawa's decision will be on the use of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s 5G technology in Canada. It is widely suspected that Ottawa will not allow Huawei technologies to be part of any Canadian 5G network in the future...
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    Canada News and Politics Archive

    A Financial Post Article By Diane Francis:
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    Canada Is Soft On China-And the USA Knows It!!

    Another stab to the heart!
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    Navy The “Kangaroo” Has Placated The “Maple Leaf”-Canadas Influence Has Waned As A Global Middle Power

    According to our “newly minted” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada seems to be immediately down-playing the importance of the “Three-Eyes” AUKUS nuclear technology transfer deal between the United States, Australia and United Kingdom as merely a way for the US to sell nuclear submarines to...
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    A Canadian SSN submarine fleet?

    Sorry Ted, I cannot read the article as I do not subscribe to The Globe & Mail:unsure:
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    A Canadian SSN submarine fleet?

    which member/members of the five eyes that are "upset" are you talking about since the AUSCANZUKUS five eyes alliance consists of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States and how do you know that Canada was not consulted before this announcement? Can you quote your...
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    A Canadian SSN submarine fleet?

    We shall see.
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    A Canadian SSN submarine fleet?

    Canada was not even part of the discussions when the AUKUS deal was struck. Nor should we have been. This was not a Canadian decision but an Australian decision for their own security in partnership with the US & UK. Let's just wait and see what discussions may or may not be made between Canada...
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    A Canadian SSN submarine fleet?

    Your opinion Ted, and you are entitled to it, could be wrong this time;).
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    A Canadian SSN submarine fleet?

    In my opinion, this decision by Australia had been simmering in the background for if not months, then ever since the contract was signed in 2016 between the Australian government and DCNS France for 12 French Barracuda Block 1A diesel submarines. Little by little DCNS seemed to be pulling back...
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    Australia Navy Australia SSN Program

    I like the idea Nilgirl!
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    Australia Navy Australia SSN Program

    I would imagine the French are really livid about Australia's decision to do this right now although I think the French sub deal was sunk months ago. This probably was not a rash or recent decision by the Australians. They probably had been in negotiations with both the US & UK for many months...
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    Favouring A Renewed Canadian Submarine Capability

    “This is an opinion piece by the author for forum members discussion only and not to be reproduced in any way on any other media.” Acquiring new equipment for the Canadian Armed Forces is a drawn-out and complicated process that typically can take up to 15 years or longer. When it comes to...
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    Bucking The Allied Frigate Trend

    “This is an opinion piece by the author for promotion of general discussions by forum members only and not to be published in whole or in part by any other media”. Ottawa seems to be going against allied cost-reduction trends in putting all its “surface warship eggs” in one, large, expensive...
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    A Canadian Hybrid Submarine Design-A Case For The “Small Modular/Micro Reactor (SM/MR)”

    Yes I realize that Ted. Nuclear energy should be highly regulated but working together with the Feds input ($$) with provinces like N.B, Saskatchewan, Ontario along with national and international civilian companies should really help this promising SMR/SMMR technology take off. Again the...
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    A Canadian Hybrid Submarine Design-A Case For The “Small Modular/Micro Reactor (SM/MR)”

    You may be correct Ted, but if we don't take a hard look at this technology, we may "miss the boat" ......again. This SMR/SMMR technology is seriously being looked at by several provinces especially in New Brunswick where the N.B government is just about ready to collaborate with other...

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