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  1. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    example of western islamists playing the same game the western backed wahhabists played against the Ottomans. Remember Turks these people hate you and most of them are doing the work of the westerner while posing as defenders of the faith. Outside of talking shit, begging for donations, making...
  2. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    If the global Zionist agenda is to destroy Muslims then you have to radicalise them. Make them fanatical like the wahhabists, make them incompatible with the rest of the world. Make them violent and intellectually bankrupt. I know in England Muslims are generally despised, for the most part...
  3. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    The overwhelming majority of ethnic Muslim Turks are secular minded people, they really don't believe in religion being forced on anyone. Even when you look at the Ottoman empire, despite being the Caliphate and leader of the Islamic world there was next to no efforts to force anyone non-Muslim...
  4. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    well you know who else hates Turks in Turkiye? Its the ones who allow the PKK supporters to roam and celebrate freely.
  5. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

  6. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    If Turks are able to come out of this western backed psuedo islamist nightmare, you have to realise that the opposition will also be western backed. The game works by controlling both sides, the only way to protect yourselves is to be eternally vigilant. We seen thousands of corruptions from AK...
  7. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Syria Civil War

    soon these refugees will claim Damascus is historical kurdistan.
  8. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    The radical left regime in Turkiye is AK party. People on the right believe in personal liberty, freedom of religion, limited government. Its leftist ideologies that demand complete and total state control of everything, where the collective matters more then the individual. With the...
  9. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    ragip is another psudo islamist shithead.
  10. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    People need to understand the way the game works. Freemasonry on a surface level is a positive organisation, it appears as something about improving the human condition, improving liberty and freedom of the human race. Its quite natural that many men, especially men of great character and...
  11. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Going to war against Isreal is a trap that will set a chain of events that ultimately ruins Turkiye. Now is not the time for it. Give it 20 years and then we can look at the situation again. Plenty of Islamic peoples have been exterminated by Russia and others. Plenty are under incredible...
  12. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    Erdogan and the western backed islamist movement was almost in its entirely a western backed conspiracy against the Turkish state and against the Muslim civilisation. We even got youtube footage of that gulen bastard talking about infiltrating and taking over the organs of state. But not to...
  13. GoatsMilk

    TR Politics

    A mistake the common Turk made was not taking control of the religion. Even if someone is not religious it was his duty to understand the Islamic religion from top the bottom, otherwise by neglecting it we allowed the worst trash to exploit it to their fullest. Now we incrementally watch the...
  14. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    In england we have over 600,000 freemasons. I know plenty of freemasons personally, many tried to get me to join over the years. I remember one of them telling me the common people are morons, why stay among them when you could join us and life will be much easier for me. Zionism is nothing...
  15. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War
  16. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    freemasonry has absolutely flourished in Turkiye since AK party came into power. There is even information out there to suggest that the new syrian government of the so called islamists hts has reinstated freemasonry within Syria, since it had been banned for decades by the Assad regime. The...
  17. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I'm just not naive. A short term hold means little. That is to pressure Ukraine for capitulations on their resources, with the intent that the support will resume. What i'm saying is if the Americans cut it completely and then normalise relations with Russia. If that were to happen the EU...
  18. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I still remember when no one gave a f'k about the invasion/annexation of Crimea in Europe. I still remember when Turks were selling Ukraine drones and Germany was warning us not to. I still remember the German general talking in support of Russia and her invasion, until american pressure had him...
  19. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    "worth keeping in mind that countries like france and germany were ok with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it was American pressure that pulled them into the fold. If the US were to normalise relations with Russia, i would expect France and Germany to follow suit. Especially France. No way on...
  20. GoatsMilk

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    American support hasnt ended for Ukraine, if it does the French will turn tail quicker then anyone else. Your kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

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