Who is angry about ToT?
The forum is an international forum where we have the opportunity to learn and grow with each other. Having more people on board is just a big +, and I hope the forum will grow even more in the coming years.Who is angry about ToT?
It's much better to have users with different backgrounds to provide their fresh, not riddled with empty heroism perspective on the platform then turning the threads into an echo chamber. It's better your knowledge to be challenged and provoke you to learn more as long as the members don't insult or belittle each other, imo.
Good resultsWhat the hell Turkish peeps, are you training future Walter Whites over there or something?
View attachment 51492
Somewhat disappointed by Azerbaijan's performance, we used to do much better in mathematics. Ukraine doing pretty well too and Romania sweeping the board.
Seriously? Arabization didn't work, so now they try to Iranize us.
Şeb-i yeldâyı müneccimle muvakkit ne bilir
Mübtelâ-yı gama sor kim geceler kaç saat
En uzun geceyi müneccim ve muvakkit ne bilir,
Sen gecelerin kaç saat olduğunu aşıklara sor.
Rough translation:
"What know the seer and timekeeper of the longest night,
Ask the lovers how many hours the nights span."
Loved it.
I didn't know about Nardugan. Thank you very much. We have a centralized national education system and they didn't bother to teach us about our old traditions. These holidays can very much be revived and be a part of Turkish identity.Seriously? Arabization didn't work, so now they try to Iranize us.
It's Nardugan, they should use the Turk word for it. And before anyone tries to say that nar is Iranian, it isn't. It's sun in Mongolian.
What sorcery is this?