Benim eskiden önce ülkücü sonra da şeriatçı İslamcı olduğumu bilmiyordur arkadaşlarHer cocuk senin benim gibi degil,bazi insanlar kandirilabilir.
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Benim eskiden önce ülkücü sonra da şeriatçı İslamcı olduğumu bilmiyordur arkadaşlarHer cocuk senin benim gibi degil,bazi insanlar kandirilabilir.
Uyusturucu bagimlilarina bak,ne aylelerden cikiyor.
Kafam çok kötü... Ben nerdeyse bir buçuk paket içen adamım, ölüyorum şu an... Öyle birşey olsa süper olurdu ama komple bırakacaz artık bu iki gün çektiğimi ziyan etmem =)Ben Türkiye'de yazın bi pakete çıkarmıştım. Şimdi GLO elektronik sigaraya döndüm. Dünya varmış. Çarpıntılar geçti. Nefes nefese kalıyordum sigara içerken. Elektronik sigara serbest bırakılmalı Türkiye'de.
Nikotin sakızları satılıyor eczaneler de. NicotinetteKafam çok kötü... Ben nerdeyse bir buçuk paket içen adamım, ölüyorum şu an... Öyle birşey olsa süper olurdu ama komple bırakacaz artık bu iki gün çektiğimi ziyan etmem =)
Yarın bir bakayım...Nikotin sakızları satılıyor eczaneler de. Nicotinette
Too many coincidences... ama unutmadik!En büyük fantezim ilk TF-2000'ne TCG Muavenet ismini koyulması sonra uluslararası tabikata katılıp Atmaca füzesi ile yanlışlıkla Amerikan gemisi vurmamız. Bir dümenci köprüsüne bi de kaptanın odasına
We have freedom of speech here. If he is insulting religion or something like that of course it's a no go but if he/she is expressing his views thats okay.like they achieved something big in ther shit personal life. Like they tried go to the moon and we stopped them. From day one he did come for anti religious idea to the forum. The level of the forum degreased, i hope they will do something about that.
214'u unuttum ama
Got a question for you folks here given Azerbaijan has been in the news a lot lately...
How much Azeri (language) can the average Turk understand?
Also which is the Turkic language that is most difficult for the average Turk to understand?
I'd say that I can understand most things, though they have more Russian and I think Persian loan words than we do. It sounds like Turkish, but everything is slightly different, some things are very different. But I think that most Turks can understand about 90% of the language. If they stayed there for a week or two I'd say that they would be close to mastering it... But to be honest I'm not too sure, maybe someone else can answer it better than I can.
It would have to be Yakut, even then, numbers are very similar and there are still a lot of shared words. I think that if I travelled to Siberia I could probably communicate with them.
I've always wondered, is Tamil language in India and Sri Lanka the same/almost the same? Could you perfectly understand a Tamil speaker from Sri Lanka?This features heavily in my mother tongue Tamil as well...lot of language groups outside of indo-european languages have this feature.
This is also what seperates Mongolian, Korean and Japanese (which seem to have altaic link and thus agglutinative structure) from Chinese which is very analytic (i.e there is no merging of word-bits at all, nearly everything is expressed separately).
Indo-european languages are "fusional"/"synthetic" you get both happening.
I've always wondered, is Tamil language in India and Sri Lanka the same/almost the same? Could you perfectly understand a Tamil speaker from Sri Lanka?
Also Ataturk removed a lot of Arabic and Persian loan words, replacing them with Turkic ones, which has made modern Turkish much more similar to ancient Turkic than Ottoman Turkish.
In comparison Scandinavian languages have similar root (except Finland), but I understand maybe 60% Swedish but around 90% Norwegian