TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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21 2,013


Adil Serdar Saçan pass away few days ago. he was the chief of security who fought against pkk Hezbollah tarikat and most notably mafia. mafia boss like sedat peker and alaattin çakici or tarikat leaders such as adnan oktar were imprisoned because of him. but his greatest work was against Fetö. as soon as they realized his operation against Fetö was close they have Erdogan remove him from his post then make many fake cases against him until this day their black propaganda continues. as part of Ergenekon trails, AKP-Fetö sentence him to 14 year and 6 month in jail

nagehan alçi play a key role in blacking his name and psychological/propaganda war against him

i know its long but plz watch his testimony in the court. he said im neither leftist or right-winger nor islamist or athiest im atatürkçü and i am against globalists of turkey that's why they are targeting me

last 2 videos are his thought about Fetö and arab mafia in turkey and how to send illegal alians back

Rest in peace Hero you did everything you could to protect us
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21 2,013

Part 1


barzani meeting with mossad agents like i said before and explained by generals since Israel is surrounded by enemy state they need to create new state that would guarantee their safety.


general Eşref Bitis create the bitlis doctrine to stop their plan one of the most important aspect of the plan was to prevent foreign powers to gain presence in the region thus turkey should work with iran iraq and syria to make this happen


doğan güreş at the center with glass the chief of general staff the first guy from the left was ismail hakki karaday future chief of general staff the second guy from the right general Eşref Bitlis


arif doğan was the first to report that the pkk fighters are carrying American made m16 . when they were asked about the guns by Turkish state they answered maybe thee guns were the guns that fall unto the hands of Vietnams then send to the pkk

later it was revealed that Americans help were more then just M16s Rifles

one of the time when the General was fly to iraqi kurdistan via black hawk helicopter, an american f15 jet flow so closely to the helicopter inorder to make it crash via the engine thrust general was saved only via skill of the pilot. he later dies n mysterious crash in Ankara

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21 2,013

part 2​


by this time general ismal hakki karadaı became the chief of general staff and sectioned an operation against pkk in norh iraq

Operation steel (Çelik Harekâtı)​


general hasan kundakçı put in the charge of the operation ( he was the mentor of famous general and national hero osman pamukoğlu and he passed away few month ago around the time of the earthquake )

View attachment 57951

operation as in hilly and mountainous places and ended with Turkish victory as pkk commanders they admit they were beaten hence they increase their political effort to stop the army via their political party and their islamist allies


from right to left : osman pamukoğlu hasan kundakçı ilker başbuğ commanders of the operation


ilker başbuğ later became the chief of general staff and sentenced to 18.5 years in jail during ergenekon trials by AKP-Fetö-PKK alliance


21 2,013
part 3

meanwhile turkey was suffering from internal instability the worst of them was what i called Erbakan rezaleti

at the crucial moment Erbakan and his islamist start attacking the fundamental aspect of the state such as the secularism republicanism and democracy and called for şariat . the rivals use it to the best of their abilities.

2 of the radicals were Şevki Yılmaz and Hüseyin Ceylan. accodring to the the government in ankara was mason and they along with hilal kaplan who said abullah ocalan tho an athiest he secretly perfurm namaz thus he was the secret muslim. Şevki Yılmaz also claimed that the Turkish secular constitution was written from christian bible and not islamic all the fun staff they also tart anti army propaganda and call for peaceful solution aka given in to the demand of PKK pave the way for the PKK-Islamist alliance. with this alliance it was the army and infidel kafir kemalist that was the enemy not the islamist or PKK.

Şevki Yılmaz famously said he is Hezbollah and he is proud of it

here Şevki Yılmaz says PKK made a mistake to take arms before came to power we will come to power then we will take arms



islamist terrorist with their captured guns


islamist protestors call for sharia law infront of kocatepe camii ankara

tarikat member weaving Saudi Arabia flag


no explanation


Erbakan inviting 50 tarikat leaders for iftar at presidential palace


sincan kudüs that night islamist condemned the army ( calling them slave of israel mason etc.. all the good staff ) and also invite the iranian ambassador Muhammed Rıza Bagheri were he also condemned secular turkey and called for sharia law. do you remember AKP keep saying foreign powers ( dış göçler ) ?? yup that night they invited the foreign powers to interfere in the internal affairs of turkey

Muhammed Rıza Bagheri's speech that night
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21 2,013
Part 4

Erbakan in meeting with his iranian ally ali khamenei supreme leader of iran. remember alot of tarikats recived help from iran and iranians play key role in Erbakan coming to power

at the gaddafi Erbakan meeting. gaddafi humiliates turkey and called for creation of kurdistan while erbakan didn't defend turkey's honor

here Mesut Yilmaz react to Erbakan's silence


finally army responded to the tarikat threat as they were doing damage both in foreign and internal affairs ( i wont even get to the arms deal part but know this it was during these time that Jewish lobby in Washington tried to kick turkey out of F35 program)


admiral Güven Erkaya aka locomotive of 28 şubat was very insistence about to deal with islamist since they took control of most of centers of power in the civil structure and about to take control of the turkish army

irtica is more dangourse then PKK and mr Erbakan we never hear word Turk from your mouth was the 2 of the famouse quotes
remember this was the time islamist were successfully created new idendity for conservatives turks which was ottoman people or muslim people in contrast to Turkish people who were kafir enemy ( and yes today the arabs afghans and pakistanies are also included in this ottoman people ) they never used word turk when they were talking about themselves


another face to face of army and islamist came at the dinner in the presidential palace were islamist remove all the alcohol and wanted to make propaganda that we brought infidel generals to an islamic dinner table Güven Erkaya turn this on their head by insisting that the waiters to bring him rakı after that the rest of the generals also ordered alcoholic drinks thus it was the Erbakan that site in the rakı table lol

ismal hakki karadaı explain how fetö and other tarikats are getting in security police and education aburatase and see turkish army as threat he also tried to purge the army and warn these force will use all the power that constitiution allows to come to power then once they are in power they will cursh everyone else then make all the changes they want the only obstacle on their way is secular kemalist army. today we see the effect of ottoman people as the ummah not turkish people as new identity




Hikmet Köksal the general that orderd his tank to sincan says i came from conservatives family when i look at them i wonder whether im a muslim or not they are trying to divie people between muslim and kafir

after 28 şubat the army put 18 demands on the table of polticions which included

1- those who are fired from army for being member of tarikat should not be hired in any governmental jobs
2- all the tarikat illegal dormetories and kaçak quran courese need to be closed
3- only diyanet the Directorate of Religious Affairs have the right to teach religion to the people not those who get their training from foreign countries ( iran and arab countries )


21 2,013
part 5


with the fall of soviet union and release of the Turkic nations Turkish army change its stand with the west as güven erkaya ordered to change the Turkish navy doctrine to become ocean navy as they saw themselve as a gateway for turan and turkish army was getting ready to take the leadership for turkic nationas as the should have long time ago


in the left hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu in the right ismail hakkı karadayı

ismail hakkı karadayı also get the wind of change in the Washington and ordered to speed up the self sufficiency of Turkish army he made the first anti west stand and the steel operation cement his legacy


engin alan in green uniform osman pamukoğlu in white uniform

as chifte of specail forces engin alan was the architatue behind capture of PKKs number 1 abdullah ocalan and number 2 Şemdin Sakık

Şemdin Sakık

abdullah ocalan


as protest to erdogan he didn't stand up when Erdogan came. also pkk in the peace process wanted to see him behind bars and erdogan grate that wish in Oslo negations

hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu succeeded karadayı as the chief of general staff and almost came to blow with US army about the status of Kırkuk as he threaten the Americans with invasion if they included kirkuk as part of kurdistan

hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu was puttin in list of human right violators since he investigate the Fetö

here hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu express his concern to çetin doğan about hilmi özkök whether he is a member of tarikat or not, çetin doğan wrongly identify hilmi özkök conservative not member of tarikat and thus erdogan came to power at the same time hilmi özkök become the chief of general staff


and thus the 2000s islamist PKK alliance which was the different level of rezalet
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