TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Wow,never knew or heard of this before.o_Oo_Oo_O
They are called the people of Tuareg, a Berber tribe present in many of the Sahel countries. They also had operations in northern Mali. Maybe Morocco will start to play tricks and support them. Payback time? 🤔


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They are called the people of Tuareg, a Berber tribe present in many of the Sahel countries. They also had operations in northern Mali. Maybe Morocco will start to play tricks and support them. Payback time? 🤔
I know the nomadic Tuareg but didnt know they wanted independence from all of these countries.


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I know the nomadic Tuareg but didnt know they wanted independence from all of these countries.
They are called Azawad in northern Mali, however recently they have started being interested in moving north. Who supports their activities is unknown for now, perhaps we will hear more about it in the near future..


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2 civilian Moroccan truck drivers got killed on their way into Mali. Would not be surprised if the Moroccan intelligence service DGED have its hand in the plot.
So,you're thinking of Russia or China?
Russia/China(energy) cant go against algeria maybe Israel has a hand in this because of the closeness of Algeria with Iran?
Marocco alone,not very plausible,dont you think?
@Chakib larbi what do you think about this?


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So,you're thinking of Russia or China?
Russia/China(energy) cant go against algeria maybe Israel has a hand in this because of the closeness of Algeria with Iran?
Marocco alone,not very plausible,dont you think?
@Chakib larbi what do you think about this?
Russia is already involved in many parts of the Sahel through the Wagner group. The Americans are perhaps not really happy with that, and Morocco is the perfect partner to team up with. Morocco is boosting its hard power big time, and more involvement outside its borders will be more normalized. Especially around our region, and I'm now talking about Mauritania, Senegal, Mali etc..

Moroccan intelligent service has, and will always be present in the continent, and the result has shown. Moroccan intelligence services coordinated with special forces have always been present. Just a month ago 2 Moroccan cyclists got released after getting kidnapped by armed groups between Niger, and burkina faso.



21 2,013
before i move on i need to finish somethings in 90s then i will continue with nationalism then finally start the tarikat series


the issue of Atatürk monument in Sultanbeyli. 1 year before 28 şubat although the parliament approve of building the Atatürk monument in Sultanbeyli the islamist who took the municipality refuse to install the monument this was the open challenge and dont forget what i told you about the ottoman people vs turkish people becuse this will become important later. general doğu Silahçıoğlu which was a secular and kemalist general force the installation. remember his name.

other issue was the again call for sharia law and overthrowing secular republic which was seen as tağut. as you know islamist claim if you are not rule by sharia you are exited islam here general osman özbek recation

bear in mind that the security apparatus knows that the islamist movement supported by what i called yeşil sermaye was after taking control of the state in order to overthrow the regime. remember Erbakan warned not to mix religion and politic together multiple time and he decided to ignore it



yeşil sermaye was the term that was used for islamic holdings. islamist scam alot of conservatives people's money both in turkey and abroad. one of the demand of 28 şubat generals was to end of yeşil sermaye

read this book for more info

here i Merve Kavakçı being booed in parliament for hearing the headscarf. the headscarf ban came after 80s. the logict behind it was that as the secular state dont have religion and is equaliy above all other religion in the places that belongs to the state ( parlement university presidentioal palace etc..) no symbolism of religion should be displayed this was not about only the headscarf but turban for man and other dress code of other religion as well and only enforced after 28 şubat because by that time the headscarf became the symbol of political islam.


Merve Kavakçı kneeling before tarikat sheik. she was the one who said Fetö is my second father. im sure security apparatus was aware of her but islamist always expertly hide behind conservatives and telling them apart is difficult. her move in parliament was on purpose something that effect ordinarily conservatives which is played exactly in the way they wanted




adnan tanrıverdi the founder of sadat which is a privet mercenery compeny like american black water or russians wagner group. he was the general who forced to retried from army after 28 şubat for his connection to tarikat. he dream of new islamic state called asrika with capital istabul and official language of arabic ( dont forget that ottoman people vs turkish people mindset ) . at that time islamist they say oh because he perform namaz he was kick out of the army and certainly not because he had dram of destroying turkey and turkishness
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21 2,013

more info on SADAT

and here the blameless conservatives victims who were used as shield by islamist in the greater game


here in this street interview at 2:36 she is talking with surprise that islamist looking at as as enemy and they see their movement as conquest not realizing what is happening. what actually was happening tarikat was succesfull at dividing people givining their followers new identity ( ottoman people ) and they see turkish people as enemy
poor girl had no idea what is going to hit her in next 30 years

doğu Silahçıoğlu in the right ( the kemalist general that force the installation of the Ataturk's statue )
adnan tanrıverdi in the left ( the founder of SADAT and the guy who dream of islamic state with arabic language as the offical language)

this picture says alot

1) the 2 opposite dominant identity of the time

2) failure of army to detect and prevent tarikat members to rise to power
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21 2,013
you see the ottoman people are enemy of turkism or nationalism but they are enemy of kemalism in different level lets go back and remember the 4 nationalist figures after the fall of the otttman empire who created the identity we have today


ziya gökalp rejected islamism and ottomanism infavor of turkism he famousely said nither turkey nor turkistan is our homland, it is the Great Turan that is the homeland of turks. the 3 principle of westernism turkism and islamism was the identity he chose for our people. he made blueprint for turan as he believe that at first the oghuz turks must be reunited in one identity then other turkic such as kazakh and uzbkes should be included. his followers are known as Turanist


mustafa kemal atatürk's kemalism are based on the 6 arrows Republicanism, Populism, Nationalism, Laicism, Statism, and Reformism. but i will only talk about the nationalism part. according to atatürk all the citizens of turkish republic are considered as turkish regardless of their ethnicity he also believed in self limiting nationalism and reject to rule over other people and imperialism. he famously said turks were greate people even before accepting islam and one day soviet union will fall and we should be ready for it and keep our culture connections to other turkic people strong . atatürk thought were influenced by ziya gökalp. his followers are know as kemalist or atatürkcu


nihal atsız father of turkism. he is known for his work on Turkish literature and epics. at first tho i thought he is a racist but after carful reading i realized he is more in favor of turkish cultural dominance ( 3 generation of speaking turkish ) than actual bloodties. well know for his anti islamism he advocate for Tengrism turk's pre-islamic belief. he famously said islam is a religion created by Arabs, for Arabs. his followers are know as Grey wolves ( bozkurt )


alparslan türkeş founder of MHP the nationalist movement party. his idea of nationalizm are know of Turkish-Islamic synthesis. mix of islam and Turanism. in the famous nationalist congress nihal atsiz warn alparsalan turkiş that the path he walk will open the pandora box and eventually will lead to Arabization of Turkish people. the followers of alparslan türkeş are known as ülkücü


these were the people who forge our identity and among them all it was kemalism that large potion of the bureaucracy and people followed and it was remain the same until islamist overthrow it and install their ottomanism
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21 2,013
i forgot to mention this, i remember one of the lies islamist told was that these mason generals are taking their revenge Turkish involvement in cyprus . by this time it doesn't matter what was the truth as long as the blackning lies coming they were happy.

let me make this clear those who execute the Attila 1 and Attila 2 and operation steel was the same people who did 28 şubat


Admiral güven erkaya chief of Turkish navy druing 28 şubat


general engin alan chief of special forces during 28 şubat and architaute behind capture of PKK's number 1 and 2

at 10:18 when turkish air force hit TCG kocatepe with friendly fire it was güven erkaya who was the captain of the ship

at 8:58 among those turkish paratroopers who parachuted behind enemy line was by then young engin alan


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So,you're thinking of Russia or China?
Russia/China(energy) cant go against algeria maybe Israel has a hand in this because of the closeness of Algeria with Iran?
Marocco alone,not very plausible,dont you think?
@Chakib larbi what do you think about this?
whoever is behind that must be the most incompetent moron known to sit at a policy making desk lol, the azawad insurgency was in mali where their historical cities are situated (gao, timbuktu), where as in algeria they have no such cities, they were mostly friendly to allegiant to algeria if anything, they failed in mali and their power was spent and their relations networks involves al qaida so they're pretty radioactive for anyone who'd seek public or direct involvement (as our friend is insinuating above), on the other hand, algeria nor any reliable news sources announced anything, just a twitter page and a couple of israeli tabloids.


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whoever is behind that must be the most incompetent moron known to sit at a policy making desk lol, the azawad insurgency was in mali where their historical cities are situated (gao, timbuktu), where as in algeria they have no such cities, they were mostly friendly to allegiant to algeria if anything, they failed in mali and their power was spent and their relations networks involves al qaida so they're pretty radioactive for anyone who'd seek public or direct involvement (as our friend is insinuating above), on the other hand, algeria nor any reliable news sources announced anything, just a twitter page and a couple of israeli tabloids.
I will leave this comment with a simple comment.

Indeed they have had some reports closed to al Qaeda affiliates in the Sahel region, however, their officials have always denied that they are working hand in hand with them. Secondly "reliable" for you is probably media channels that favor Algeria in their articles however they are many reliable Moroccan, and as you mentioned big media channels in Israel that have reported it. Dont be too quick to deny the news, insurgencies in the south of Algeria have been there for the past 2 decades, and Algeria losing fighters there is not something new.

i leave you there 😁


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I will leave this comment with a simple comment.

Indeed they have had some reports closed to al Qaeda affiliates in the Sahel region, however, their officials have always denied that they are working hand in hand with them. Secondly "reliable" for you is probably media channels that favor Algeria in their articles however they are many reliable Moroccan, and as you mentioned big media channels in Israel that have reported it. Dont be too quick to deny the news, insurgencies in the south of Algeria have been there for the past 2 decades, and Algeria losing fighters there is not something new.

i leave you there 😁
i was talking abt reuters and AP, afaik these two don't favor anyone


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1 USD = 23.17 Turkish lira
1 Euro = 24.81 Turkish lira
1 GBP = 28.85 Turkish lira
1 CZK = 1.05 Turkish lira

When I moved to Czech Republic it was 0.33. Ekonomi sahlaniyor


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By now the LGBT and feminism is as bad as in Turkiye is as bad as UK or Japan

Boy send a simple text hello how are you to girl that is sex harassment.

The girls can beat or even rape the boy then no any problem.

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