TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

Joe mark

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now the sexual exploitation the most famous casein 90s was fadime şahin who was raped by tarikat sheik ho claimed that the god have ordered him to to it


today tarikat trying to cover their dirty past by claiming that she was a MİT agents who was task to blackend the name of tarikat and showing her without head scarf as proof. honestly after what happend to her i would wonder if she remain a muslim. 10 year ago i was a muslim but no more


and the famouse badeci imam who had sexual intercourse with both man and woman of his tarikat using religion in some cases he command his follower to bring his wife in order to go to heaven. there are many cases like this in some tarikat like fetö they keep album of girl so the high ranking members of tarikat could choose



and the tragic one was the marriage of 6 years old to a tarikat member with permission of the father of the girl since they were following the tradition of prophet mohammed and it was sevab the tarikat sheik made the marriage and the governmet was unaware since they didint make it offical since they do not recognise the turkish government authority on marriage only the sheik

after this rezalet you may think they hide under a rock or something but no they made protest in defence of their sheik

let me explain how we discover this the girl due to the sickness goes to hospiat when they saw the child is married doktors called the police at the court the fake document that she is older then she was the juge which was the tarikat member ordered the test to determined the age and the lab which the test was done and all the doctors were also members of tarikat so they bring an older girl and took her test in instead he also gave birth when he was under age and they register some other older girl from tarikat as the mother when he become over 20 year old he realized what happend to he she go to lawer then recorded the conversation with her husband where husband admit that marring her at age 6 was mistake. after the publication i dont know what happend to her case


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justice minister kissing the hand of tarikat leader
All this will not change the fact that CHP can not win in fair election bcs they are minority, stop wasting your time man


21 2,013


turkish computer engineer student beheaded in illegal tarikat dormitory in Antalya the murderer keep shouting i have killed the dajjal turns out the the owner of the illegal tarikat dormitory was a retired police commissar and member of tarikat


enes kara the medicine student force to stay in illegal tarikat dormitory complain about forced islamic education before her suicide he said he had 2 sisters who are in similar condition and with his suicide he wants to save his sisters. today we dont know what happend to his sisters


in illegal tarikat dormitory in adana girls burned alive becuse their room doors was lock and the windows were bared


at akdeniz university 1 student committed suicide after 1 month another one did the same and after few weeks the 3rd student committing suicide. ümit özdağ was the only politician who came to the university and demand answer from the head of university

as you can see tarikat with the help of government are taking over KYK dormitories

here student explaine what was it ilke to live in tarikat dormitory

tarkat sheik beating the shit out of student

here tarikat sheik order older student to beat the younger student when he refuses the sheik began to beat the older student

they no longer need for kaçak kuran courses since they took over diyanet

it is estimated that 17000 student lost their lives in last 20 years
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21 2,013

Halil Konakcı the famous imam who said there should be islamic tax on none muslims as well as islam is religion taught by force and if you wont hear the warning you be be beaten and if you ignore again then you can be killed

vallahi zorlama var billahi zorlama var

back in old days mosques where place of worship and peace



ismail hakkı karadayı and the secular kemalist army was the only thing that was protecting us from these zalims and for that they paid the heavy price

rest in peace paşa you did everything you could to protect us from these lunatics
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Im apart of a Tarikat all we ever do is sing and dance.

Leave us alone people

We can easily takeover the world nothing you guys can do about it.


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Im apart of a Tarikat all we ever do is sing and dance.

Leave us alone people

We can easily takeover the world nothing you guys can do about it.
And collect money amoung the members, make invesments with those money, decieve innocent children for your course and rape some of them no mather what gender they are, always prioritise u'r cults benefits first, fuck -up all public interest, pay no taxes, infiltrate the state and put incompetend officers just because they're your members etc etc....

If we ignore those little issues all you do is just sing and dance. :D


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And collect money amoung the members, make invesments with those money, decieve innocent children for your course and rape some of them no mather what gender they are, always prioritise u'r cults benefits first, fuck -up all public interest, pay no taxes, infiltrate the state and put incompetend officers just because they're your members etc etc....

If we ignore those little issues all you do is just sing and dance. :D

We have a million sleeper cells.


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I thought Sufies were apolitical. (At least in most places)

It depends what sufis you are looking into many are apolitical but also many are political.

Lots of Muslim political figures were Sufi like Saladin, Omar Muktar, Imam Shamil.


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Bruh, those were good old days.😅
Not anymore.

Trust me as a Muslim the nost important things is Quran, Sunnah and the Hadiths.

Read the sareeahs they are mucj more important and the lives of the prophets like Musa, Jesus, Ayyub, Salih, Adam, Ibrahim, Yakub and Yusuf.

Lots of those tariqahs are cults who sway their followers with bullshit tales.

Whats interesting whoever read the sareeah there was no tariqahs during the Prophet's time.

Many said this appeared due to the Persians.

The thing is not all Sufis are in tariqahs not all of them bad.

Salafis in particular think Sufis are monolithic.


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Trust me as a Muslim the nost important things is Quran, Sunnah and the Hadiths.

Read the sareeahs they are mucj more important and the lives of the prophets like Musa, Jesus, Ayyub, Salih, Adam, Ibrahim, Yakub and Yusuf.

Lots of those tariqahs are cults who sway their followers with bullshit tales.

Whats interesting whoever read the sareeah there was no tariqahs during the Prophet's time.

Many said this appeared due to the Persians.

The thing is not all Sufis are in tariqahs not all of them bad.

Salafis in particular think Sufis are monolithic.

Yes, Sufism was greatly altered and was filled with absurd and ludicrous stories later for dumb people's consumption.

However, I am not talking about that.

Instead, I am talking about great islamic mystics during golden ages who were also rigorous philosphers like ibn al Arabi, mullah sadra, Omar khayyam, Rumi, As-Suhrawardi (and in our recent time Emir Abdul kabir)
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@Ryder @Zafer @Bogeyman

for all of you who said there is war in syria and we cant send them back etc here a turk living in syria showing the night clubes and other places of syria life is going on there

Thats utterly deluded.

Because Damascus is full of life does not mean all of Syria is safe.

Resmen most of the country has been destroyed while thousands have been killed. Some parts of Syria even suffered starvation.

Only solution is a safe zone manned by Turkiye or a Syrian Turkmen state. Syria is a failed state.

Assad regime is already engaged in that sort of propaganda to show the world how safe Syria is all they ever show is places unhurt from war.

While in reality most of the country has been destroyed. If you go Syria most likely will not able to visit Palmyra or Deir Az Zor.


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@Mustafa27 Celebrities iste no surprise. They live in a world where they believe the world revolves around them.

Then you have the audience who were clapping and the twitter comments justifying what she said.

You know this world is entirely screwed and its getting worse.
Yiğidi öldür, hakkını yeme demişler, bu kafanın hakkından en güzel Çinliler geliyor. Adamlar dünyaca ünlüydü, en zenginiydi demeden yamuk yapanı, sıradan şaşanı şak diye çekip alıyorlar, hiç var olmamış gibi. Sonra o bozguncular 1-2 ay içinde şu alttaki şekil tekrar ortaya çıkıyor. Cillop gibi oluyorlar. :D

Bu sarsaklara şu tarifeyi uygulayacaksın, en geç 2 sene içinde cerahat temizlenmiş olur.


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Celebrities iste no surprise. They live in a world where they believe the world revolves around them.

Then you have the audience who were clapping and the twitter comments justifying what she said.

You know this world is entirely screwed and its getting worse.

What did she said? (if you don't mind)

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