In many cases they have the police around them, or civilian police. Worst case scenario is that the palestinian will be shot, or arrested.
If I was the Palestinian I would have decked him.
In many cases they have the police around them, or civilian police. Worst case scenario is that the palestinian will be shot, or arrested.
If I was the Palestinian I would have decked him.
In many cases they have the police around them, or civilian police. Worst case scenario is that the palestinian will be shot, or arrested.
I know honestly as much as I politically sometimes at odds with Palestine.
I would always support them over Israel and the Jews.
Such a shame we lost Ww1 and the middle eastern lands that came with it while the Jews got Israel handed to them on a golden platter.
Arabs who teamed up with the British should have known that the Western powers will never care whats best for them.
The ottoman empire was declining anyway, and nationalism was on the rise. I know you love history, and you should learn more about the breakdown of the ottoman empire. The Arab revolt was a real thing, however, hundreds of thousands of Arabs were fighting for the ottoman empire even when the revolt takes place.
All this reminds me of one of the most impressive submarine feats ever accomplished: Project Azorian, and they did it entirely in secret.
What a way to go.
19 years old only to die at the bottom of the ocean.
Honestly the Oceans and Seas are never to be screwed around with. They deserve respect for being such a deadly beauty.
Oceans will never be conquered by humans.
In fact, in December 1987, the Oceans were conquered in the sense you call it.Oceans will never be conquered by humans.
Anyone checked new ASELSAN CEO? Have you checked his CV?
Aselsan will go on losing huge engineering manpower.
People should remember these days with curse. From Metu PhD graduates with years of engineering experiences to bachelor degree graduates from low profile universities and with out any engineering work in the past!!
Defense industry companies also are turning to State institutes with low profile management.
All quality engineers will leave .
He skipped the part on how the Nazis treated Hirschfeld when they came to power. Also protip: not all German surnames point to a German ancestry.
Oh my! I see where you're coming fromHe skipped the part on how the Nazis treated Hirschfeld when they came to power. Also protip: not all German surnames point to a German ancestry.
I dreamt of vlad, asking erdo to send troops to protect his assChaos in Russia!!
Turkish members of the forum! Hearken to my high-IQ proposal:
We invade Georgia the country. No one expects it. They'll be confused. Especially americans won't be able to distinguish Georgia the country and Georgia the state, because they are geographically illiterate. When they ask us about stuff, we give bullshit answers and stall when they ask why. It'll be over in a day or two. It's so illogical, I don't even think Georgians will resist because of the confusion. To top it off, we install Rambo Okan as the governor.
- Americans will be utterly confused thinking we invaded Georgia the state, the self centered quims
- Rambo Okan as governor
- Land bridge to Azerbaijan
- Armenian butthurt
- Iranians will be butthurt and produce a cringeworthy video swearing to destroy Turkey
- Pontics will no longer be able to hop border and profit so suck on that ya hooknosed bastards lol
- Batum acquired, Misak-ı Milli fulfilled (at least with regards to Caucasus)
- We can swoop Abkhazia and Ossetia while Russians are not looking
- Georgian wine tastes good so we take it
- Economic integration means they prosper and we prosper too
- They have isolated mountains where we can send refugees and k-pop fans
- I hate invading Georgia in EU4 because of all the mountains so I get to feel vindicated
Operation Yolo should commence, tomorrow! I'm truly a geopolitical genius.
- They might resist and get hurt
- Rambo Okan might refuse governorship because of his love for Fenerbahçe. A committee headed by Aziz Yıldırım should convince him and Mr. Yıldırım is a busy man. Might not accept.
- You know that weird ear feeling because you change altitude and air pressure? You'd get that a lot in Georgia (I think).
We had better massively deport Syrians and Afgans to Georgia then let them flee into Russia.Turkish members of the forum! Hearken to my high-IQ proposal:
We invade Georgia the country. No one expects it. They'll be confused. Especially americans won't be able to distinguish Georgia the country and Georgia the state, because they are geographically illiterate. When they ask us about stuff, we give bullshit answers and stall when they ask why. It'll be over in a day or two. It's so illogical, I don't even think Georgians will resist because of the confusion. To top it off, we install Rambo Okan as the governor.
- Americans will be utterly confused thinking we invaded Georgia the state, the self centered quims
- Rambo Okan as governor
- Land bridge to Azerbaijan
- Armenian butthurt
- Iranians will be butthurt and produce a cringeworthy video swearing to destroy Turkey
- Pontics will no longer be able to hop border and profit so suck on that ya hooknosed bastards lol
- Batum acquired, Misak-ı Milli fulfilled (at least with regards to Caucasus)
- We can swoop Abkhazia and Ossetia while Russians are not looking
- Georgian wine tastes good so we take it
- Economic integration means they prosper and we prosper too
- They have isolated mountains where we can send refugees and k-pop fans
- I hate invading Georgia in EU4 because of all the mountains so I get to feel vindicated
Operation Yolo should commence, tomorrow! I'm truly a geopolitical genius.
- They might resist and get hurt
- Rambo Okan might refuse governorship because of his love for Fenerbahçe. A committee headed by Aziz Yıldırım should convince him and Mr. Yıldırım is a busy man. Might not accept.
- You know that weird ear feeling because you change altitude and air pressure? You'd get that a lot in Georgia (I think).
And k-pop fans. I'm a hardliner on this crucial issue.We had better massively deport Syrians and Afgans to Georgia then let them flee into Russia.
Putin caused with airstrikes refugee crisis, let Putin solve it.
Erdogan is also Georgian.
He doesn't like non-islamist conceptions of Turkishness because he is a minority.I have seen many members say this here .. but why ? and what's the point behind this ?