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Lbgt is an affront to human society.
Im not the only one to have this viewpoint.
Keep it away from me and my children.
Lbgt stuff being imposed in school is bascially the State enforcing homosexuality and transgenderism.
Look whats going on Canada the State is enforcing lbgt stuff in schools instead its being met with protests by both Muslims and Christians.
Instead Muslims and Christians are the "brainwashed" ones.
Take your woke crap elsewhere. What the woke crowd managed to do is make two bitter enemies actually unite.
Please read again what i am referring to.I have every right to force my children by the way.
Im the father whatever goes in my house is under my jurisdiction.
He was a sassy kid who couldn't bear the charisma of his father or grandfather anyway.I can't say I feel sorry for him
Kopya değil. Her sanatçı geçmişin müziğinden esinlenir.Ölmüş insanı güzelliklerle anmak lazım ancak birçok şarkısı Arap şarkılarından kopya.
some of them are. Syrian, Iraqi, irani, and some of the Turkish. Or lobbying groups in US
Aside of his intention, the tourism in Turkey is at risk . The lake of security from the state and the rise of racism towards everything will be catastrophic in the long run.
The daily incidents of Turks attacking and insulting the tourists and on Turk them self are widely shared on the social media .Both the state and the police are doing nothing.
Soon Turkey will follow Italy path to be a tourism shithole.
You have tourists insulting the locals by throwing dollars and euros at the locals.
When tourists start doing stupid shit they actually ruin it for a lot us.
Thanks to European, Western along with Arab and Russian tourists us Turks who are not from Turkiye are also getting attacked too.
Because tourists cant behave. They treat the country like their playground.
50 + millions tourists in a year is too much and a real nightmare for any country. A waste of your ecology, national resources. I hope one day we will not need this money.
Our poor civil industry I hope that a day we can get enough export.50 + millions tourists in a year is too much and a real nightmare for any country. A waste of your ecology, national resources. I hope one day we will not need this money.
You can see Japan lack the money and add 6-7 times of Tourist from 2009 to 2019,everyone said Japan streets dirtier than before...every place full of ChineseThat is very interesting view point. And to some extent I agree with it.
But as far as i understand it, one of the way Turkish economy navigates through massive export-import deficit (projected $90 billions this year if Wiki numbers were to be believed) is by 45-50 billions foreign tourism money injection in Turkish economy annually.
Let's see what the profile of many of these 50 million tourists mostly is:
1. Bulgarians going to Edirne to buy cheap clothes and laundry detergents and have some tava ciger.
2. Drunk Russians who act like pigs in all inclusive resorts and spend nothing outside of them.
3. Toursists from the Middle East who are not drunk but act like animals in many cases too.
4. "Germans" from Western Europe who come to the Motherland to spend their Euros, live like Kings and tell the locals how bad life in Europe is and how good they are having it in Turkey.
5. Poor ass Brits, Germans, Poles and other Westerners who came because they heard how cheap it is, Bruv.
Every tourist country same.
In Japan 40 million tourists mostly is:
1.Chinese take photo every place and doing stupid things and buy girls
2.Korean and Hongkonger going to Japan to buy cheap toys and have sushi and ramen.
3. Poor ass Brits, America and other Westerners who came because they want to be hero and sleep with japanese girl by free.
But in Turkiye
There are millions Arab and African use tourist visa to be illegal workers
Let's see what the profile of many of these 50 million tourists mostly is:
1. Bulgarians going to Edirne to buy cheap clothes and laundry detergents and have some tava ciger.
2. Drunk Russians who act like pigs in all inclusive resorts and spend nothing outside of them.
3. Toursists from the Middle East who are not drunk but act like animals in many cases too.
4. "Germans" from Western Europe who come to the Motherland to spend their Euros, live like Kings and tell the locals how bad life in Europe is and how good they are having it in Turkey.
5. Poor ass Brits, Germans, Poles and other Westerners who came because they heard how cheap it is, Bruv.
Let's see what the profile of many of these 50 million tourists mostly is:
1. Bulgarians going to Edirne to buy cheap clothes and laundry detergents and have some tava ciger.
2. Drunk Russians who act like pigs in all inclusive resorts and spend nothing outside of them.
3. Toursists from the Middle East who are not drunk but act like animals in many cases too.
4. "Germans" from Western Europe who come to the Motherland to spend their Euros, live like Kings and tell the locals how bad life in Europe is and how good they are having it in Turkey.
5. Poor ass Brits, Germans, Poles and other Westerners who came because they heard how cheap it is, Bruv.
You ease the Visa then 20million Chinese will come.Honestly send some tourists to Australia man.
We barely get any to be honest. I do not want a huge exodus but enough to at least make some money.
You ease the Visa then 20million Chinese will come.
Japanese like Australia but JPY too low now.