Ayip degil. Helal olsun. serefli bir sekilde ekmegini kazaniyor.
Ayip degil. Helal olsun. serefli bir sekilde ekmegini kazaniyor.
I know you're only talking about him but I'm resetting the counterWasnt there troll called Hurshid Pasha aka Hurshit who managed to piss off everybody. He basically became a meme.
I use to lurk at PDF Turkish forum part until I became a member. Too bad I missed out on Hurshit. I would have had a field day with that Loser.
I know you're only talking about him but I'm resetting the counter
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You can't do stuff to kids against their family's wishes, I guess this does not work for you as you think you are strong and you can bully.Is that your new self victimizing method? I guess you guys need to get crative now that headscarf ban is lifted.
What do you say about the 5 year old girls being forced to cover their hair? Is that humane?
Cocuklariniz Ataturk'u sevecek diye mi korkunuz? Kiyamam.You can't do stuff to kids against their family's wishes, I guess this does not work for you as you think you are strong and you can bully.
Atatürk is political, you can't brainwash small kids with CHP stuff. While multiparty is allowed there are still single-party policies in place. Turkish people deserve better. I will leave the matter at that until it is time again.Cocuklariniz Ataturk'u sevecek diye mi korkunuz? Kiyamam.
Zorunlu din dersi kaldirilsin dense demediginizi birakmazsiniz ama.
yeah it's political for enemy of the Turkish Republic like political islamists, kurds, armenians etc.Atatürk is political, you can't brainwash small kids with CHP stuff. While multiparty is allowed there are still single-party policies in place. Turkish people deserve better. I will leave the matter at that until it is time again.
some of them are. Syrian, Iraqi, irani, and some of the Turkish. Or lobbying groups in USKurds are the enemy of Turkish Republic??![]()
Look who is talking, which government was it that silently converted schools to religious ones without noticing any students and parents?You can't do stuff to kids against their family's wishes, I guess this does not work for you as you think you are strong and you can bully.
And what about people who dont want religious education for their child? Why do you think you have a right to force them to teach religion?Atatürk is political, you can't brainwash small kids with CHP stuff. While multiparty is allowed there are still single-party policies in place. Turkish people deserve better. I will leave the matter at that until it is time again.
Ölmüş insanı güzelliklerle anmak lazım ancak birçok şarkısı Arap şarkılarından kopya.
And what about people who dont want religious education for their child? Why do you think you have a right to force them to teach religion?
He is obviously talking about obligatory religious classes in school which is forced to school children.I have every right to force my children by the way.
Im the father whatever goes in my house is under my jurisdiction.
He is obviously talking about obligatory religious classes in school which is forced to school children.
I bet you would think the same way about people that teaching lgbt stuff to their kids.
There are people that can't stand lgbt and islam. Forcing either of the two on those children is wrong as well.Lbgt is an affront to human society.
Im not the only one to have this viewpoint.
Keep it away from me and my children.
Lbgt stuff being imposed in school is bascially the State enforcing homosexuality and transgenderism.
Look whats going on Canada the State is enforcing lbgt stuff in schools instead its being met with protests by both Muslims and Christians.
Instead Muslims and Christians are the "brainwashed" ones.
Take your woke crap elsewhere. What the woke crowd managed to do is make two bitter enemies actually unite.