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Jon Oliver FYI is one of the very few real journalists out there who still has his integrity along with Jon Stewart
John Oliver and Jon Stewart are not journalists, they're comedians.
It is the duty of those who write for them to make them look like they have some semblance of journalistic integrity. And even in that they fuck up big time.

As things stand now, they are merely sock puppets, whose job it is to read whatever the interest group of the week gave them to read in a humorous way, in order to influence the masses.

If you have any doubts, I challenge you to sit through one episode of "Strike force five" podcast, which John Oliver and his fellow late night hosts started to fill the void during the 2023 WGA-SAG-AFTRA dual strike.

Here's the link:


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Yeah and Jon Oliver FYI is one of the very few real journalists out there who still has his integrity along with Jon Stewart.
Calling him a "lib city Karen" is very short-sighted especially from an eloquent member here like @Nilgiri but I guess priorities, heh.
Talking about leftists as if they were an abomination is also uncalled for. I'm a right wing person but not an extremist. I believe in a secular state but I respect all religions regardless.
What Modi is doing is not up for debate and as a "non-Modi-fan", attacking critics is simply below par.

I think @Nilgiri was making a point on how he felt about Western MSM in general. (Which I still disagree with. I hold it to a higher standard than he does) Probably not personally calling Jon Oliver 'lib city Karen' or something. Anyway, he will come around later tonight.


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John Oliver is a joke. His entire thing is ridicule and laugh track. That particular format is for conditioning the viewer to disregard and disbelieve dissidents against western ideology. He's a worm. Jon Stewart is just a bit better but still equal to, say, a rodent in my eyes. These people will propagandize you being genocided and will ridicule you from their safe studios if you try to defend yourself. They are the worst.

Plus they aren't funny.


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I actually watched this episode. It was more or less accurate IMO.

Accuracy wise, I don't go to MSM anymore lol. They get too many things wrong with their own country to begin with....all for whatever political/ideological water carrying the network has. Then they drizzle stale humour around it if its supposed to be evening talk show.

If I want humour, I watch something that does it right.

If I want accuracy, I watch something that does that right.

i.e have to admit bias to gain trust (ok you are favouring A over B openly).....or be unbiased and properly critique reality as it is (including ALL political forces/ideologies).

I grew up with Leno, Ferguson, Conan etc, they struck a better balance on it. After that era, it just took serious decline as partisanship just did its thing.....if you laugh at A thats great....if you laugh at B, they do the cry-bully antics.

So no point loitering around the cringe these days waiting for when the broken clock is "meh" right twice a day etc.

Tired of the cringe.

Regd just Modi, he is denied visa by Admin A, then that all gets gaslighted by admin B... Obama invited for tea and republic day after all the earlier blab (including in the democrat media acolytes)....everyone's buddy buddy for admin C and admin D, state dinners while the stale acolytes in media talk out of both sides of their mouth rather than take a stand and hold themselves to a mirror first on the same thing....and then this just continues ad infinitum.

Some point, someone among the dem-friendlies that make up the establishment/institutional bulk have to call out their own BS to begin with. Who was right and who was wrong? It just gets worse for issues that are not oceans away, but are at home....the sheer living in denial.

The Obama admin and the effect on MSM is a good 80% of the degeneration that has happened now. Trump et al is result of that useless unnecessary crap they indulged after all the big blab of "change".

You can't even make fun of obamacare as romneycare (yeah the same "he'll throw you all blacks in chains" romney well before orange guy heeetler)... they get so upset at the social-cons that actually give a damn about the country, actually have families and have lives outside of lib-city 'we love the smell of our own crap" insularity....and actually sign up for the military as well are not supposed to turn against them and give these cringe cry-bullies their worst nightmare in return?

Hey mr lib city guy/gal/whatever you identify as this week.....why dont you put your money where your mouth is first? Leave the toxic babel cityscape and hollyweird for a while and live life a little first.....humble yourself.


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Yeah and Jon Oliver FYI is one of the very few real journalists out there who still has his integrity along with Jon Stewart.
Calling him a "lib city Karen" is very short-sighted especially from an eloquent member here like @Nilgiri but I guess priorities, heh.
Talking about leftists as if they were an abomination is also uncalled for. I'm a right wing person but not an extremist. I believe in a secular state but I respect all religions regardless.
What Modi is doing is not up for debate and as a "non-Modi-fan", attacking critics is simply below par.

LOL, I was referring more to the audience dynamics nowadays that still stuck watching late night TV I guess (here). You are on another continent, so you wouldn't know about how they are in real life....and what the normal folk reaction to these types are increasingly.

Look you have to live among social-libs and social-cons in any society to see where the hypocrisies actually lie in the end....compared to what their respective pravda (or pravda void) project to you a distance away. Nothing beats the investiture of time in the end among the fray. Push come to shove, who actually has your back.

As far as the social libs these days on this continent, I used to get along with them just fine.....but lately I become a mix of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Thomas Sowell lol (and for the similar reasons influencing their take on the libs of their day).... reality is different to the social-lib ecosystem take on things....their delusions and rank epicurean wishcasting.

If you want only atomized rights from society but shun every responsibility to society (i.e wherever you are in the meaningless nihlist spectrum) lose relevance and you depopulate yourself....because everything becomes an ingratitude olympics of "my identity oppression"...the hierarchy, the patriarchy....I am accountable for nothing, ree! Then the media and institutions that feed this in their leftist statist corporate BS, to fully subvert and takeover and reinvent the nationalist republic principles to begin with.

They are free to do so in the end....but it becomes a problem if they want to burden others to it. i.e Just proceed on your own time and dime thanks....with as much self-hate and nation-hate, hypocrisy and ingratitude as you prefer to.

We the normal bulk will take over again after you're gone. We're the salt of the earth, not you babel elitist bimbos lol. That is the working arrangement that's being crafted for the mid term right now here. Don't know how it is in Europe. India and Asia are very different in their own ways.

So I'm done with relying upon what the lib media does in its hot take snapshot equivalency building across oceans when they are unable to do ONE iota of it closer to home.

When the country was far more cohesive, is when I look back to find humour of that era then. Its totally stale now on pravda TV for me....have to go to other spots. But to each his own.

Fuzuli NL

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LOL, I was referring more to the audience dynamics nowadays that still stuck watching late night TV I guess (here). You are on another continent, so you wouldn't know about how they are in real life....and what the normal folk reaction to these types are increasingly.

Look you have to live among social-libs and social-cons in any society to see where the hypocrisies actually lie in the end....compared to what their respective pravda (or pravda void) project to you a distance away. Nothing beats the investiture of time in the end among the fray. Push come to shove, who actually has your back.

As far as the social libs these days on this continent, I used to get along with them just fine.....but lately I become a mix of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Thomas Sowell lol (and for the similar reasons influencing their take on the libs of their day).... reality is different to the social-lib ecosystem take on things....their delusions and rank epicurean wishcasting.

If you want only atomized rights from society but shun every responsibility to society (i.e wherever you are in the meaningless nihlist spectrum) lose relevance and you depopulate yourself....because everything becomes an ingratitude olympics of "my identity oppression"...the hierarchy, the patriarchy....I am accountable for nothing, ree! Then the media and institutions that feed this in their leftist statist corporate BS, to fully subvert and takeover and reinvent the nationalist republic principles to begin with.

They are free to do so in the end....but it becomes a problem if they want to burden others to it. i.e Just proceed on your own time and dime thanks....with as much self-hate and nation-hate, hypocrisy and ingratitude as you prefer to.

We the normal bulk will take over again after you're gone. We're the salt of the earth, not you babel elitist bimbos lol. That is the working arrangement that's being crafted for the mid term right now here. Don't know how it is in Europe. India and Asia are very different in their own ways.

So I'm done with relying upon what the lib media does in its hot take snapshot equivalency building across oceans when they are unable to do ONE iota of it closer to home.

When the country was far more cohesive, is when I look back to find humour of that era then. Its totally stale now on pravda TV for me....have to go to other spots. But to each his own.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Yeah and Jon Oliver FYI is one of the very few real journalists out there who still has his integrity along with Jon Stewart.
Calling him a "lib city Karen" is very short-sighted especially from an eloquent member here like @Nilgiri but I guess priorities, heh.
Talking about leftists as if they were an abomination is also uncalled for. I'm a right wing person but not an extremist. I believe in a secular state but I respect all religions regardless.
What Modi is doing is not up for debate and as a "non-Modi-fan", attacking critics is simply below par.
I'm not taking sides here but neither John Oliver nor Jon Stewart are anywhere close to qualifying as real journalists with integrity. John Oliver literally moved to the US because even the average British viewer thought he was a pretentious moron while Americans apparently have slightly lower standards.

Fuzuli NL

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I'm not taking sides here but neither John Oliver nor Jon Stewart are anywhere close to qualifying as real journalists with integrity. John Oliver literally moved to the US because even the average British viewer thought he was a pretentious moron while Americans apparently have slightly lower standards.
He worked under Jon Stewart in The Daily Show which happens to be in the US then he got one of the most sought after slots on TV at HBO. While everybody is walking on eggshells about what's happening in Gaza, he's the only one along with Jon Stewart who has the balls to rip out and say it as it is albeit with a humorous style and I get it that his style is not everybody's cup of tea and some people may not find him funny. His journalistic work exceeds the ones some of you are addicted to that regurgitate whatever is laid out to them.


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F-16 the best! @I_Love_F16 is gonna be happy here lol.

Sorry @Ryder , F-4 old uncle (turkish colours and all) just about limped in faster than the F-5 haha....
F-16 already completed its victory loop by then lol.

its ok the harrier (finishing years later) makes everyone feel good about themselves...

F-15 best climber!


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F-16 the best! @I_Love_F16 is gonna be happy here lol.

Sorry @Ryder , F-4 old uncle (turkish colours and all) just about limped in faster than the F-5 haha....
F-16 already completed its victory loop by then lol.

its ok the harrier (finishing years later) makes everyone feel good about themselves...

F-15 best climber!

F4 Is like a Old Alfa Romeo. Everybody desires the old over the new.


France Correspondent
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F-16 the best! @I_Love_F16 is gonna be happy here lol.

Sorry @Ryder , F-4 old uncle (turkish colours and all) just about limped in faster than the F-5 haha....
F-16 already completed its victory loop by then lol.

its ok the harrier (finishing years later) makes everyone feel good about themselves...

F-15 best climber!

F-16 the fastest ! Very good in BVR too, at least in DCS !


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There is some fucked up animal torture videos being spread by turkish media on twitter, what the fuck


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There is some fucked up animal torture videos being spread by turkish media on twitter, what the fuck
I bet it's related to street dogs issue. Some crazy dog worshipper abducted a literal rabid dog from Urfa and released it in Ankara. People are up in arms about it. When you couple that with the level of IQ a regular Turkish Twitter user has, you get this stupidity.


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F4 Is like a Old Alfa Romeo. Everybody desires the old over the new.

Speed aint everything after all, the F-4 was just getting in the right position to shoot them all down hehe


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11.7 per cent of world’s freshwater fish is in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has moved up from third to second position globally in freshwater fish production.

According to FAO report, Bangladesh produces 1.32 million (13.22 lakh) tonnes of freshwater fish which amounts to 11.7 per cent of world’s total fish production. According to the previous report, Bangladesh’s contribution was 11 per cent.
With a production of 1.89 million (18.9 lakh) tonnes, India has climbed to the top of that list this time. Meanwhile, China with a production of 1.16 (11.66 lakh) has slithered down to the third position. After China, there are Myanmar, Indonesia and Uganda in line.

Notably, half of the fish produced from the open waters was indeed hilsa. In 2023, Bangladesh produced total 650,000 (6.5 lakh) tonnes of hilsa only.

Crazy statistics, but when you know how big Bengal delta is.

@Nilgiri proportionally, there is something very fishy about Bengalis than Indians.😂
@TR_123456 don't you guys eat fish? Lots of rivers. Also, @Ryder

I really hope at least one of you guys have eaten Hilsa for once. It's the crown Jewel of Ganges delta.
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11.7 per cent of world’s freshwater fish is in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has moved up from third to second position globally in freshwater fish production.

According to FAO report, Bangladesh produces 1.32 million (13.22 lakh) tonnes of freshwater fish which amounts to 11.7 per cent of world’s total fish production. According to the previous report, Bangladesh’s contribution was 11 per cent.
With a production of 1.89 million (18.9 lakh) tonnes, India has climbed to the top of that list this time. Meanwhile, China with a production of 1.16 (11.66 lakh) has slithered down to the third position. After China, there are Myanmar, Indonesia and Uganda in line.

Notably, half of the fish produced from the open waters was indeed hilsa. In 2023, Bangladesh produced total 650,000 (6.5 lakh) tonnes of hilsa only.

Crazy statistics, but when you know how big Bengal delta is.

@Nilgiri proportionally, there is something very fishy about Bengalis than Indians.😂
@TR_123456 don't you guys eat fish? Lots of rivers. Also, @Ryder

I really hope at least one of you guys have eaten Hilsa for once. It's the crown Jewel of Ganges delta.

I've eaten Hilsa many times, courtesy of close BD friends (well their wives, moms, elder sisters et al. mostly lol)....

Its a good tasting fish, but its really bony so its a long effort put in to enjoy it..... its why its not for everyone.

Overall in TN when back home I prefer catla, rohu etc. Better meat to bone ratio lol.

Earlier chat I had with some BD friends about catla I had:


Here in Canada, I have mostly switched to the local natural staples found in the lakes and rivers that are good eating after you catch them....I know all the best fishing spots in lot of areas and its good pastime with buddies too (including a cpl regular Bongs).

I prefer walleye, perch, crappie and pike....trout is rarer quarry and salmon is highly protected on atlantic (great lakes) side, my vicinity.

Once you know how to fillet them, it is fun summer activity to just catch and cook outdoors right there next to lake etc if its walleye. Large pike I take home to prep better and bake instead.

This is last summer walleye as example.....fillet, bread and fry....good eating!



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I've eaten Hilsa many times, courtesy of close BD friends (well their wives, moms, elder sisters et al. mostly lol)....

Its a good tasting fish, but its really bony so its a long effort put in to enjoy it..... its why its not for everyone.

Overall in TN when back home I prefer catla, rohu etc. Better meat to bone ratio lol.

Earlier chat I had with some BD friends about catla I had:

View attachment 68606

Here in Canada, I have mostly switched to the local natural staples found in the lakes and rivers that are good eating after you catch them....I know all the best fishing spots in lot of areas and its good pastime with buddies too (including a cpl regular Bongs).

I prefer walleye, perch, crappie and pike....trout is rarer quarry and salmon is highly protected on atlantic (great lakes) side, my vicinity.

Once you know how to fillet them, it is fun summer activity to just catch and cook outdoors right there next to lake etc if its walleye. Large pike I take home to prep better and bake instead.

This is last summer walleye as example.....fillet, bread and fry....good eating!

View attachment 68608

That's true. Hilsa is not everyone. But my grandma says, if you can't eat it effortlessly, then you are not a true bong yet.

Rohu and Katla is also quite good if you can catch it from open water. (Not those of farms) A 10kg Rohu from Padma is a special treat.

But IMO, the next best thing after Hilsa is Chitol. Testier than Rohu or Catla, yet comes with even lesser bones. Curry is the best way to eat it. You probably had it before.

Btw, fishing is also my hobby. The most I caught one day was 18 Tilapia. I also once caught a massive Rohu. However, slightly lost focus and grip for a moment trying to call my cousin out of excitement, and the fish immediately took away my expensive fishing rod into the river and swam away fast. I am still a bit devastated because of it, always wanted to tell everyone that I cought a massive fish. But no one believes me.😔 (@TR_123456 will probably come around now and tell us how he caught a massive fish with bare hand and didn't even need any fishing gear.🙄)


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That's true. Hilsa is not everyone. But my grandma says, if you can't eat it effortlessly, then you are not a true bong yet.

Rohu and Katla is also quite good if you can catch it from open water. (Not those of farms) A 10kg Rohu from Padma is a special treat.

But IMO, the next best thing after Hilsa is Chitol. Testier than Rohu or Catla, yet comes with even lesser bones. Curry is the best way to eat it. You probably had it before.

Btw, fishing is also my hobby. The most I caught one day was 18 Tilapia. I also once caught a massive Rohu. However, slightly lost focus and grip for a moment trying to call my cousin out of excitement, and the fish immediately took away my expensive fishing rod into the river and swam away fast. I am still a bit devastated because of it, always wanted to tell everyone that I cought a massive fish. But no one believes me.😔 (@TR_123456 will probably come around now and tell us how he caught a massive fish with bare hand and didn't even need any fishing gear.🙄)
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