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Sanırsınki tüm ayrımcılıklara karşı enternasyonal hümanist! Kendinden olmayanları kâfir olarak tanımlayan bir kişinin, ırkçılıktan bahsetmesi o kadar komik ve rezilki. Komünistlerden öğrendikleri üç beş şeyi, İslam sosuna batırıyorlar ama bu yemek bunlara helal olmaz. Sol argümanları fazla kullanmak adamı kâfir yapar çünkü İslam'ın özü ayrımcılık.
Fun fact: Prior to appointing SAGE's new director, Tübitak's director was appointed as Istanbul Technical University's Rector.TÜBİTAK SAGE’de Devir Teslim Töreni | SAVUNMA SANAYİİ ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME ENSTİTÜSÜ
Enstitü Müdürü görevini vekaleten yöneten Sn. Hüseyin ATABAY görevi Sn. Kemal TOPALÖMER’e devretti. TÜBİTAK Başkan Vekili Sn. İsmail DOĞAN ve çalışma arkadaşlarımızın katılımlarıyla devir teslim töreni gerçekleştirildi. #MilliSavunmaMilliArge misyonuyla hep birlikte daha ileriye!
Could the three positions above him replace him easily?
since time i open my eye from elementary school to all the way to university all i saw was the islamist trying erase Turkish identity. before i tried to combat them but now im too tired for that now
If a religious figure interferes in politics, he should be immediately disqualified! If they are allowed into politics, Turkey will very soon turn into a second Iran.
A Christian priest in Russia is a Russian nationalistIf a religious figure interferes in politics, he should be immediately disqualified! If they are allowed into politics, Turkey will very soon turn into a second Iran.
We have all seen how this ends with Fethullah Gülen.
By the way, another one of these swindlers - Cübbeli Ahmet - yesterday said that he was attacked right in the center of Istanbul by the CIA together with MossadHe, as always, is lying, there were 3 attackers - among them there was another, the most dangerous - an agent of the KGB of the USSR. The operation was joint
Cübbeli Ahmet'ten Şok İddia: Saldırı MOSSAD ve CIA'nın İşi!
Cübbeli Ahmet'ten şok iddia: Saldırı MOSSAD ve CIA'nin projesi!
Türk dünyasının 34 harften oluşan ortak alfabesi kabul edildi
Türk dünyasının 34 harften oluşan ortak alfabesi kabul edildi - Son Dakika Dünya Haberleri
Son Dakika Dünya Haberleri - Türk Akademisi, Türk Devletleri Teşkilatının (TDT) kurduğu Türk Dünyası Ortak Alfabe Komisyonu'nun 34 harften oluşan Ortak Türk
in old turkey we did had imam who were nationalist ataturkist. the current imams are from those kaçak kuran courses in which 28 şubat generals wanted to prevent. one of the 18 demand of 28 şubat was the fact that the only diyanet should has the sole right to teach religion and all those who received their training from other countries. should not become imamA Christian priest in Russia is a Russian nationalist
A Christian priest in Greece is a Greek nationalist
A rabbi in Israel is a Jewish nationalist
An Imam in Iran is a Persian nationalist
An imam in Saudi Arabia is an Arab nationalist
An imam in Turkiye hates everything about Turks.
the Hezbollah who said i want to behead people is not in jail the imam who before election said i have 2 guns with full magazine and i know what to do after election if we lose is not in jail asrin tok who defended sharia law which is by law a crime is not in jail the guy who call half of the nation sürtük is not in jail then when jahrein mock diyanet statment about baldız he goes to jail ?? what is his crime to say he will do what diyanet religiously permit ?? ??
As far as I am aware they already have fabricated things against him, but apparently his biggest sin was opening his mouth against Sheikh Said.the Hezbollah who said i want to behead people is not in jail the imam who before election said i have 2 guns with full magazine and i know what to do after election if we lose is not in jail asrin tok who defended sharia law which is by law a crime is not in jail the guy who call half of the nation sürtük is not in jail then when jahrein mock diyanet statment about baldız he goes to jail ?? what is his crime to say he will do what diyanet religiously permit ?? ??