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Well, I can’t say that I am really aware of Canadian healthcare’s ins and outs. All I’m almost certain is that like you said liberal media hyping on it. Nevertheless, I for one, would voluntarily swap my pathetic healthcare privileges with CanaDian one without much hesitationCanadian healthcare is a total joke thanks to it being govt run (and thus inevitably rationed) on so many things.
Of course leftie media rags in the US will praise it because they are socialist scum living in their little bubbles....they dont actually have to sign up for it and face it. Its been like that with the democrats ever since LBJ and his dumbass push federally (stripping long term state and local level which is where it should be at most) along with his vietnam debacle at same time.
Tons of Canadians increasingly pay out of pocket and go to US for higher level healthcare....rather than wait for years (thanks to marxist rationing):
Would you cross the border for health care? 42% Canadians say yes in poll - National |
Amid Canada's ongoing battle with prolonged emergency room wait times and staffing challenges, a poll finds that many are willing to head south in pursuit of timely health
The best system is the Swiss one and Singaporean one.... govt mandates things (within employer coverage and provident fund), pays specific subsidy (in a balanced budget, not one that accumulates debt to pass on) and then private companies provide supply side fully.
This was largely the system pre-LBJ and also before Canadian "liberals" wrecked it for their federal politician-based statism grandstanding.
These clowns dont learn GOSPLAN and marxism doesnt work. Period.
Well, I can’t say that I am really aware of Canadian healthcare’s ins and outs. All I’m almost certain is that like you said liberal media hyping on it. Nevertheless, I for one, would voluntarily swap my pathetic healthcare privileges with CanaDian one without much hesitation
Soo uuhmm i remember many many years ago I used to actively make videos on Youtube, but could no longer login anymore so completely forgat about it. Recently could get into it again and came across this embarrassment of a video that actually got like 200.000 views. I had a good laugh at it, you might as well now
@Foulgrim @Akritas
OMG the video still fcking exists lmaoooooooooo
And this is where we are now: Some low IQ conspiracy theorists seem to have found a Turkish HAARP ship. It flooded Spain. lol
OMG the video still fcking exists lmaoooooooooo
And this is where we are now: Some low IQ conspiracy theorists seem to have found a Turkish HAARP ship. It flooded Spain. lol
Not only that but the Russians were also jamming GPS systems in the vicinity. Because the pilots' job wasn't hard enough already you see.It has been confirmed that the Azerbaijan airways plane was shot down by the Russian air defense system.
Corrupt SoBs knew that this was inexplicable stupidity, so they refused to allow the plane to make an emergency landing in Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, or Makhachkala and wanted it to crash into the Caspian Sea. But the pilots managed to make a heroic effort.
My condolences again to those who lost their lives, a speedy recovery to the wounded and get well soon to our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters.
WW2 alternative history can be fun. Then, let me say what I have in mind right away: I can't help but wonder what would have happened if the Turkish army had declared war on Nazi Germany in June/July 1944, when the Axis had lost Italy, the Russians had reached Romania in the east, and the allied forces had begun to land on the French coast, in other words, when the march to Berlin had begun. The Turkish army could have captured the eastern Aegean islands within 6-8 miles and some Turkish majority Western Thrace at that time, and after the war, it would not have left Western Thrace without gaining autonomy in this area, also the 12 Islands may have been returned to the Turkish state as should be.i like to discuses alternative history of Turkish republic especially before and during ww2 and the possiable gain we could had if we entered the war. can i randomly create a thread for this topic ? ??
by that time the war was already won and they wouldn't gave anything to us beside with what army ?? what food ?? people were starving because of ismet Inonu's wrong economical polices + the war were fought around us and there was no road and infrastructure hence most of our agriculture product were wasted. beside im more Aç Göz then you are lol im not ok with only 12 islands. lot of things need to be done before ww2 let me give you my 2 centWW2 alternative history can be fun. Then, let me say what I have in mind right away: I can't help but wonder what would have happened if the Turkish army had declared war on Nazi Germany in June/July 1944, when the Axis had lost Italy, the Russians had reached Romania in the east, and the allied forces had begun to land on the French coast, in other words, when the march to Berlin had begun. The Turkish army could have captured the eastern Aegean islands within 6-8 miles and some Turkish majority Western Thrace at that time, and after the war, it would not have left Western Thrace without gaining autonomy in this area, also the 12 Islands may have been returned to the Turkish state as should be.