TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi





If you compare to the mock up of 2015 with the recently shown one, the differences are so huge that one could argue that it is a different thing altogether. The recently shown product of the AKKOR looks like an almost finished product.

Don't jump to conclusions when one is trying to be helpful in answering you.
Look, i don't wanna drag this on. We all have our intelligence and we have knowledge on these issues. I can see the difference. All i asked from you is if you have actual knowledge or not?. You say, you don't know and admit that you are making things up.

What's more to say?



Tropical rainforest areas versus biggest deserts of the world.

If this goes same, the next millennium will be Dune-like dystopia.

Ok, but what will happen millennium we are in? We've literally become global and physically connected every single person to another. But on the oter side, while Humankind entering forestery areas they have never lived in, now start to fight against microorganisms they have never known. HIV, Ebola etc. and now Covid, all are just a flare. Global warming and deforestation can cause destruction on a scale that we cannot even imagine. It will be the duty of the dunes to cover the legacy of the human being after all these disasters have happened in the current millennium.

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