TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Members are not blamed. Maybe hundreds of photos and information are shared on the forum every day. We share this information on our social media accounts so that more people can access it.

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When we find out who the source of the photos is, we also tag them. We are not a commercial enterprise. We do not make money here, on the contrary, we pay for fast and powerful servers. We serve as volunteers. I'll be a dad in 4 months and I am trying to promote the development and products of my country on DefenceHub. Please do not ignore this.
You failed to see me. When you want to share something in Twitter using info from forum. Credit to the original source not what shared here.

Boy or girl?


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Becoming Baba is the best what can happen!!!! Proud Baba of 2 girls ( i Always tell my wife they will become police/soldiers/pilots)
Allah kucağına almaya nasıp etsin


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Jandarma'da yeni atamalar​

Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Atama Kararıyla birlikte 4 tuğgeneral ve 4 albay emekliye sevk edilirken 15 general ve albay, bir üst rütbeye terfi ettirildi.​

24 Ağustos 2021 08:54Güncellendi: 24 Ağustos 2021 09:27
Jandarma'da yeni atamalar

Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Atama Kararına göre, Tuğgeneraller Hakan Saraç, Turgay Aras, Ali İhsan Ersoy ve Alper Sır, 30 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde geçerli olmak üzere; Albaylar Abdullah Ateş, Cengiz Yurtcan, Ahmet Camuz ve Yüksel Çiçek ise 15 Eylül 2021 tarihinden geçerli olmak üzere 2803 sayılı Kanunun 13'üncü maddesi gereğince emekliliğe sevk edildi.


Karara göre, Korgeneral Ali Çardakcı Orgenerallik rütbesine, Tümgeneral Halis Zafer Koç Korgenerallik rütbesine terfi ettirildi. Tuğgeneraller Yusuf Kenan Topcu, Aykut Tanrıverdi, Ali Doğan Tümgenerallik rütbesine terfi ettirilirken, Albaylar Hüseyin Bekmez, Gökhan Çiloğlu, Sinan Şen, İsmail Sıkı, Ali Gemalmaz, Necip Çarıkçıoğlu, Mustafa Çekiç, Hidayet Arıkan, Eyüp Subaşı, İbrahim Güven 3 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı kararnamesinin 10 ve 11'inci maddeleri gereğince Tuğgenerallik rütbesine terfi oldu. Kararın 30 Ağustos 2021 tarihinden geçerli olacağı belirtildi.
Ayrıca; Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı mensubu 28 general ve 32 subayın görevleri ise, 3 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesinin 11'inci maddesi gereğince değiştirildi.

Amk YAS'a bile gerek yok.....


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Dont know why we signed this deal let the refugees and illegals flood europe.

Europeans are smart because all it takes is money to entice us.

They played psychological with us and won. If only tayyip rejected and said no deal but who can reject the sweet eu money.

We undo ourselves due to greed. We are dumbasses to the core.

Now we have become Europe's security guard.
The deal was signed because the EU promised visa free travel between Turkey and EU member states. Moreover, they also promised to update the customs union for more favourable terms which would aid in exports and increase profits since EU is literally stuck to Turkey. The EU also promised to shoulder most of the financial burden related to the refugees. Thus, in paper, Turkey would only just let them stay somewhere in the inhabitable desert and Turkey would just reap in the massive profits from free visas to massive dollars in revenue from exports and all what they had to do was just provide some random land while EU will pay for everything

Yet, The EU never fullfilled any of the promises they gave. Now the government cant do shit since the refugees are alread in Turkey and the government is now paying from their own pockets to feed the refugees

The government was tricked, because they believed in the Hypocritical EU! And now they are suffering from it. Another proof that the EU never viewed Turkey as an equal in the first place. If such a deal was with Russia, the EU would have fullfilled its terms even before the deadline comes with a damn year!

I still dont understand why doesnt the government just scrap this deal and send military vehicles to break the border wall in Greece and let the refugees pour in.
If until now, they still believe that the hypocritical EU will actually do shit, then I will say that just like the CHP, the AKP are fqing delusional, crazy and deserve to be sent to the pits of hell along with the CHP


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The deal was signed because the EU promised visa free travel between Turkey and EU member states. Moreover, they also promised to update the customs union for more favourable terms which would aid in exports and increase profits since EU is literally stuck to Turkey. The EU also promised to shoulder most of the financial burden related to the refugees. Thus, in paper, Turkey would only just let them stay somewhere in the inhabitable desert and Turkey would just reap in the massive profits from free visas to massive dollars in revenue from exports and all what they had to do was just provide some random land while EU will pay for everything

Yet, The EU never fullfilled any of the promises they gave. Now the government cant do shit since the refugees are alread in Turkey and the government is now paying from their own pockets to feed the refugees

The government was tricked, because they believed in the Hypocritical EU! And now they are suffering from it. Another proof that the EU never viewed Turkey as an equal in the first place. If such a deal was with Russia, the EU would have fullfilled its terms even before the deadline comes with a damn year!

I still dont understand why doesnt the government just scrap this deal and send military vehicles to break the border wall in Greece and let the refugees pour in.
If until now, they still believe that the hypocritical EU will actually do shit, then I will say that just like the CHP, the AKP are fqing delusional, crazy and deserve to be sent to the pits of hell along with the CHP
The only way around this is literally calling in the army after planning how to de-refugefy Turkey. Solution armed escort of all refugees out of Turkey one camp after another. Stop funding the camp and make sure refugees understand the next food station is in Syria unless they run for EU. move the camps literally to Greek border.

Then the army and retired officers can be called to support this endeavor and pay the people for this service.


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No, about same percent of bosniacs does not like him as turks does not. But if something pop up in that light i will notify you.

Dont know why but im starting to slowly become RTE's biggest fanboy.

Tayyip is love, tayyip is life.
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