Eski Japon başbakanın suikastini fettoşlar planlamışlar.
That would be too much to handle.Where is Tubitak and MKE CEO?
Allah akil versin!
such a beautiful and peaceful song
agree , sad part is , She is mongolian not a TurkAllah akil versin!
allah yok kiAllah akil versin!
and what does her ethnicity have to do with my post about "beautiful and peaceful song" that triggered your racismagree , sad part is , She is mongolian not a Turk![]()
oh because its against the Arab mythology you follow as religion which is a surviving branch of ancient Mesopotamian belief ???The person thinks he know Tengrism while promoting altered version tengrism. that Turks didn't followed.
Would like to point out that bride kidnapping wasn't originally about being a malicious rapist like people assume but originated as a practice where a young man "kidnaps" a young woman who already agreed to marry him but her family disapproves as a way to force the family's acceptance of their union. Still messed-up not really in a "lock unwilling girl away in the basement and rape her repeatedly" way. It was also relatively rare until post-Soviet times where Soviet repression of Central Asian identity led to stuff like bridal kidnapping making a major comeback except as actual rape-y kidnapping and it unfortunately became way more common than ever before.True but a lot of people use these arguments to shit on people.
If Indians drink cow urine I could careless really not all of them do it just like how cannibalism is in certain parts of Africa and South America.
Does not mean they all engage in it.
Then again all of these happened due to a purpose, human societies are complex.
Kazakhstan has bride kidnapping while Afghanistan has bacha bazi.
Every society has some screwed up things but as I say these practices have existed for centuries.
Im not justifying we should all do it. But its stupid to even use every cultures flaws as a way to laugh at them or believing how superior or flawless their own culture is.
Would like to point out that bride kidnapping wasn't originally about being a malicious rapist like people assume but originated as a practice where a young man "kidnaps" a young woman who already agreed to marry him but her family disapproves as a way to force the family's acceptance of their union. Still messed-up not really in a "lock unwilling girl away in the basement and rape her repeatedly" way. It was also relatively rare until post-Soviet times where Soviet repression of Central Asian identity led to stuff like bridal kidnapping making a major comeback except as actual rape-y kidnapping and it unfortunately became way more common than ever before.