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Tiger Sharks once they get a hold of you. You are basically dead.

In Australia the biggest casualties come from Great Whites, Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks.

Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks are highly aggressive many people fear them more than Great White Sharks because Great White Sharks appear more in deep water while Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks are more closer to swimming where people would be. Bull Sharks also swim in rivers.

They have such a unpredictable nature.


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Tiger Sharks once they get a hold of you. You are basically dead.

In Australia the biggest casualties come from Great Whites, Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks.

Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks are highly aggressive many people fear them more than Great White Sharks because Great White Sharks appear more in deep water while Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks are more closer to swimming where people would be. Bull Sharks also swim in rivers.

They have such a unpredictable nature.
Check your alerts.


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It makes sense as the Turkic Race is not universal from Poland to Siberia.

All the Turkic Ethnic groups all have different appearances due to mixing with locals and the local environment you live in for centuries.
You gotta a point there but still the law has always been if your father is Turkish or Turkic you are Turk.
I guess we have to do three things

1.Develop the industry and economy ,make Turkish passport as good as Korean or Australia one

2.Ban the dual citizenship,Force everyone had dual citizenship, including me to choose one citizenship.

3.After 2 ,only the children of a Turkish father can automatically get TC citizenship.Any other case need to do much more thing(for example bring technology to TC) and swear loyalty to TC.


21 2,015
Just ignore them, you probably have better things to spend your time with.
every single word came out of his mouth is taught by tarikat i know what exactly you are doing with your green generation





sizi kimler fonladı de biliyorum
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every single word came out of his mouth is taught by tarikat i know what exactly you are doing with your green generation


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sizi kimler fonladı de biliyorum
I won't be reading your nonsense.


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every single word came out of his mouth is taught by tarikat i know what exactly you are doing with your green generation


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View attachment 58306

sizi kimler fonladı de biliyorum
The EU flag attached is telling.


21 2,015
religions cult and Turkish tarikats
here i will explain what is religions cult and how its operate the examples of them around the world and finally Turkish tarikats and their plan and exploitations

religions usually divided into sects with main idea and minor differences and the sects also divided into smaller cults with more degree of difference from the religion in the next level the cult become a new religion


tho religion may look similar to a cult there is one big differences that et them apart in religion you always born into but the cult, you become member

the structure of the cults are as follows

1) charismatic leader this leader is always between position himself between god and the person

2) the salvation path that only they offer

3) the chosen elite or few

4) they are present where government is not

5) they create parallels to the government or the organ of government

5) when grow large enough either takes over/control the government (turkish tarikat and japan/korea unifications church ) or create its own ( Khomeini and Iranian Islamic revaluation )

its a parasitic entity and feeding on people and when become strong enough its infect the government. its include ritual and some of them may be disgusting ( like eating or drinking the leaders shit, pis, sweat etc. ). some ritual may include sex drug or music. religious cults are collectivist in its nature and as collative the leader has strong grip over its followers in a way that the followers follow the command of the leader without questions this include offering their wealth or themselves/their wives to the leader or committing suicide remember the follower never say no to the leader they are that brainwashed . such devotion allows cults to exploit their followers in

1) economically
2) politically
3) sexually
4) power/position




Jonestown massacre 900 committing suicide by order of their leader when the cull discovered by government. mothers followed the command of the leader and posioned their children as they all migrated to heaven


davidian cult lead by David Koresh entered armed conflect with police and armed force resulted in 4 police 80 cult members death ( look like mini fetö huh ??)


movement for restoration of the ten commandments 800 dead in Kenya


heaven's gate cult 39 dead


and this dude in Taiwan 12 people die after this garbage last year told his followers to eat his shit to find salvation. such a devote followers remember this when i start the turkish tarikats


finally the cult that is very close to turkish tarikat the unification church. its a cult origin in korea moved to japan exploits the people financially politically and sexually. they also inject strong self hating among the japones and encouraging japones women to marry korean man ( sounds familiar isn't it ?? ). they heavy infiltrate the politics in both japan and korea as well as have money circulations in billions of dollars



lol the gun priest is very similar to the imam that said i have 2 guns with full magazine and after the election night if erdogan loses i know what to do

mass marriage by unifications church there was a time where this church married 3500 japaness woman to their Korean husbands in 1 go


shinzo abe leader of japan


asahi shimbun murderers shinzo abe. he was a former marine whom his life ruind by the unification church and seek vengeance on the politician who were connection to the church. when the asahi shimbun was a child his mother was member of unification church when his father dies he left behind around 700k dollar for asahi to inherited but his mother gave all of it to the unification church things get so bad that the mother gave everything she earn to the church to the point the children had to ask their uncle to food so they wont be starve. to the actions of his mother asahi had to abandon education and join the japan marine core. and finally he killed hinzo abe to seek revenge on the politician who was connected to the church that ruined his life.

don't forget the self hating part because the tarikat do the same​



21 2,015

ever since atatürk established the secular republic the tarikat lost their privileges the rebeled ofc but then crushed by turkish army. with atatürk came his revolutions well some of the most important of them are as follows

1) turkism as idendity
2) secularism
3) democracy and citizenship which followed by the legal right each citizens gain as a birth right
4) modernity
5) education

Atatürk's warning about tarikats

you see all of these were bad news for tarikats since they would lose their power over people. however as politicians are vote prostitutes, tarikat made a come back and they come back with revenge as they start their own counter revolution in 70s and its still continue. no need to remain you all they accepted help from any foreign government that had beef with turkey


afte tarikats lost the open war they go underground the remain there until politicians seek their aid in election since their mürid were the guaranty voting base for politicians. this had a drug addict effect on politicians as more they seek help the more they become reliance on tarikat. imagine you spend all the money on research planning and meetings and your rivals do nothing except giving money/position to tarikat members and your rival win the election cuz your vote base votes base on their freedom of choice while your rivals vote because their leaders told to. will you do the planning and meetings for next elections or will you seek the tarikat help to win the elections ??? and thats how tarikat become rich and powerful again and they made a come back with their counter revolution.

these are ataürk's reform

1) turkism as identity (turkey as homeland and turkish flag as national flag with turkish language as national language )
2) secularism
3) democracy and citizenship which followed by the legal right each citizens gain as a birth right
4) modernity
5) education

tarikat made the opposites they attack all the Atatürk's reforms

1) destruction of turkism and installation of ummatism/ ottomanism. they dont want turks to have any identity and islam should be the only identity of the turkish people and dont forget they are the one who control islam
2) removing secularism replacing it with sharia law in which only they are they one with authority to tell what the law is
3) replacing the democracy with hılafet and citizins by kul
4) they reject modernity and embrace backwardness of middle ages
5) they want to heavly control the education and if possible remove it for woman

when it come to anti turkism they attack

1) language. they add arabic and persian words to reverse the atatürks language reform
2) history. they create new revisionist history of the pass most of the time crazy and funny ( i wish greek had won so the hılafet wouldn't fall etc ) or destroy the turkish history before islam
3) culture they import as much as arabic and persian culture to replace turkish culture
4) and recently the unification church style marriages. im for free of choice when it come to marriage but this type of marriage in industrial level carry out by mürids it is clear what it is ( it is part of the green generation project )

hence the Turkish VS ottoman people conflict



here tarikat member brainwashing his children that the festival/ holiday of children that is putten by atatürk for the turkish children is not their holiday

ottoman people saying that the anatolia is occpuied by secular people

here they are saying that the voting and democrasi is a lie and they want hilafet

here the guy is been ask whether he is a turkist in which he answer never then been ask whether he is islamist and he answer absolutely

tarikat groups and the categories remember necmettin erbakan and turgut özal belongs to the iskenderpaşa tarikat

tar 1.PNG

after nakşbendi the greatest sect in turkey was nurcular and the most famous tarikat of this sect was Fethullahçılar or Fetö for short ( the same tarikat that did the 2016 coupe )

map of tarikats in 90s



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21 2,015

each tarikat have its own ritual as you can see in the videos its done in a group its called rabita



the manzil tarikat leader will be called gavs with godly power he is the guy who is the connection between god and the follower. the followers are demanded to pray to gavs then to god. in the picture above he is forgiving the sinse of his followers the ritual called tövbe ipi or the repent robe. ( remember this gavs guy is a godly man with miracles )

some ritiuals however come from other countries such as iran


here the fully grown man is barking like a dog and claiming he is the dog of HZ gavs the origin of the ritual came from shia belief in iran they proclaim that they are the dog of HZ hüseyin the shia iranian just some how install their culture on sunnies


and ofc the throne of HZ gavs the famous altın varaklı taht
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21 2,015
economic activates of tarikats
as you know one of the tactics that taikats use is to used their followers vote as weapon in election to extract money or favors from politicians

beside of that they relay on follower to gather money for them work for them for free and advertise for them
tarikat leader can ban certin products to their followers for example tarikat claimed that the chocolate company ETi used pic oil in their product thats why they should brought ulker's product instead agian just like politict they use their followers as weapon in economy in a way that its become impossible to do bussines without biat to tarikats nowadays tarikats become holdings nad their follower only buy the brands tht belongs to the tarikat they became economy within economy

brand that are connected with tarikat


even if you dont watch the all the videos above just watch the first 5 min. back in 90s there was something called yeşil sermaye in which the islamist scammed the conservatives turk up to 4 billion dollars


haşim bayram the great scammer


21 2,015
now the sexual exploitation the most famous casein 90s was fadime şahin who was raped by tarikat sheik ho claimed that the god have ordered him to to it


today tarikat trying to cover their dirty past by claiming that she was a MİT agents who was task to blackend the name of tarikat and showing her without head scarf as proof. honestly after what happend to her i would wonder if she remain a muslim. 10 year ago i was a muslim but no more

here ismail saymaz explain how badeci imam have sex with his male follower then with his wife then with his brother then brother's wife then brother's friend and so on and so forth


and the famouse badeci imam who had sexual intercourse with both man and woman of his tarikat using religion in some cases he command his follower to bring his wife in order to go to heaven. there are many cases like this in some tarikat like fetö they keep album of girl so the high ranking members of tarikat could choose



and the tragic one was the marriage of 6 years old to a tarikat member with permission of the father of the girl since they were following the tradition of prophet mohammed and it was sevab the tarikat sheik made the marriage and the governmet was unaware since they didint make it offical since they do not recognise the turkish government authority on marriage only the sheik

after this rezalet you may think they hide under a rock or something but no they made protest in defence of their sheik

let me explain how we discover this the girl due to the sickness goes to hospital when they saw the child is married doctors called the police at the court the fake document that she is older then she was the juge which was the tarikat member ordered the test to determined the age and the lab which the test was done and all the doctors were also members of tarikat so they bring an older girl and took her test in instead she also gave birth when she was under age and they register some other older girl from tarikat as the mother when she become over 20 year old he realized what happened to her, she go to lawyer then recorded the conversation with her husband where husband admit that marring her at age 6 was mistake. after the publication i dont know what happened to her case


there was the case that i hear a voice record of tarikat şeyh he said to his follower that yeah i rape your daughter ( under age girl ) and if you want i can marry her to preserve her honor. there was another tarikat in kara deniz region where they force 40 to 45 in age of middle school boys to give oral sex and so on and so forth the endless exploit we hear about tarikats



justice minister kissing the hand of tarikat leader
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